Thread: i'm sad :(
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Old 03-04-2005, 09:25 PM
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Noir Noir is offline
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dang, it's too bad i didn't have a video camera to film it or else you'd get quite a laugh out of it kelli, but a buddy of mine just got lasik surgery to correct his vision. he needed a ride afterwards so i went to pick him up. talk about chemical imbalances, they drugged him up with valium and it was quite a sight. dude was stumbling around like ray charles in the uber cool rayban knockoffs while making retarded (yet extremely funny) statements all over the place.

i'd better not put some of the statements up here. they maybe ban material, but they were hilarious. had all the personel in the facility and other lasik guinea pigs laughing.

apparently some negative side effects of valium was the paranoia that the poor chump experienced. dude called me later stating that the boogyman was in his house and somehow he tripped off the alarm while looking for a place to hide.

the verdict: valium's bad mmkay?

Alycone can you get me some valium from canada please?

Last edited by Noir; 03-04-2005 at 09:28 PM.
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