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Old 03-29-2005, 06:00 PM
WGJ WGJ is offline
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How To Check Tranny Temps

Since no amount of reasoning or argueing from authority will ease the pain of some of the bellyaching PWR customers (apparently a pretty small minority) and since a quite reasonable request has been made to stay "on thread" I thought some of you who, like me, got in because of concern for auto tranny temps, might be interested in this bit of info. My tranny expert has a really neat solution to the problem of determining just how hot the tranny is running. He recommends using "temperture recording strips". These things are the size of a small band aid with tiny little sequential blisters and you simply stick them on the trans. The blisters change color when a particular temp is reached w/the highest reading being 275 degrees. Obviously a temp gauge is more acurate but they're also another potential source of leaks. And they have to be installed. The strip will record the highest temp your tranny reaches and you've got around a week to get under there and check results. They cost $5 apiece. For more info or to order some call Kevan at Southern California Transmission 619 523 1222
The other device for determining tranny temp Kevan showed me is a laser like instument. You merely aim the beam at the tranny and it will record the temp. Check with your neighborhood tranny shop and see if one near you has one. Kevan says they are v. accurate (my skin temp showed 99 deg.) and whoever's got one should test your tranny for free. Temps 250 degrees and up and your tranny's not long for this world. There's two inexpensive ways to see how effectively your trans cooler set up is working.
Hope this is helpful.

Last edited by WGJ; 03-29-2005 at 06:13 PM.
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