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Old 07-21-2004, 12:11 AM
Posts: n/a
Umm, I believe the fact that I don't have any useless $#!t to post could itself be considered useless $#!t...?

But in case my declaration of a lack of useless $#!t to post is not sufficiently useless, here's what I have on my desk at work:

- Metallica figurines by Macfarlane

- 10th anniversary Spawn figurine by Macfarlane

- a cheesy dolphin souvenir from Florida

- an eBay coffee mug

- a plant of some sort

- a Sony CD player with big honkin' DJ-style headphones

- a picture of the MA5T3R with a headstone that a co-worker made for me, it reads "RIP The Master... Here lies the Master, who knew he'd be such a disaster"

- a bunch of CDs

- some orbit gum (the pink kind)

- my cell phone, keys, purse, etc.

- a buddha statuette

- a teddy bear

- a stuffed mongoose called RASCI
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