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Old 11-26-2003, 09:14 PM
Bobb Bobb is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Ypsilanti,Michigan
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Hi everyone, Arondale, nice job. No wonder you had to drive 120mph. To make up for all the time you spent taking pictures. I have a Fuji With 3.1 mega-pixels. I haven't used it enough to feel comfortable with it. I do have my eye on the new Pentax ist-D. A digital SLR that would take all of my old K-mount lenses. Larry III, Minolta has a new digital SLR that you could do the same thing with. The only thing besides the camera body you would need, would be a short focal length lens better suited to the image sensor whigh is smaller than 35mm film is. Take care and keep clicking, BOBB
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