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Old 04-19-2001, 11:36 AM
Posts: n/a
since it's been like 4 months or so since everyone's heard about how my ride fares, I figgered I'd share my TODO list for some comments.

That and I love how this board threads. This list is in 'priority' order

- Replace Rack&Pinion and Power Steering Pump - leaky leaky - Parts ~$600, Labor = Free (becuase my dad is doing it)

- Replace RF Axel (cv joint is near-death) - Part $100~ for a rebuilt, Labor Free from pop done at the same time as the steering

- Transmission: Have flushed, refill with RedLine High-Temp ATF. New filter. Possibly get new cooler

- ECU Mod: still need to see if that needs to be done.

- Exterior: winter was hard. Black roof parts have scratches from fell tree branch (antenna already replaced). Passenger side door has scratches from pole in parking garage no thanks to my neigbor's sh!tty parking job. Also showing rust not related to scratches. Driver-side rear bumper has paint scratched clean off and dent above. Some f00ker that did the old hitnrun. large scratch on hood has been there since purchase.

Exterior 'plans' (non-inclusive of getting the dent pulled out)

Plan A) Repaint bottom half grey. I like the concept of the grey bottom SVX. I saw one near Grafton on easter. As much as I like being part of the Tux club, sorry arudub.

Plan B) Have damaged parts repainted. cheaper...but mabye not possible?

Other than the above, the car runs fanstastic. All the exterior damage is somewhat dissapointing. I'm looking for some advice on the paint job, and any pitfalls about the steering system that I can pass on to my dad when he gets to work on it.
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