Thread: Tps
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Old 10-06-2003, 08:08 AM
Posts: n/a
1st of all, I neglected to put a smiley after the pushy comment. It was purely in jest.

Now, on to better things.
This unit was replaced and the problem persisted. So more than likely this unit was good. It was a bad ground that was repaired to fix the problem.

Secondly. If the TPS has a MTBF of 10,000,000 hours or Cycles it would not be unusual to have a failure in one of ten cars at the 100,000 mile mark.

I still stand by my thinking that contact pressure in this application is not critical. The unit is a simple voltage divider for a Milli-amp signal. Only if contact pressure were non-existent would there be an indication of a error.

Also from a manufacturing and maintenance standpoint it would be unwise to have contact pressure a critical issue. Engine vibration, heat and others all have an influence on pressure. Going over a bump, or taking a hard corner varies contact pressure. I think the engineers took this into account in their design.

Lastly you're talking about a lot of work to fix a $100 part that's required to be stocked till 2007. I'm a lot more concerned about the tranny, as it's expensive, complex, breaks with regularity, and is beyond the scope of the average mechanic. My $0.02

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