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Old 06-10-2005, 02:10 PM
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I do find it ironic that the people (conservatives) who argue that we should accept what the gov't tells us and does are also the ones that claim to be "true Americans".

This is a bit wierd for me, seeing as how our country was based on an opposite principle.

Going with the "wearing helmets in cars" idea. what would you say if the government required you to wear a helmet? I'd like some opinions...

Think about it..

What about the "click it or Ticket" law. Its the same thing. SAME exact thing. What is the thought process behind laws like this?

As a law enforcement professional and a military reservist, it has been my experience (11 years+) that only criminals cry about rights being violated. If the FBI has nothing better to do then look up what web sites I visit, go ahead. Get a grip and grow up.
Okay, so if i walk in your house, rifle through your ****, check every website you've ever visited, find some random website that is in arabic, and arrest and detain you for a month, then release you and say, whoops, you're not a terrorist... you'd be cool with this? you could have been a terrorist though. or maybe you were a commie... we weren't sure...

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Last edited by drivemusicnow; 06-10-2005 at 02:17 PM.
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