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Old 06-28-2005, 10:19 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Mr. Pockets
I just don't understand what makes some people think behavior like that is okay.
I know someone like this. She will ride your bumper until you move, no matter how fast you are already going or how many cars are in front of you. EVERY car ride is a race to get to her destination as fast as possible, despite the fact that 99% of the time there is no rush for her to get there. I frequently see her on my drive home glued to the back bumper of some poor guy who can't get out of her wasy fast enough. I refuse to go anywhere in her car.

Here's the kicker: first of all she has a horrible driving record and pays ungodly amounts to insure her car. Apparently she is made of money because that has not slowed her down a bit. Secondly SHE SELLS CAR INSURANCE for a living! Maybe it's just me, but I think someone who is in the business would know better than to drive around like an idiot!!

I'm no angel, and I do like to speed now and then in light traffic or back roads. But most of my driving is within 10 mph over the limit and I rarely pass anyone. I leave with plenty time to get where I'm going, and I just go with the flow. It's amazing what people will do to shave a few minutes off of their drive.

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