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Old 03-01-2005, 05:55 AM
dcarrb dcarrb is offline
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Originally posted by ThetaReactor
That concept needs the cockpit pushed back a bit. I absolutely hate cab-forward designs. Give me more hood. Can't have too much hood. Look at the Jaguar E-type, they got the proportions right. I do like the front end, though. I want headlights and a grill like that for the SVX.

The Legacy can't pull off the windows, either. Needs a lower, longer profile. If you'll notice, the SVX tends to have one of the lowest rooflines in the average parking lot. I was almost shocked when I parked next to a 'Vette and realized how low my car really is.
I agree about the "cab-forward" look, and given Subaru's conventional north-south driveline configuration (as God intended), I wonder if that concept car's powerplant and tranny would have to sit sideways.

I'd guess as many folks have remarked about my SVX's low profile as about the windows. Forget this tall/boxy/angular foolishness that seems so popular now; I'll take low, sleek and sexy any day.

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