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Old 10-17-2005, 05:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Motorsport-SVX
but I still have a set of your white faced gauges
They didnt match up to the svx, and I never got
a refund on. Bought them at least 3 yrs ago just as
you where getting out of the whole scene and I was
getting into it. Think the ones you sent me fit a

I'm assuming that this is Dayle from Motorsports Warehouse or an employee.

We never, I repeat we never sold white face gauges for any Subaru or any

Therefore we never sold or could have sold you White Face gauges.

If this is Dayle; you were in direct competition with us during the last 2 years we were in business,(2000 and 2001). Meaning why would you buy stuff from us.

Don't know how old you are or how old you're getting but I think you're starting to loose it a little.

We did have a link on the old website that asked if anyone was interested in purchasing white face gauges to e-mail us name and phone number. If we received interest from 50 or more people them we could have them made.

Out of the hundreds of e-mails we received we only had 34 people inquire over the 4 years we sold SVX parts.

Needless to say that we never had them made, or even sold anything close to white face gauges.

Hope this clears things up.

-Richard Silva-
Kinetic Concepts '98-'01
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