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Old 09-15-2005, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Hocrest
If I come up with a floppy to boot with, what are the chances that I would have access to an external USB drive that I could move my files to??

This LT has the wireless capablity but not the hardware.
very slim. if you're booting from a floppy, and using dos like Bipa recommended, it won't support USB devices.

you're best bet, IMO, is to go to the nearest bestbuy's, compusa, whatever and buy an ide to micro-ide adapter for $5. then take the harddrive out of the laptop and attach it to a desktop with a working OS to copy the data over.

where does the laptop freeze up? does it get past the memory check or does it freeze up when windows is trying to load? either way, the easiest way to get the pics off is to do what i told you. after you pull it out and copy the data over, you can run disk management tools to see if the drive has bad sectors. if it does, then get yourself a new lappy or a new harddisk. they are cheap nowadays.

you can definitely use the same size drives. all you would need is windows to load back onto the drive. the drivers can be downloaded off toshiba's website, burned to a cd, and then used to complete the install.

good luck.
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