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Landshark 07-27-2007 11:06 PM

some Gran Turismo screenshots (56k, death-cat is on your bed)


edit: pics removed, added link to pics above

Landshark 07-27-2007 11:07 PM

It's Just Eric 07-27-2007 11:15 PM

They FINALLY have ferrari? Cripes man..I gotta get me a playstaton 3

btw, the graphics are pretty good too:rolleyes:

Landshark 07-27-2007 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by It's Just Eric
They FINALLY have ferrari? Cripes man..I gotta get me a playstaton 3

btw, the graphics are pretty good too:rolleyes:

screw that Italian junk - i want Porsche!!!!!

i'm still bitter that NFS:Porsche Unleashed came out on the PS1 right before the PS2 came out. :mad:

AlcyoneDaze 07-27-2007 11:30 PM

wow, im really impressed by the interior shot - i hope thats not just a demo thing, realistic cockpits would be 1000X better than that funky 'hood view' in GT4

NikFu S. 07-28-2007 12:27 AM

Have you heard about the car and track buying system? To "complete" this Hi Def game you'll need to shell out somewhere in the neighborhood of $1000.
Otherwise, you can buy the not Hi Def version.

Gran Turismo as we know it is phail.

nonSTOP_service 07-28-2007 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by NikFu S.
Have you heard about the car and track buying system? To "complete" this Hi Def game you'll need to shell out somewhere in the neighborhood of $1000.
Otherwise, you can buy the not Hi Def version.

Gran Turismo as we know it is phail.

Nah, that was all just an idea some sony sales rep came up with and somehow everyone believed it. Kaz himself denied it stating "It would defeat the purpose of the game."

Though I agree GT is junk. I for one can't stand the poor excuse for a "realistic" physics engine. But we're not here to get into that discussion.

The game looks great, I can't deny it. I'd still rather get a full engine tune up, a re-alignment, some new bearings, and a ball joint for my SVX.

Landshark 07-28-2007 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by NikFu S.
Have you heard about the car and track buying system? To "complete" this Hi Def game you'll need to shell out somewhere in the neighborhood of $1000.
Otherwise, you can buy the not Hi Def version.

Gran Turismo as we know it is phail.

more wrong "facts" from the tinfoil hat brigade.

if you have no idea what you're talking about, refrain from posting, m'kay? thanks.

Mr. Pockets 07-28-2007 11:44 AM

I used to be a huge GT fan. I still dig out GT4 every so often and do a couple laps around the 'ring. Admittedly, since Forza 2, I haven't touched it.

It's going to take a lot to convince me to buy a PS3. Will GT5 be enough? I don't know. GT3 got me to buy a PS2, but it was $300 cheaper than the PS3 is.

We have PS3s here at work, and they never get touched. Maybe it's cyclic, and we tend to look at 360 games more because our direct competition is on that console. I don't know. I just think, in an office literally staffed with game nerds, it's very telling that shiny new game consoles are totally neglected. I won't go into specifics, but suffice it to say that the launches of the 360 and PS3, and their effects on the staff here, were markedly different.

I might be swayed to buy GT5 and play it here at work, but I can't imagine actually buying my own PS3 for it. That's sad for me to say, because I really did love the PS2...even though it was such a pain in the ass to develop for. ;)

Landshark 07-28-2007 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Pockets
I used to be a huge GT fan. I still dig out GT4 every so often and do a couple laps around the 'ring. Admittedly, since Forza 2, I haven't touched it.

It's going to take a lot to convince me to buy a PS3. Will GT5 be enough? I don't know. GT3 got me to buy a PS2, but it was $300 cheaper.

We have PS3s here at work, and they never get touched. Maybe it's cyclic, and we tend to look at 360 games more because of the current trends in the market and the games we're developing. I don't know. I just think, in an office literally staffed with game nerds, it's very telling that shiny new game consoles are totally neglected.

I might be swayed to buy GT5 and play it here at work, but I can't imagine actually buying my own PS3 for it.

its because you lazy-ass developers make a game for the 360, then just port it to the PS3. the good developers are doing it right, and getting more out of the PS3.

maybe when you get the Red Rings of Death you'll consider a PS3. ;)

Manarius 07-28-2007 03:17 PM

$500 for a PS3? Eff that. For 250 I can get a Wii and have loads more fun.

NikFu S. 07-28-2007 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Landshark
more wrong "facts" from the tinfoil hat brigade.

if you have no idea what you're talking about, refrain from posting, m'kay? thanks.

I guess I don't care enough about it to look deeper than what I read from people who do seem to care.

I do think however if you have no other means of correcting a misconception other than to mouth off and post ridiclulous pictures over and over again then it is you who should "refrain".

I am one of the last people to care what people say to me online but you have this penchant for relentless immaturity and it is wearing on my patience.

So I was mistaken and fell for some hype. Big deal. Cite a source saying otherwise and move on.

Mr. Pockets 07-28-2007 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Landshark
its because you lazy-ass developers make a game for the 360, then just port it to the PS3. the good developers are doing it right, and getting more out of the PS3.

maybe when you get the Red Rings of Death you'll consider a PS3. ;)

Porting a game from the 360 is hardly a 'lazy' route. It's not easy. They're very, very different machines.

My 360 actually did fail once, in Spring, and I had to send it in for repair. That's about a year and a half of service before it crapped out, which is hardly stellar. Thankfully, MS is standing behind their product and extended the warranty to 2 years, then to 3 years. That's pretty cool, if you ask me.

I'm not here to get into a PS3 vs 360 argument. I don't think it's really appropriate for me to do so. I do sorta get it, though. I have to admit I really dig the dashboard interface because it's so much like the PSP's, and I love that little machine. :)

And seeing those GT5 screenshots makes me get all nostalgic for the series. :)

Landshark 07-28-2007 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Pockets
Porting a game from the 360 is hardly a 'lazy' route. It's not easy. They're very, very different machines.

My 360 actually did fail once, in Spring, and I had to send it in for repair. That's about a year and a half of service before it crapped out, which is hardly stellar. Thankfully, MS is standing behind their product and extended the warranty to 2 years, then to 3 years. That's pretty cool, if you ask me.

I'm not here to get into a PS3 vs 360 argument. I don't think it's really appropriate for me to do so. I do sorta get it, though. I have to admit I really dig the dashboard interface because it's so much like the PSP's, and I love that little machine. :)

And seeing those GT5 screenshots makes me get all nostalgic for the series. :)

they are quite different, so get cracking on some PS3 exclusives. :D

i predict the 360 will be a Dreamcast/Saturn in two years. with 360's being 100% defective (as admitted by Microsoft), you'd think they'd do the RIGHT thing and offer a full recall. what good is a warranty if the design is faulty? i've seen people on their 4th and 5th 360 already. :rolleyes:

i also love the PSP. :)

Landshark 07-28-2007 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by NikFu S.
I guess I don't care enough about it to look deeper than what I read from people who do seem to care.

then don't care enough to post here.


I do think however if you have no other means of correcting a misconception other than to mouth off and post ridiclulous pictures over and over again then it is you who should "refrain".
first of all, you stated your "misconception" as fact. second, don't get all e-thug on me, you little vinegar-bag.


I am one of the last people to care what people say to me online but you have this penchant for relentless immaturity and it is wearing on my patience.
then don't read my posts. better yet, don't post anymore of your tinfoil hat hippie philosophy crap, either.


So I was mistaken and fell for some hype. Big deal. Cite a source saying otherwise and move on.
how about you just beat it out of here, because this thread is about GT5 screenshots, not proving morons wrong.

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