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Old 09-08-2004, 09:54 PM
Posts: n/a
n There is NO damage to the lawn. None. What's really interesting is that since someone sent this to me, I've been on a little research adventure.

What's odd is this:

Right after it happened, people kept describing the plane as a 'woosh', 'an 8-12 passenger plane', 'high pitched whine like a fighter jet', 'like a missile'.....

A day or two later, all the witnesses were claiming it was a plane 'exactly like the ones the flew into the WTC"

What else is kinda funny is how professionally the plane was piloted, yet the 'hijackers' were dumb enough to leave behind a Koran and generic instructions on how to fly a plane in their language in the rental car they returned to the airport.

Why would they leave these two things?

This is getting weird.......
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