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Old 04-27-2005, 09:20 PM
Shadow248 Shadow248 is offline
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Originally Posted by Landshark
it has to do with the fact that as long as people will pay money for things, they will be provided by somebody who will take their money.
Unfortunately the truth will never change.

Originally Posted by Landshark
sure, you and i aren't in the market for a $150,000 600+hp, leather n' wood filled luxo-cruiser, but apparently people are. what's the big deal? you'll never buy one, so don't spend another minute worrying about whether its a good value or not - the people who are buying them aren't interested in "good value".
Obviously. But i'll take your advice and stop talking about it.

Originally Posted by Landshark
well if they are trying to make you happy, then they care about their customers, no?
To a point, yes. If they really CARED about their customers, they'd put more than a bunch of expensive appointments in their cars. Maybe like a good reliable chassis and motor? Just a thought, but it COULD help.

Originally Posted by Landshark
depends on your definition of "great". for just slightly more, i could buy a WRX with AWD, more power, and IMO, a nicer interior.
Ahh but now you're jumping classes. Regardless of that fact, alot of people seem to disagree with your interior evaluation. The Cobalt has hands down the nicest interior in it's class. No one who has tested the cars in that class would disagree. But it is all opinion based, so I can't say that you are WRONG. As for the price, for the same price as your WRX, I can get a G6 GTP with more power, and an interior that no one in their right mind would pass up for the econobox WRX interior's feel. But so what?

My point was there hasn't been a review of the Cobalt where it hasn't been said that "this is one of the best compacts available right now". Some contend it IS the best. That's why I said it was a GREAT car.

Originally Posted by Landshark
i say i do - because power can be a safety feature that can get you out of trouble. recent post from the legacy forums:
"So, I'm coming home from work on Friday afternoon on a main road (3 lanes in each direction) and I stop at a red light in the right lane behind six or seven cars. I'm waiting for the light and happen to glance in my rear view mirror. I see a gray car drifting over onto the shoulder about 100 yds. back and then weaving back into my lane... I continue to look and the car continues to weave without slowing down. I am able to see that the driver's head (the car is closer now) is pointed down (like she's looking for something in the console) and not looking at the road.

As fast as my 40 year old reflexes could be mustered, I slammed the LGT into 1st gear and accelerated hard and to the right into an empty right turn lane as the idiot in the gray car locked up the brakes and got sideways... I look back and I see that the gray car has stopped about 1 foot short of the car that was in front of me waiting for the light. I swear that if I drove a Legacy 2.5i I would not have gotten out of the way fast enough."
But then you say my overpowered car is unecessary? In the time it took him to move the distance he did, I could have been at the nearest police station!

Originally Posted by NapaBavarian
That would a personal opinion, and in many ways very true, but after siting in a 2003 Corvette yesterday just after driving a 1968 MBZ for 2+ hours I'd say that the interrior felt newer, but not nicer, with the MBZ everything (switches and such) felt smooth and precicse, even after 400,000 miles, the corvette felt auckward and clunky, infact it felt way to similar to the truck I am preparing to buy.
Opinion yes.

I've been in three classic MBs. To compare the interiors in those martian contraptions to anything made this days is ridiculous. I'm sure it FELT more solid, because of the absence of PLASTIC (which was the norm in those days), but to say it felt NICER is pretty insane. I always thought the C5's interior was a notch nicer than my WS6's, and none of those MB's interiors even fell in the same ballpark as my WS6. Sorry, but I think you are temporarily insane.

That is, of course, an opinion.

Originally Posted by NapaBavarian
You have indicated in the past that interriors don't affect you much, but I feel that is one of the most important parts of the car since I often spend 3-5 hours at a time there, probably 20 hours a week, and my cab is my office.
Interiors are important to me, but I guess we have a different definition of what is important. To me, If I can still be as comfortable after 1 hour in the car as I am when I first get in it, then what do I have to complain about? Basically a pleasant color, reasonably convenient design, a comfortable seat and reasonable noise levels are all I ask for. My WS6 handles all that with extreme finesse, except maybe the noise category, but I understand that the sound deadening material required to quiet that exhaust roar would have added enough weight to the car that I would then be complaining about that. I'm not one of THOSE kinds of people,
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