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Old 04-21-2004, 10:04 PM
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Originally posted by Chicane

and yes... the compressor costs money. So does everything else, but yet, SOMEHOW, some stations manage to 'afford' to let us have free compressed air. Maybe they should put a special lock that only opens if you slide in a 1 dollar bill on the bathrooms? I mean, afterall, those toilets cost money. Heck, the powerbill is probably pretty pricey, maybe they could charge for admission? And they pay property taxes, so maybe there should be a toll on all the entrances?
let's not get into a flame war here ok? this is my little happy thread about getting out of debt, work, fine women, and svx's .

but just to drop in my .05, it doesn't bother me if they charge a quarter to use their compressor. i don't know if you realize, but compressors break and fixing it is costly. before i bought mine i asked doug who gave some valuable advice. after which i did some searches on the internet, then got some advice from contractors shopping for air tools as well as the people who worked at the store. i spent a little more so that i could buy a compressor that would meet my needs and have the option to be repaired at a reasonable price. what's my point in this story? well if the station is offering that as a service, i don't see why they should take a loss for providing and extra service to their clients for a minimal price. remember they are in the business of making money, not losing it. i thought you said you read ann rynd's book atlas shrugged. sounds like looting to me.

also remember people don't use those air compressors just for tires, i've seen people who fill their tanks with air there.

more use = more wear and tear = more repairs = more money

that's a funny point that you made about the bathrooms. actually, i know quite a few of the branch managers or owners of establishments in my neighborhood (i.e. blockbusters, tower records, small bookstores, etc.) because i'm a regular and also i like to chat with them. i've seen some of their restrooms out of order for the longest time. one day i saw someone ask them if it was possible to use their toilets, they said it was out of order. after they left i asked the branch manager of blockbuster how come someone hasn't fixed the toilet yet. she told me that they did have it fixed, it's just that they were sick and tired of people using their bathrooms. apparently, the toilets started getting stopped up and such and needed a plumber to come in for repairs all the time. people kept throwing brown paper towels in the toilet, tons of toilet paper being used and maybe not flushed, people not being courteous and leaving big messes where employees have to clean up. so what happens? well you lose the privilege to use their toilets. seems like a fair deal to me. i'll mention to them that maybe they should install a latch that requires that they pay with their membership cards or credit cards to use their facility. install sensors for flushing, sensors for paper towel dispensing and receptacle sensors to detect if you properly disposed of paper correctly or taking a photo after you leave. if the facility is soiled or ruined after your use, you will be billed for the repairs and any damages done. sounds fair to me.

i don't take things for granted. guess that's why i get late charges waived and free movies, get good treatment at the places i frequent, and the ability to use their facilities as i see fit .

apparently that's a new trend for some of these businesses, the lack of a working bathroom to the public. bery bery interesting.
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