Thread: New news
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Old 04-07-2001, 03:38 PM
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Chris Chris is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
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Posts: 928
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Sure is quiet around here

OK, on to the news. You may or amy have not noticed the changes, so I am telling everyone here. First off, Sith has been added to the assistant administrators team. His motivation and programming is well appreciated. His first deed was the change on the main news page that shows the names of people who are currently in the chat room. Make sure you refresh this page to keep it accurate. Other joint projects was the transfer of the Yah@@ message database from his server to this site. I updated the code for the forums software and this fixed the email problems as well as search features, new additions to PMs (private messaging) and a few other glitches. More is to come. I have had requests for the ability to view all the messages in "Yah@@" form. I am looking into the possibility. This will not change it for everyone else, calm down. This will be a viewing profile option for those who want it. The main forum page will also soon bear the names of chat room people. The foot locker project (kinda like Yah@@ briefcase areas) is still in the talks and development stages. Hope everyone enjoys the changes and know that there is more to come. Again, welcome Sith as not just a memeber of the board, but an administrator. For those of you with ego problems, this doesnt mean he knows more about SVXs than you... just programming! . He is helping to take some load off of me with required work.

SVX Admin
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