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Ron Mummert 07-12-2023 12:28 AM

The baton has been passed
In Feburrrry of 2001, I'd had my '92 funny-window car for about a month. Prior to ownership, I'd been following the old Yahoo SVX site, & despite all the horrific tales of exploding trannys, & screaming wheel bearings, I just had to have one. So, on this cold, rainy day while wallking across a shopping center parking lot, I spied another SVX, a white.....I mean pearlie one. I had a few SVX Club? cards, from where I don't remember, so I put one under the pearlie's wiper, & went shopping, where I also don't remember.

Upon returning to the car I see a guy fiddling with MY wiper, & golly - he was putting a card under MY wiper. Not exactly a surprise that this interaction led to some conversation. I seems that this guy really knew his SVX lore. Things like, "Did you know that only 14,xxx SVXes (en?) were sold in 5 years, of which 3xxx were black, 2,xxx were "pearl"......Well, maybe paint wasn't the exact topic of minutia, but the point was he obviously had a PhD in Subarology. Would you be surprised if this guy's name was John Hoffman? Of course not. Well, it was. Turned out we lived only about a mile apart. He told me about the "new" site, & it seems I've been a captive ever since.

So, 3,700+ posts later I've seen the traffic gradually die down, with some folks migrating to the Facebook product. But, I always liked the addressable topic ability in here, & stuck around. And, where else could I pawn off the fine line of automotive products from Ripimoff Industries? "Products GUARANTEED for the life of the product".

The on-line banter, comradery of Reading meets, & friendships made possible by ownership of Fuji's ill-timed halo car, have been truly a blessing for me. But, as this life thing keeps moving forward, I realize immortality has only a "Ripimoff" guarantee. I'm relatively healthy for old analog fart, but the toys gathered as a middle-aged respite, sooner or later should be passed on, lest both the toys & the owners become Barn Finds. So, the semi-pristine bla...ebony mica beast has been adopted by long time member, & dedicated SVX junky, Sean 486. And, I see at almost the same moment our SVX encyclopedia, John, will no doubt tearfully be parting with the truly pristine polo. I hope it will also go to a caring new owner............................
Let the next new regime of SVX addicts begin.

Special thanks to Chris for keeping the site alive, sometimes only through life-supportive efforts.

Also, thanks to Randy the YE**OW car lover, Larry three-eyes, & the bootiful naviguesser, Old Tom, Young Tom, Huck, Marisa, Diane, Mike, Olu, Harry, Trevor (the oldest Kiwi fart), the late great Earl, & anyone else I've forgotten due to excessive consumption of fine boxed vino.

Bonus: Who remembers Jester, Eddycat, Wawasat, & Beav?

Take care all, & remember, shiny side up. :D Ron :cool:

Trevor 07-13-2023 02:42 AM

Re: The baton has been passed
Great post Ron running down memory lane.

I have never been attracted to the face book site and have never gone there. This place has significant history and special character, thanks to Chris and his ability. Believe it or not the first post I came across when discovering this site, was a post by you. Therefore I have fond recollections.

I no longer have an SVX but regularly look in for old times sake due to the purely personal connections and memories involved. The place has a resonance which can not be denied. I remember all of those you mention and even so far so down under, I have made several personal contacts as a result. It feels that only yesterday that Randj's lovely daughter visited and played my piano.

At 94.5 I can not have long to go but fondly remember this place as an important part of my life. Strange as it may appear to many ,I recently sent Harvey a PM for old times sake and received a much valued response.

Kind regards to all, Trevor.

Ron Mummert 07-13-2023 01:26 PM

Re: The baton has been passed
Trevor, you young Kiwi fart; as long as you & Harvey go out as civil human beans, I'll be relieved. Just as the SVX can create controversy & disagreements, perhaps it's the ultimate unifier for car nuts. Like you, I seldom go to the Facebook site, but it seems to serve today's "fast brain food" mentality. It's like the old Yahoo site with pretty pictures. Oh, well - I guess this planet's got more problems than we can solve by petty complaints. Thank you for being the wise old sage in here over the years. Very sincerely, Ron :cool:

Trevor 07-13-2023 07:30 PM

Re: The baton has been passed
Kia ora Ron,

We are THE old farts and sound forth accordingly in tune. LOL

Many never understood, but as a fact, Harvey and I carried on very robust debates with no holds barred, but we were never enemies.

Also very sincerely, Trevor.

SVXMAN2001 07-13-2023 08:01 PM

Re: The baton has been passed
What will become of Reading?.....

Ron Mummert 07-13-2023 09:43 PM

Re: The baton has been passed
It's already become a ghost town. Without a box 'o wine, even the ghosts will leave.

SvXit 07-13-2023 11:21 PM

Re: The baton has been passed
Ron, I'm really glad to hear that your '92 has gone to a great owner. Please stop by the Reading Meets in the future if you're able, no matter what you're driving! I know they have gotten a good deal smaller, but I myself continue to go, not for the cars but for the people. It was that way for me in the ten year stretch of non-SVX ownership I had and continues to be that way.

And John's car, like yours, will also be in excellent ADULT hands. Maybe I'm getting old, too, but I prefer these cars in either an unmodified or tastefully modded state; I'm probably not the target audience for SVX Nation on 'The Bookface,' as it were.

Regardless, congratulations on the passing of the baton. And P.S., Jester got the black '92 I had for sale here last year so he, too, is back in the fold.

Ron Mummert 07-14-2023 12:26 AM

Re: The baton has been passed
Howdy Olu - I regard you as a friend & one of the SVX "elite", despite your playing in the Audi sandbox for a while. :D Yes, it's people, not always the car. Certain personalities will gravitate towards the unique, & maybe controversial things, & maybe that's why funny windows, & winter wiper positions attract a special crowd. But, my 1:18 SVX model on the mantle will hopefully ease my addiction. BTW, did you ever finish that metal model of, uh.......I believe it was a 30's Benz race car, or maybe it was a Duesenberg. Anyway, it had over a thousand pieces. John, & I were impressed, that's for sure. So, stay connected, Olu, & I'll drop in periodically to be sure haven't bought a Prius. :rolleyes: Ron.

LarryIII 07-14-2023 09:49 AM

Re: The baton has been passed

I'm going to miss you. Maybe Ripimoff Industries can come up with a spray can of "Scent of Scotch" for Subydoo, just for old times sake. I'd buy a case.

Ron Mummert 07-14-2023 01:36 PM

Re: The baton has been passed
I'll miss you, & Rosie too, plus the cannolis. I hear you'll be entertaining a certain polo product soon. Be sure to give her a Chivas christening. I'll drop in here on occasion to be sure all's in order. Take care :)

Sean486 07-19-2023 09:12 AM

Re: The baton has been passed
Thanks for selling me the car Ron. The Box o' Wine will make another Reading appearance, I can assure you all of that. She will remain mostly stock, I only plan on replacing the radio with a touchscreen unit with a backup camera. Otherwise, I'm just looking to freshen up a few things. I'm most likely staying with the stock wheels and stock grill which I have always liked.

Ron Mummert 07-19-2023 01:31 PM

Re: The baton has been passed
Stock ROCKS! - Thanks, Sean. :)

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