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Old 02-05-2004, 11:04 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by b3lha
I think that 30mpg+ is certainly possible, although I've never tried it. Obviously I'm talking English gallons, not US.

It seems odd to me that some people are measuring their mpg while driving at 75mph or more. That is much too fast to be economical. The faster you go, the more air resistance you will encounter and the more fuel you must burn to overcome it.

Here's how I would go about it:

Find a big truck doing a steady 55 on the motorway, get up real close behind so you're in his slipstream, then lock on the cruise control and sit there for 3 hours - although it will feel like 6 hours. (Read a newspaper or something to keep awake ).

Even better, slot in between two trucks to benefit from front and rear slipstream effect.

This is what I do when the low-fuel light is on and I'm 50 miles from the next petrol station. The rest of the time I drive like a maniac, and don't care about fuel economy.
Not true...I get my best mileage at a steady 95 MPH cruise with the TC locked up at just under 3,000 RPMs.
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