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Old 04-06-2004, 08:01 PM
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Originally posted by Reaper450128
I appreciate the support Noir, Chiketkd. The other thought that's been in my mind, particularly since the backlash from certain members began, is that competition creates innovation, so if this is a competition, the community can only benefit from it. All I really set out to do is prove him wrong on the point that a turbo kit capable of the same gains couldn't be setup for siginificantly cheaper than his setup, so that's my primary goal. If it results in a decently effective turbo kit for our cars, all the better, if not then his supercharger will still be there as an option for those who want it.

As far as the timing, the e-Manage is capable of handling that as well; it may be fun figuring out how to wire it in, but we'll see.

As far as fabrication costs, I'm not looking at that many custom parts. There will be a modification to the existing manifold sending both sides to a collector at the turbine, a pipe back from the turbine to around the points where the headers attach to the exhaust now, and two pipes for the intake. None of them are particularly complicated. From what I've seen of other people getting pipe work done it shouldn't be that expensive, and I think it could pretty easily fit in the remaining $500 of my estimate, though I suppose another $100 or $200 beyond that is possible.

Its a little interesting that someone mentioned an Eclipse, as that's where many of the parts are coming from (the turbo, blow-off, injectors). I need to check with my "consultant" (DSM-owning friend whose given me most of my setup ideas) to be certain, but the wastegate should be dumping into the normal exhaust system, I see no reason why that would cause a problem. And tomssvx, how is this not a normal engine? I see nothing particularly special about it, no issues that would be present with this that won't be in Michael's setup.

Now, unfortunately as I mentioned, just so everyone understands I'm only a college kid on a living on a Wal-Mart paycheck. As long as I'm living at home (the forseeable future right now) most of that paycheck can go towards this, but it will probably take me a while to have anything to show. On top of that, none of this is coming off the drawing board until my transmission is finished and reinstalled, though that should be soon, just awaiting a few parts.
well if you can make it and prove the gains along with prove that you setup is safe, i'm in for it. heck make a few bucks in the process, i have no problem with that. i'll be awaiting the completion of your project.
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