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Chicane 11-11-2003 06:07 PM

Serious car chase
Holy ****. My nerves are still rattled after what just happened. jadjlfja. I was driving from my mom's house in the country to my apt downtown... and I'm on the highway, and it goes from 2 lanes to one lane... and there's this rusty cavalier in the right lane. I pass him... but then, as I pass him, he hits the gas. I'm like, whatever. So as the two lanes are becoming one, he SNAPS right behind me, literally INCHES from my back bumper, I couldn't see thier headlights, I couldn't even see their ****ing hood, all I could see was the windshield and this big fat black guy driving, and a white guy in the passenger seat yelling. So I slow down... I'm afraid they're about to hit me, so I just ****ing nail it. I'm doing like 115 on this highway, which then becomes the 'belt line' in madison WI. Lotsa traffic. This ****ing cavalier is chasing me! So I slow back down to a sane speed, because there's a lot of traffic... the guys come FLYING up from behind me, and get RIGHT on my ass, and I heard their tires squeal as they locked the brakes. They almost ****ing rear ended me!!!!! So I don't know WHAT their problem is, and again, they're INCHES from my bumper. In all my life, I don't think I've EVER had a car that close to me while driving. EVER. I'm now in the right lane, and they have an opportunity to pass me, but instead they're RIGHT on my ass. I can't see their plate or I would have called the cops right then and there, but they were WAY to close. So I let off the gas, and apply the brakes steadily til we're both going about 15mph... in a 55. I don't know WHAT the hell is wrong with these people. So I start going again, and they're STILL on my ass. Time to bust out the rear window sprayer. If only I had filled it with vegetable oil... >sigh< Anyway, I floor it, and I'm going over 100mph trying to get away from these ****ing psychos. I'm manuvering through traffic to try to get away, but I get stuck in traffic, and they catch up again. I'm in the right lane, not wanting to exit because I know I'll hit a redlight, and I don't know if they have a gun, or what. Lunatics. So I'm in the middle lane, in the left lane, in the middle lane, manuvering around cars in an effort to get away from these freaking crazies, and once they're in the middle lane, and I'm in the right lane, I SLAM on my brakes so they can't get behind me, and they're instead right next to me. They ****ing do a ben-hur move and SWERVE their ****ing cavalier at me! Luckily I had room to manuver to the left, and into my exit lane. At which point they TRIED to cut across the median and follow me on the exit, but I stayed kinda left, so if they tried, they'd end up right in the concrete barricade. They didn't get off.


****ing ******. I'm really shaken up. I had my throwing knives in the car (like normal) but what if they had a gun?! what the hell should I have done? ****ing lunatics! Man, if this isnt an incentive to get my ass in gear with the smoke screen and rear oil sprayers, I don't know what is.

- a very shaken and stirred Rob

Chicane 11-11-2003 06:07 PM

Also, on that last part, when they swerved at me, the white guy was waving somethign at me, I think it might have been a gun. I'm not sure. AHAHHHHH.

Man my heart is still going like 2400 bps.

- Rob

Chicane 11-11-2003 06:09 PM

I apologize for the F word, but my vocab right now isn't goign to be real impressive.

- Rob

Chicane 11-11-2003 06:15 PM

I just called the police and filed a police report.

- Rob

Darksied-X 11-11-2003 06:24 PM

I'll tell you what kind of people do stuff like this: @$$HOLES!

Been there, done that, and yeah, it REALLY sucks. I was literally numb from the neck down I was shaken so much. The difference, mine was on a twisty back road and the guy chasing me was drunk. Good thing I had just gotten my Trans Am, cause my old Monte wouldn't have handled the road.

I hope you feel better pretty soon, and don't let it shake you up too bad. And hopefully the cops will get the these psyhcos off the road quick. Not that I really care what happens to someone like that, but I'd just hate to see someone else get hurt.

upnygimp 11-11-2003 07:04 PM

Ok, First of all. You made your first mistake when you ran. They saw this as their chance to scare a skinny little cracker, and you played right into their hands by taking off at 115. What you do is drive normally. They will get bored and go away most likely. If they don't and start shooting or ramming you or whatever, then you have the right to take off as fast as you possibly can. I will bet you $100 that he would never have shot you. Most criminals do not have the balls to use the guns they carry. They will use them to threaten, but it takes a hardened or extremely scared criminal to kill.

I'm just glad to hear you're OK so you may continue your war against BS.

SHISVX 11-11-2003 07:12 PM

i don't know what i would have done...i usually go right to the police station if i think ppl are following me...sometimes they get the idea and back off...other times...i just blow them away...4 bangers suck

glad your okay


Chicane 11-11-2003 07:20 PM

Yeah well, whatever. I may be a skinny little cracker, but I'm pretty smart sometimes, and I'm going to be adding some 'options' to my car to make sure this never happens again.

- Rob

Shadow248 11-11-2003 07:30 PM

This is why I am a huge fan of martial arts. I've been practicing Karate for almost ten years now...i took up Kickboxing about four years ago cause I thought it would be was.

When i was at college, one of my classmates, Vince, and I were out at about 2AM at a gas station where we ran into a girl we knew from the school, we talked briefly then went to leave and these random three guys came up and started harrassing her...i mean really harrassing her...of course, we intervened and made sure she got to her car safely. After we left the three guys caught up to us and followed us much like the fellas in Rob's experience...ironically enough they were driving an old cavalier...haha. Anyway after about ten minutes of that sort of stupidity Vince, who was driving, got fed up and said to me "you ready to fight?" i nodded, he called the cops and stopped the car. We got out and so did the three guys. One of them had a 357 Mag in hand. Weirdly enough, he didn't come towards us, just stayed at the car. Vince and I moved to the front of his car, putting the car between us and the guy with the gun. The one guy tried to hit Vince, and then Vince proceeded to break his arm...i pinned the other guy's arm behind his back while he was distracted by Vince and the first guys fighting. AMAZINGLY the cops arrived very soon after...strange because it always seems to take them so long. To make a long story short...the guys were really really drunk...and the driver had no he was DUI without a license, and the gun wasn't even loaded. Which is what i had hoped all along. They didn't seem like the brightest bunch to begin with.

Even though i've been into Martial Arts for ten years...that is the only real fight i've ever been in. Yeah i've been in confrontations...but other than a few defensive moves, i've never really had to use my ability. Not that i'm complaining. Nobody likes to be in those sort of situations. If it was me in Rob's place...i'd probably be in jail for running those guys off the road. I have a much shorter fuse when it comes to drivers like that.

Chicane 11-11-2003 08:16 PM

I took TKD for almost 2 years, and I'm pretty decent. I can spar with some of the higher blackbelts; I should be more like a purple belt but I don't like learning those stupid forms. ;) Anyway, point is, martial arts are cool and all, but they're completely useless against someone with a gun. If you had been me, you might have a hole in your chest right now, if you had decided to run them off the road. At hte very least, your SVX would be pretty thrashed.

- Rob

Seraph 11-11-2003 09:05 PM

I had that happened to me a couple of times before. Once, a female most likely in the middle of her PMS even drove me off the road.

Normally, this is what I did. I slow down and made sure that they were targeting me out. Often times, they are just a-holes trying to push the car infront and will pass you and do the same to someone else.

If they are singeling you out, go below the speed limit and call the cops. Describe your car, their car, direction and exits. They will tell you to get off at the next exit. Highways are the best thing for you at this time. Tell the dispatcher that you are afraid to get off the highway just in case they get next to you at the next traffic light and pull out a weapon. Have them send someone out. If needed, they can patch you through to the next town/county dispatcher. I once had to go through 5 small towns before someone to show up. They can dispatch a car even while talking to you so make sure you are talking to someone. That will calm you down a bit. Also, if the morons can see you talking on the phone, they should know you are calling the cops. If they leave you, tell the dispatcher that they left, give them the licence number and say thanks and go on your way.

Otherwise, you should be able to see a cruiser soon and they can pull the moron over. When that happen, you probably want to stop as well but make sure you have some room between the cop, yourself, and the moron.

It really helps if you have a document of what happened (ie video recorder).


Seraph 11-11-2003 09:10 PM


Originally posted by Chicane
Yeah well, whatever. I may be a skinny little cracker, but I'm pretty smart sometimes, and I'm going to be adding some 'options' to my car to make sure this never happens again.

- Rob

Dude, I call for an oil slick option. I may do that too. Think of ways to do that ;)

The thing is I don't want to kill the moron or cause an accident since it will be stuck with me for the rest of my life. The best option you have is to call the cops and keep driving slowly so that they can not physically reach you. At lease you have your car to protect you even if they decide to shoot you. I agree with you about knowing TKD but like you said, it's useless if the other guy have a gun.

Chicane 11-11-2003 09:43 PM

I have ideas. Right now the most popular one currently being digested in my head is mounting another set of windshield washer nozzles on the bottom angled part of my bumper, so that when I push a button, it will shoot used motor oil at an upward angle of about 45 degrees. I'll have to test... used motor oil or vegetable oil.. one has to work better than the other, at being sprayed from a nozzle. That way they'll get **** on their windscreen, use their wipers, and smear it around, and they won't be able to follow.

The thing about oil slicks or caltrops that bothers me is that I might either cause someone else to skid, or pop their tires, which I don't want to do.

- Rob

Sidewinder 11-11-2003 10:44 PM

Yeah, this is a pretty scary situation. A similar event happened to me while I was in high school. Some fool was trying to race with me on a two lane highway and I turned off to head to my house. He did too. Well, I didn't know what to do, so I continued to drive rather than pull into my home and I drove for another two miles. Eventually, I pulled off onto a side road and pulled into a home owner's driveway to turn around and head home. I figured I might be able to hide from this nutcase as well. I was wrong. The guy pulled into the driveway, and then the garage began to open up. It turns out, I pulled into this guy's home inadvertantly. I figure he became more scared than I when he got to his house and I was sitting in his driveway. :D

So, yeah, I don't know when you had this encounter on the beltline, but if it was near rush hour, you could have lost in him in traffic. Perhaps pulled an "Illinois three-lane lane change" and lose him on an off ramp. Nevertheless, those guys need jobs, hobbies, or jail time. Perhaps all of it.

Don't let these idiots get to ya.

Andy 11-12-2003 01:25 AM

Many years ago, when I was a lad, I had a Suzuki Swift GTi.

It had the most amazing trick. Being a 'cammy' engine, it had little pull at low revs but really screamed at the top end (8500+rpm) When being followed closely, all I had to do was floor the throttle at low revs in a high gear. At 5000rpm the fuel in the exhaust would ignite, firing flames of between 6 and 10ft out the back. I had very few tailgaters in those days :D

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