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Old 09-09-2004, 07:33 AM
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Royal Tiger Royal Tiger is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Lehigh Valley, PA
Posts: 2,452
Looks like micheal a$$ boy moore is now making up internet videos as well. Anyone who paid to watch any of his crap is a bonehead. He admitted, after being blasted by the truth, he "adjusted" his numbers in Bowling for Columbine, "for artistic reasons" and "to enhance the stories theme". Great documentry work there. The truth doesn't need "adjusting". Most of his 9/11 film is made up of "adjusted" numbers and sources. The fact that millions of brainless baboons in this country believe his crap is what scares me. I stood post at McGuire AFB on 9/14 when Bush flew Air Force One to McGuire then into Marine One to Ground Zero. I had worked night shift on the PD and got home around 0645 to a phone call to report to the base. I stayed up the whole next day with a helmet, flak jacket, and a M-16 as my only company. I watched the F-15's fly CAP over McGuire and knew the world had changed. I didn't need micheal moore to "adjust" the truth for me. Our Squadron was activated on 23 SEP. I spent 18 months on Active Duty away from work and my family. I'm voting for Bush in November. 84%(est.) of the currently serving military are voting for Bush according to Gallup. That includes the people actually dieing for this country in Iraq. micheal moore can't "adjust" that fact.
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