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Old 03-09-2004, 03:20 PM
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Noir Noir is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
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Originally posted by Andy

Nice one Harry, drive carefully

eh, happens. someone's got to help get the county budget out of the red.

i'm going to take it like a man and not cry about it like some. first thing i did when the cop pulled me over was ... call a lawyer. he told me what to do to keep the ticket from getting on my record. i don't care about paying the fine, just no ulgy's on my record .

was i speeding? yup. by how much? 15mph over speed limit on an 2 lane, one way access road. posted speed limit was 45. driving conditions was good, no traffic whatsoever on the roads. what was really amusing was the stuckpig that actually had the balls to jump out in front of my car (physically) and motion me to pull over. not very smart in my opinion. i could have very well ran him over. that very night on the news, there were warnings to watch for someone who was posing as a police officer harassing people. he could be armed and dangerous is what was said on the news.

wonder if i would have gotten off . prolly not.

Harry <--safe driver, unless on deserted mountain roads.
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