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Electrophil 04-25-2006 06:54 PM

Stop allowing republicans to play with our toys!
So..... This is the gibberish this republican puke is spewing:

And here's what they are really doing.

Anything to make a buck, huh?

The democrats threw up an amendment to strengthen the network neutrality portion, and the republicans shot it down. Why? AT&T didn't like it.

By the time these flakes get thrown out of office, it may just be too late. We will truly be a police state. It's truly time we stop allowing them to play with our toys.

Noir 04-25-2006 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Electrophil
So..... This is the gibberish this republican puke is spewing:

And here's what they are really doing.

Anything to make a buck, huh?

The democrats threw up an amendment to strengthen the network neutrality portion, and the republicans shot it down. Why? AT&T didn't like it.

By the time these flakes get thrown out of office, it may just be too late. We will truly be a police state. It's truly time we stop allowing them to play with our toys.

time to move. :p

Electrophil 04-25-2006 07:17 PM

Sweden did just add "W" to their alphabet. It's a start. :)

Manarius 04-25-2006 07:58 PM

It's a shame. This administration has proved and continues to prove that it's big business' personal ***** (lapdog).

Electrophil 04-26-2006 03:46 AM


If they get to the internet, it will be the last freedom they haven't touched. The last one..... I'm sure they'll give it a friendly sounding name like the "Patriot act", but they will hand it over to big business, and we will be at their mercy.

What bothers me the most, is if that particular business in control doesn't like a particular group....or gets political pressure against a group, they will be able to bottleneck the site down to unusable at the flick of a switch. The freedom of the internet will just turn into another propaganda tool.

For most of us, the abortion thing really doesn't matter, but it's a done deal.. It's just going to take a few years to reach the supreme court from South Dakota. The inheritance tax.. oops "death tax", well... that just increases our debt, and raises normal American's taxes a little, no huge problem, and something that doesn't really affect our day to day lives in the middle class.

But the patriot act? The alienation of the world we've experienced? These mysterious phone tappings? And now control of the internet? These things hit us Americans at the core of our basic principals, and the bad news is, we haven't even felt the punch of it all yet.

The republicans have screwed up too much to survive the next election. That means we will no doubt end up with a democratic house and a democratic administration. That's not going to be good either. We have to get back to a balance somehow, and I really feel sorry for the next groups up to bat, because they are going to have to fix all of this.

The tax cuts? Stand by.... We have to pay that loan back along with huge interest payments in a few years.... and that's regardless of who is sitting in the power seats.... we can't keep up with these huge deficits for too many years, for the ratio with our GDP is going to end up on the wrong side. The extremely bad news is, over half of the cuts went to wealth, and they never give it back. Way too many loopholes to hide in if you are wealthy. Middle class doesn't have that option.... So open those wallets! We'll survive it.

But if the corporations gain control of the internet, we are over. Our new found frontier of information is lost worldwide. No one will be able to reverse it like they can on other screw ups. History shows if you lose a freedom, you never gain it back without complete revolution.

I am just so ticked off. These guys give me a couple of weeks to cool off from their last antics, and they come up with something new to screw us with.

lhopp77 04-26-2006 08:58 AM

Get It Right

Originally Posted by Electrophil
The democrats threw up an amendment to strengthen the network neutrality portion, and the republicans shot it down. Why? AT&T didn't like it.

By the time these flakes get thrown out of office, it may just be too late. We will truly be a police state. It's truly time we stop allowing them to play with our toys.

Just to set the record straight. I think you need to get your feelings out of the way and report it like it really is.

The amendment was defeated by a vote of 28 to 8. That is hardly a Republican strong armed vote. It is very obvious that nearly half of the Democrats disagreed with the proposed amendment.


mohrds 04-26-2006 10:13 AM

Back in the early 90's when I started in the Internet business, providers would block certain types of traffic they deemed to be contradictory to their business model and to reduce bandwith consumption. As the years went by, customers migrated away from these companies and went to providers that didn't restrict access. By the late 90's no provider was blocking anything, the market and the consumers set the standards.

Today is a little different. Dumb people are on the Internet. Dumb people who still think AOL is the same thing as the internet. Dumb people who are allowed to vote. People who don't understand what blocking is and how or if it affects them. People who have never adjusted a MTU setting or even ran a ping.

What this bill is doing to the Internet is allowing wireline providers to do what they have always been able to do; Choose what they carry and what they don't. Net Neutrality is a market effect. Those who want to have it will give their money to providers that offer it. The market will settle out.

What no one talks about on this bill is the side effect it will have on the network infrastructure. You will see companies actually invest real money into building a private infrastructure that is better than anyone else's. Remember back 15 years ago when you had to be on your own cell phone provider's network or else you got nothing? Now you can roam from provider to provider without fear of being charged access fees imposed by the host network. Consumers demanded it and it is here.

ATM fees are slowly going to go by the wayside too. Consumer backlash is already changing the way that ATM networks run. Mergers and reciprocation agreements allow for a credit union member to use almost any credit union's ATM without any fees. Banks will follow suit in the next few years to remain competitive.

If we really want to talk about government screwing the consumer through catering to corporations, we need to look no further than the media industry. Corporate payments to campaign funds brought us the Sonny Bono Copyright
Term Extension Act. Signed into law by the "consumer's guardian", Bill Clinton in 1998 and passed by a majority democratic presence in the 105th congress. True that the congress was overwhelmingly Republican, but most Republicans were not present for those votes :confused: (lazy ass bastards) :mad:

Electrophil 04-26-2006 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by lhopp77
Just to set the record straight. I think you need to get your feelings out of the way and report it like it really is.

The amendment was defeated by a vote of 28 to 8. That is hardly a Republican strong armed vote. It is very obvious that nearly half of the Democrats disagreed with the proposed amendment.


The vote was held at 1:45am. 36 people voted out of 100 which includes 55 republicans, 44 democrats, and one independant. No, the democrats did not disagree, most didn't even know the vote happened until the next day. It's a little trick Delay started with the early morning votes. This is far from the first time.

Manarius 04-26-2006 07:07 PM

Dude, my parents are about middle class (a little above). 1 out of every 10 of their dollars went to the federal government. JUST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! Where are these tax breaks at as I'm sure as hell not seeing them. I don't know how George W. passed math at Yale, because he obviously didn't learn math. Even a 2nd grader knows that you can't spend more money then you have coming in. It just simply doesn't work like that.

sicksubie 04-26-2006 07:18 PM

Too bad that you didn't pass government class. Congress controlls spending. Blast Bush all you want, but it is the house's fault (and I know that you will now proceed to blast the Republican controlled house) So... go ahead.:rolleyes:

Phast SVX 04-26-2006 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Manarius
Dude, my parents are about middle class (a little above). 1 out of every 10 of their dollars went to the federal government. JUST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! Where are these tax breaks at as I'm sure as hell not seeing them. I don't know how George W. passed math at Yale, because he obviously didn't learn math. Even a 2nd grader knows that you can't spend more money then you have coming in. It just simply doesn't work like that.

You obviously dont know what your talking about, as the marginal tax bracket for a middle class citizen will send well more then 1/10th(10%) of your money to them. At the very least tehy are in the 27% bracket.

Also, fiscal policy is passed by congress, suggestions from the presidential office are passed to congress where they are then changed and ratified.. If you are not familiar with monetizing the debt effects the economy im not even going to get into an argument with you about deficit spending, just know yuo have no idea what your talking about. I suggest taking a civics or economics class so that you dont make yourself look like your puking out what some pissed off, uninformed liberal told you is the cause of the debt and/or deficit. If you want to start reducing the debt, then dont complain about how much you or your parents are paying in taxes, then you can start by writing a check; you know you can personally write off as much as you wish at any time ;)

Manarius 04-26-2006 07:19 PM

Dude, I saw the money they paid in Fed taxes on the Fafsa form, it's about 1/10th of their income.

And just so you know, I did pass Government class and I know congress controls spending. However, the Republicans in congress are Bush's personal lapdogs and the Senate Budget Committee is Republican controlled, so all he has to do is propose a budget and they ram it through congress.

sicksubie 04-26-2006 07:22 PM

Oh ok... I see now. On the FAFSA;) . That great little packet that somehow legalizes stealing from one person to pay for another persons college. I love how the Constitution was thrown out the window when they came up with the FAFSA.

sicksubie 04-26-2006 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Manarius
Dude, I saw the money they paid in Fed taxes on the Fafsa form, it's about 1/10th of their income.

And just so you know, I did pass Government class and I know congress controls spending. However, the Republicans in congress are Bush's personal lapdogs and the Senate Budget Committee is Republican controlled, so all he has to do is propose a budget and they ram it through congress.

Told ya' he would

Manarius 04-26-2006 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by sicksubie
Told ya' he would

*sits on the blue side of the bench and is damn proud of it*

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