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Old 08-20-2004, 05:41 PM
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The Idiot driver of the Month Award

So here's the story:

I'm driving from my house in Jersey to my parents in Delaware. I'm cruising with traffic in a part of RT 1 thats 4 lanes wide. I'm in the left-center lane with a car to my left on the outside, noone on my right. About a 2 truck lengths ahead is a camper and to his right is a silver Toyota.

I don't know where it came from but all of a sudden this huge card board box pops into view in front of the Toyota (coming from the direction of the Camper). Everone sees it. The guy beside me breaks, I see the toyota breaking and can tell he's got a good chance of hitting it. If he hits it who knows were it will go. So I start breaking and check the 2 right lanes. There clear and I shift over.

I look back around to assess the situation. There's the Toyota and the other cars. Everyones is off the breaks now, but Im not seeing the box. I figure the toyota must have clipped it and sent it off into the grass. I get back into my lane and start coming up on the Toyota. Im 1 lane over and about 2 car lengths back. Next thing I know the guy is swurving around (but atleast he's not leaving his lane. I back off but my momentum carrys me alittle closer.

Then I see it, the box stuck on the front of his car. It's sticking about a foot above his grill. He was swerving trying to shack it off instead of moving over to the shoulder to remove it. About 5 miles later I was taking my exit and he was still driving with a box stuck on his grill. I wander how far he makes it before his car overheads because of a blocked radiator?
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