Thread: sometimes...
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Old 03-07-2002, 12:23 PM
Posts: n/a

you just have to wonder where people's brains went. i take my car in today to get the brakes done b/c they finally came in...tell them to also check out electrical too. i also ordered a new rack and pinion, but wasn't going to have that done till next weekend b/c i need my car this weekend...and that message was relayed to them. so i get a call just about 15 minutes ago saying that they spent the whole morning tearing my rack and pinion out to find out that 'oops, they didn't have the right one.' turns out that the one they ordered didn't have the little wire on top for the solenoid. i mean, i told them, DON'T DO THE RACK AND PINION TODAY...and it's the first thing they hop to. anyways, dipsh*ts already ripped it out...they're going to put my new brakes on right now. but i'm not sure how that's going to help when i can't drive my baby. they said they can't put it back in (rack and pinion, that is)...and the other one will be here by next tuesday at the earliest. oh, but they will get me a rental...yay...geo metro here i come!!!!! but at least i got to reap the benefits of doing the alternator mod...for one whole spectacular night i had low beams that blinded everyone...and a car that started almost before you turned the key to crank it anyways, sorry all, just needed to vent...maybe that extra couple hundred to take it to the subaru dealer is worth it...heh

Last edited by srmifer; 03-07-2002 at 12:26 PM.
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