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Electrophil 04-03-2006 10:29 PM

Tom Delay drops out of race
Uhmmmm.. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. :)

Bye bye Tom! Thanks for all the crookedness and heartaches!

Bye now!! I'll send you cookies in prison if I remember you! :D :D

Electrophil 04-03-2006 10:30 PM

Anybody got a camera and a german shephard I can borrow? I'm in the mood for a big ole "Thumbs up!!" :D :D

Phast SVX 04-03-2006 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Electrophil
Anybody got a camera and a german shephard I can borrow? I'm in the mood for a big ole "Thumbs up!!" :D :D

you my friend, are the definition of extremist. But im sure you think thats a good thing.

Electrophil 04-03-2006 11:44 PM

I'm just happy that justice is finally happening. :D

It's finally comming around. Yes!!! :D

Bipa 04-04-2006 04:57 AM

This one's for you, Robert :p :D

Electrophil 04-04-2006 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Bipa

:D Bwaaa ha ha ha ha ha!! :D

Electrophil 04-04-2006 06:00 AM

I guess I have gotten a little extreme. Now I know how those guys felt when Clinton got slammed with that blue dress.

I LOVE IT!!!!! I love watching all of them scrambling around trying to save their rears. They know they are going down for the count. You guys made that dress, NOW WEAR IT!!!! Sorry the stain this time is blood, but hey!! You made it!!!!

Bwa ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

Electrophil 04-04-2006 06:40 AM

A Quote from the distinguish crook Tom Delay:

"I refuse to allow liberal Democrats an opportunity to steal this seat with a negative personal campaign," DeLay said. "The voters of the 22nd district of Texas deserve a campaign about the vital national issues that they care most about and that affect their lives every day and not a campaign focused solely as a referendum on me."

Yeah........Like when you pushed so hard over a dress stain. The "real" issues.

I'll be seeing your picture at the post office! See ya!!

Royal Tiger 04-04-2006 07:12 AM

Bob, I'm sure you're proud of yourself for being just as extreme as those across the fence you hate so passionately, but that makes you a carbon copy of them. The dress issue was physical evidence of your boy slick willie lying under oath. That is an issue, weather he was talking about sex or cruise missles. Spin it anyway that let's you sleep at night.

Electrophil 04-04-2006 08:19 AM

Well..... Not exactly. Lying to authorities is of course lying.

But if you lie about going 20 miles over the speed limit.. not good.
If you lie about shooting the dog next door. A little worse.
If you lie about shooting the neighbor. Still a little worse.

Clinton was a womanizer. Not a good thing. And he lied his rear off about it. Point blank.

Delay broke several laws in his state, and is under investigation for taking bribes from Abri, in which 3 of his aides have already pled guilty to.

A little worse.

Why am I taking this to extremes? Because Delay was the driving force behind Clinton's impeachment, while everyone knew at the time that Delay was a crook. This is 6 years in the making. He "was" the slickest of the crooks up there. That just makes me extremely happy that this hypocrite is now going to pay the price.

Royal Tiger 04-04-2006 08:35 AM

I agree with you. The crooks on both sides should be out of office. But I wanted to make clear it's on both sides. Clinton was no angel.

Phast SVX 04-04-2006 10:00 AM

Just remember, you don't learn things from challenging other peoples opinions, you learn them from challenging your own. Sitting here and "rubbing it in" no doubt is setting yourself up,weather you arein reality correct or not. Where there is nothing to be gained, there is usually much to be lost.


dcarrb 04-04-2006 10:20 AM

For the enjoyment of all, I present a few more Tom Delay quotes:

"Now tell me the truth boys, is this kind of fun?"
On the refugees of Hurricane Katrina ~ As reported in the Washington Post [2005 September 10]

"You know, the Democrats want to balance the budget by raising spending and raising taxes. The Soviet Union had a balanced budget."
Meet the Press, [2003 December 12]

"Newt Gingrich is an incredible leader. He is a leader of our time, and he's going to lead us into the future. And we're going to accomplish the things that we've all dreamed of."
As reported from "Late Edition" on CNN [1997 April 6]

The EPA, the Gestapo of government, pure and simply has been one of the major claw-hooks that the government maintains on the backs of our constituents.
As reported in the AP [1995 July 29]

"I am not a federal employee. I am a constitutional officer. My job is the Constitution of the United States, I am not a government employee. I am in the Constitution."
From Talk Back Live on CNN [1995 December 19]

"Emotional appeals about working families trying to get by on $4.25 an hour [the minimum wage in 1996] are hard to resist. Fortunately, such families do not exist."
From the Congressional Record, H3706 [1996 April 23]

"Nothing is more important in the face of a war than cutting taxes."
From a speech made to bankers [2003 March 12]

"Kofi Annan's kangaroo court...a clear and present danger to the war on terrorism and Americans fighting it all over the world."
On the International Criminal Court ~ AP [2004 July 16]

"I have seen these liberal psychologists and sociologists talk about there is no need for the man in the family. The woman can't take care of it. A woman can't take care of the family. It takes a man to provide structure. To provide stability."
On the role of women in the home. ~ From a radio interview. His wife, Christine DeLay quickly asked to "edit this out," then turned to Tom and said: "This is not a good thing for you to be saying."

"We have a small faction, and they are a minority, who believe they are there to govern. Then there is the majority of us who believe that indeed we are there to govern but more importantly we are there to be an opposition to the Democratic philosophy and the only way to do that is through confrontation."
On bipartisanship ~ From the Houston Chronicle [1991 April 14]

"It's never been proven that air toxics [sic] are hazardous to people."
From the Houston Chronicle [1990 October 27]

"The judges need to be intimidated. They need to uphold the Constitution." (If they don't behave) we're going to go after them in a big way.
On checks and balances ~ From the Washington Post [1997 September 14]

And one of my personal favorites:

"So many minority youths had volunteered...that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like myself."
On why he and Dan Quayle did not fight in the Vietnam war ~ At the 1988 GOP convention


Electrophil 04-04-2006 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Phast SVX
Just remember, you don't learn things from challenging other peoples opinions, you learn them from challenging your own. Sitting here and "rubbing it in" no doubt is setting yourself up,weather you arein reality correct or not. Where there is nothing to be gained, there is usually much to be lost.


I agree with you 100%, and if the current administration had taken this advice, we wouldn't be in this mess with debt up to our neck and stranded in Iraq.

So it boils down to this. When Bush popped up with the tax cuts, I, along with others said "hey! hold on, we just went through 10 years of cuts to get here, don't blow it on tires, reduce our debt like the original plan was." The right said "It's our money, they'll just spend it, we want our money back" and they did an unresponsible tax cut, and have increased the debt ceiling THREE TIMES.

When 9/11 happened, I, along with others said "Hey! how did this happen? We pay a bundle yearly to keep this from happening!" The right replied "The terrorist did it, not us. Support your president", and the only one fired over this security mishap is Bill Maher.

When Iraq popped up, I said, along with others, "Hey, what does this have to do with the crisis? There's no justification to put our troops there! Remember what Bush Senior said about going into Baghdad, we will get stuck!" The right replied "You are being unpatriotic, support your troops, and support your president during this time of crisis."

All three times, I, along with others, scratched our heads and said "huh?"

All three have turned out to be huge mistakes in judgement, that we will continue paying for.... all of us.... for several years to come.

So, is it rubbing it in now? Well.... Yeah, I guess it is. But unfortunately, I have to pay for this mess along with all the ones that caused it. So we can call this "rubbing in" a taste of what I've been through from the people it offends now.

Those same people have offended me since 9/11 happened. I'm retired military and have had people who've never served a day call me unpatriotic. I've had people look me dead in the eye and say "I can't believe you aren't supporting your president after what's happened!"

This thrill I feel that accountability is starting to occur is pent up frustration from years of fighting against bad decisions, with absolutely no power against a right controlled government...all 3 branches... and yes, the thrill honestly feels good. I still have to pay the price along with all of us, and that price is overwhelming and not even close to being paid, but the vindication feels good.

What feels even better is I know this is only the beginning. Before it is all over, there will eventually be accountability also for allowing 9/11 to happen. As soon as the right looses control of the house, this will happen. Is that important? Absolutely. The terrorist did the crime, but there was a system that failed us that allowed it to be planned and executed without one lousy act by our government to stop it. Every terrorists involved set up shop after Bush was elected. Several warnings were shooting across his desk at his ranch. It took over 5 hours from the time the planes were hijacked, until the last one crashed, and not one act was made to stop 5 hours.. wow.

Bush is ultimately accountable for this. Doesn't matter who was there before, or what occurred, he is accountable. He was even re-elected on the platform that he can protect his citizens, and he must be held accountable for failing in the first place..... and the second place if you count Katrina. It's still a mess down there.

It is true I'm challenging opinions. But honestly..... if your advice was taken by the current administration, things may be different...and better now. At least our national debt wouldn't have doubled.

And Clinton? Yep! No angel there, not at all.

Electrophil 04-04-2006 11:33 AM

Quote-> "So many minority youths had volunteered...that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like myself."
On why he and Dan Quayle did not fight in the Vietnam war ~ At the 1988 GOP convention

This is also my favorite, and describes the whole lot of them running our country right now..... and also helps explain why they've done such a lousy job, and should NEVER be allowed to play with our toys again.

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