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Old 06-11-2003, 08:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Ron Mummert
OK, John, the secret's out. That's not a check valve. It's one of my Ripimoff Industries' Mini-Turbo Charcoal Inhancer units. Yes - for only $79.95 plus S&H, you TOO can enjoy 4 wheel burnouts. You see, by boosting the air flow through the canister, the PVC valve is now operating in the full open position, and upon full throttle, a blast of pure charcoal filtered compressed air is injected into the

Ron the Ripper.
What a load of cr@p! I can get the same result by simply installing higher tension piston return springs.

Good try Mr. Ripper, I'll stick with the springs!

Randy ii

ps: can you ship them UPS Red for the same price?
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