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Old 03-29-2005, 03:46 PM
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Beav Beav is offline
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I don't know if they're still available but in the '60s my mom had 'kidney pills' that did just that. My buddy and I threw a handful in the grape drink fountain at the local municipal swimming pool where he was working one summer. The kiddie pool turned into an inkwell almost immediately. One rather large woman dog-paddling across the main pool, leaving a uh... dark purple cloud behind her raised so much hel that the management fired all the concession help by day's end.

Some people have no sense of humor.

Originally Posted by Darksied-X
See, I don't really want anything that'll cause any pain or discomfort. Not to mention, I'll be easy to balme, cause I'm not doing it to myself.

I was thinking something along those lines to begin with. I can't remember the name of it, but there's a oder-less, taste-less, color-less powder that you can put in their drink and it'll make them pee bright red for 2 days. I doesn't hurt the person in any way, but I know the first I would do if I started peeing red would be to call a doctor. I still want to keep this somewhat light hearted, and keep my job.
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