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Old 09-09-2004, 12:20 PM
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Royal Tiger Royal Tiger is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Lehigh Valley, PA
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I thought they got the identities from the passenger manifest. Anyone could book a flight on 9-10-01. It's not like Abdulla Shariff reported her son missing in Mecca the next day. So what happened to the missing flight? Where did it go? Did the U.S. government blow a missle into the Pentagon to start a war with Iraq? No. WTC had already happened and there are photos and film of that happening. It's not like the FDR conspiracy with Pearl Harbor. There was no reason to kill Americans for the "Grand Plan". If anything, 9/11 proved how grateful we were that Gore wasn't in office. It's possible that the building, being made in the 50's, in a time of the great red scare, was built pretty tough. Maybe enough to survive in a nuclear enviroment people thought was very possible in Eisenhower's time. When the second plane hit Tower One in NYC, watch the video. The windows very near the crash, did NOT break. Not every plane crash can be matched to another. Do we have a database of other plane into building strikes to compare damage? Maybe the Al Quieda were on the grassy knoll in Dallas in '63.
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