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Old 07-29-2001, 04:43 AM
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Chris Chris is offline
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Unhappy Unfortunate Downtime (Future)

OK, for reasons I do not wish to go into full detain at this moment, there will be a temporary loss of service in the near future. The down time will/should be limited to roughly no more than a 4 hours and I will try to accomplish this in the early morning hours. The server will be moved (although this was not the original plans) and a new high speed pipe must be connected. This could happen as early as Wednesday (Aug 1) or anytime afterwards. When the new IP address is recieved, I will post it here with connection notes until the DNS servers around the world roll over to the new address. The name will still be the same, just the server physical location and IP address will change. Once everything is done, the move should be fairly transparrent to old times. I will know more on Monday after speaking to Qwack (Qwest) represatives. I assure you this is and will be as much if not MUCH more hassle for me as it will be for you all. I am not moving the server due to my own personal move. It is for other reasons as well as the saftey, security, and the future of the the SVX Network. I hope nothing major is needed and I will keep you all informed. The optimal goal here is to accomplish this with the least ammount of noticable down time and user grief.

(SVX Admin)
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