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HumpSVX 06-11-2007 04:46 PM

Can't wait much longer!
I will be picking up my SVX tomorrow in Gettysburg, PA around 2-3pm. I won it on auction from ebay on friday morning, and it has seemed like eternity since then until now.:eek: I'm a bit worried that its gonna break down on the way home since I haven't test driven it yet. Once it gets home its allowed to have problems, I hope it doesn't, but at least I don't have to leave it on the side of the road somewhere.

It'll be about a 6 hour trip, both to and from. My best friend, a roommate, and I will be leaving around 8am EST, get there, pay, do tax, title, and tag stuff, maybe get some local food, then start the journey back.

This will be the first SVX (but maybe not the last???:)) that I will have owned. I'm absolutely excited and can't wait to meet some of ya at the next meet that I make it to.

Okay well, I think I'll update how it goes tomorrow night once I get back.

SVXyGirl 06-11-2007 07:49 PM

Congrats on the car. Good luck...I hope you make it back safe and sound.:)

ensteele 06-11-2007 08:46 PM

Are there any issues that you know about? I would take a few tools with me just in case. Good luck. :)

HumpSVX 06-11-2007 09:52 PM

No issues that I know about, she told me it runs great and when I spoke on the phone with her, I didn't get any vibe that she was trying to dump this car off on me or that I might have trouble on the way back. I told her that I had to drive back to Columbus. I have planned on taking some tools, but thanks for the advice anyways.:) Well I guess I should clarify, I always have some basic tools in the back of my car just in case I need them.

I have a feeling I'm gonna be up all night with excitement :p

ensteele 06-11-2007 09:55 PM

I know I could not sleep! I was just as excited with the last one as I was on the first one. :)

wannarace928 06-12-2007 01:24 PM

It'll be nice to see another svx around columbus. I see one every once in a while on the south west side, a claret, still havent caught up with him though.
And the day I brought my svx home, I saw a teal that looked exactly like mine, never saw it again though.
As soon as my svx is fixed I am definately going to set up a mini meet here in columbus. :)

Earthworm 06-12-2007 02:15 PM

Interesting signature. Hopefully if you ever decide to build those last 2 cars they start out as a car destined for the scrap yards and not a roadworthy one.

shelfy 06-12-2007 02:44 PM

i've seen an interesting picture of bert and ernie, but i'd never be able to post it here. :eek:

Budfreak 06-12-2007 11:33 PM

Congratulations and welcome to the club!:) If you ever need anything at all just feel free to look me up as I'm only 2 hours away from Columbus.;)

HumpSVX 06-13-2007 12:41 AM

Well I made it back!
It took a lot longer round trip than expected. I thought I would be back by midnight, but didn't get back until 1:30.:( The car is fantastic to drive! :D

Unfortunately like any used car it has some issues, first off I had to put two quarts of oil in it, but it was still just as full when I got back so its not burning oil, and probably not leaking either. The oil does need changed, pretty badly too I think. There are some non-essential power stuff not working, like the rear wiper and sunroof. And there were some previously known rust spots on the car :( The front passenger window has to be rolled back up only by using the passenger controls, and the rear passenger window won't go down at all. The passenger side tail light is out too. None of the hydraulics for the trunk nor the hood work. (that trunk lid is heavy!) The last thing I've found is a loose piece of plastic that goes under the front bumper and into the wheel well. It just needs a bolt/screw to fix it and it wasn't a problem until I got up to higher speeds when it would come loose until I put it back. :(

There seemed to be a slight radiator leak too. The car wasn't overheating, so I left it until I could mess with it at home, and with light.

I'm pretty lucky though. I've never really driven an automatic, so I can't tell for sure, but the transmission seemed fine! And there were some previously known rust spots on the car :(

Overall, I'm pretty sure I got more than I payed for, considering I picked it up for only $1025:D :D :D

I'll post some pics soon if interested. Although, I don't have a good camera and not really sure how. (pm me plz if you can tell me)
And the day I brought my svx home, I saw a teal that looked exactly like mine, never saw it again though.


As soon as my svx is fixed I am definately going to set up a mini meet here in columbus.
Sounds great to me! I'd love to meet some of you guys


Interesting signature. Hopefully if you ever decide to build those last 2 cars they start out as a car destined for the scrap yards and not a roadworthy one.
Haha! I don't think I have the knowledge or finances to do it anyway, I just thought they were funny ideas. Although, the convertible might be pretty sweet in my opinion. Even though I'm not a fan of convertibles in general. But I like the idea of making a unique car into a unique, unique car.


Congratulations and welcome to the club! If you ever need anything at all just feel free to look me up as I'm only 2 hours away from Columbus.
I'm sure I'll take you up on that at some point. :D

wannarace928 06-13-2007 07:28 AM

Glad you got your car home safely.
The trunk is heavy even with working trunk struts. The only difference I have seen is, instead of it slamming like a mouse trap, it goes down a little slower with working trunk struts. It is still very heavy though.

budbaer 06-13-2007 10:19 AM

I just started having trouble with my sunroof. It's a common problem according to the threads on here. Just give it a little nudge on the back edge of the sunroof, from inside the car while you push the button to open it. It works for me and it seems to work for a lot of others on this site. Congrats on the new car and the great deal. We are in Columbus once and a while and we'll be looking for you.

HumpSVX 06-13-2007 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by wannarace928
It'll be nice to see another svx around columbus. I see one every once in a while on the south west side, a claret, still havent caught up with him though.

Hmmm...I was talking with a guy I work with today, and he says that someone in his neighborhood has a claret SVX, which he uses as a daily driver. He said he lived out in Pickerington, which would be on southeast side. You sure you didn't mean SE? It is probably the same guy, I'd bet. Maybe he works out on the southwest side.


Originally Posted by budbaer
Just give it a little nudge on the back edge of the sunroof

Sweet, thanks for the tip! I'll give it a try.

SSSVX 06-14-2007 12:39 AM

for the money you paid, sure is not a bad deal.

hope your svx will get better and more pretty from you :p

yes, pics pls and welcome abroad. :)

HumpSVX 06-15-2007 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by SSSVX
yes, pics pls and welcome abroad. :)

Not sure how to post pics and couldn't find info in the How-to documents, so if you or someone could post info or link to info, or just send me a pm on how this is done I'd appreciate it.

Originally Posted by budbaer
Just give it a little nudge on the back edge of the sunroof

This worked! thanks again

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