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Old 11-18-2004, 10:47 PM
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nextse7en nextse7en is offline
Graphic Artist
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Eugene, OR
Posts: 789
Glad you like it...

Wow, I didn't think so many people would like it.

The following is a how to of sorts...

In your trunk remove the false floor over the spare tire, roll up the carpet and gently peel back the trim (carefull not to break the little plastic retainers...

Using a deep 10mm socket - remove the 6 nuts holding in the taillamp assembly to the car- disconnect the wire plug and take the assembly inside.

Preheat your oven to 225 degrees.

Remove the light bulbs.

Using a flat head screwdriver - pry the housing away from the tabs on the lens gently - and insert somthing (I used paperclips) to keep the housing pulled away from the tabs.

Once that is done, your ready to bake!!!

Oven temps vary - use a thermomiter to ensure your oven doesn't exceed 225 degress - anything hotter than this will PERMANANTLY WARP AND DESTROY YOUR LENSES, it's not my fault if your significant other come in the kitchen and decides to cook dinner and turns the oven up. (This happened to me on my sidemarkers)

Put the lens (one at a time, to give you time to work) in the oven for about 7 minutes - watch them carefully to insure that nothing odd is happening to them.

When they come out - they should be nearly to hot to touch - using a flathead screwdriver - carefully pry the lens away from the housing enough to allow you to grab the edge of the lens with one hand and the housing with the other. Pull slowly - the parts should separate fairly easily - if you have condensation in your lenses - wear gloves - the steam that comes out my be hot enough to burn you.

If its hard to pull apart STOP!!! One of your tabs is still holding onto the housing - OR- you havn't gotten the unit hot enough... Failure to heed this advice will result in this...

Assuming you had no trouble - pull out the diffuser and that flexy plastic thingus and discard it - thats the little bugger responsible for all of your condensation problems....

For those of you who asked... the diffuser looks like this.

Wax and buff both sides of your lens thougroghly. (I used turtlewax)

Put the housing and the lens back in the oven - same temp same time, this is to make it easier to press the lens back into the housing...

Press the lens back into the housing - taking care to press it ALL the way back in - if you don't, the lens will stick out from the body of your car in an unattractive way.

Installation is the reverse of removal.

1995 Ebony Pearl. S.N. 0001 "Araby"

JDM Power Mode Switch, Integrated GPS/Video Player
6Xk Miles.

1992 Teal - Sold to Mysvxrocks
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