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Old 04-24-2001, 11:31 AM
Posts: n/a
Post Yeay! Finally registered

Well, they first gave me the old saw that the VIN didn't match the owner - duh, it's been sold since it was new. After faxing them my title certificate, I was able to register the car. I got some very, very useful info on this car. Like all the warranty service records that have been done by Subaru dealerships on it (COOL!) and any updates on recalls etc. Now I can post any "adventures" or stories I have. Hmmm, I'll have to select a good one, seeing as how I may be one of a very few SVX owners registered right now.
They're also working on a chat area where we can talk to people from SOA. Double cool.
I recommend everyone register who has a '95 or newer. They'll probably ask for verification of ownership if you bought yours used, but getting that service record info will be well worth it, believe me!
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