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Old 05-19-2004, 04:03 PM
nysvx10 nysvx10 is offline
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Location: Syracuse, New York
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Red face Really mad about cracked engine...need advice fast

Ok so since last september, I have only been able to drive my baby for about 1 whole month. The other times she was in my driveway awaiting a rebuild, then I she was running fine until prom night last month. Was a classic prom story, break down wearing a tuxedo along with your date. The power steering pump decided that prom night was the night to go, spray fluid all over the engine and leave us stranded. Well anyways I got my new to me PS pump yesterday and installed it without any major problems. I have a new O ring coming tomorrow for it, and the PS seemed to be working fine and I worked the squeal out, hile test driving it I notice a leak...but not power steering but coolant. I look under the PS pump and notice puddles of coolant. So today I undid all of yesterdays work and removed the PS pump to discover that the bolt in the back which also holds on the resivoir had cracked the engine block. It is not that bad of a crack and it is on the raised "fins" portion of the engine. My dad is running out tonight to get some JB weld and we wil let it cure over night. Hopefully I will have her running by this weekend for the ball, or else I will have to drive my date in my parents '95 caravan.

So my question is: has anybody used JB wled and how did it hold up ?Also besides the little puddles of coolant there is a little coolant leaking from around the crossmember of the tranny. Not sure if it is just running back or what...but I think it was becasue it was dripping on to the exhaust..

I can post pics too if anyones interested.

Just thought that I would share my bad experience, and don' tighten those bolts too much.

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