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Old 10-04-2005, 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by joeaxial
The problem with re-positioning the needle is that my speedo is about 10% off. The inacuracy is not linear with increased speed. So the difference between indicated speed and actual speed increases the faster you drive. For example 70 mph indicated = 63 mph actual or 7 mph off, 90 mph indicated = 81 mph actual or 9 mph off. If I were to simply re-position the needle, the speedo would only be truly accurate at one speed.

I think I've heard of an electronic box that can be wired in with your speed sensor that will allow corrections. Has anyone else heard of such a thing?

I am also having the same exact problem with my speedo after my 4.44 swap, but i didn't get an exact or approximate remedy to correct it.

I would be more than happy if someone comes up with something to correct this.

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