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WestCoastSVX 05-22-2003 09:40 AM

Bad news for me
By now most of you have probably noticed my 90% drop in post count, and when I do post it isn't very positive towards the recent atmosphere of this place. (and if you haven't noticed then I guess my suspicions are confirmed)

But over the 3 years I have been on these forums (this one and before that Yahoo), I have met many people I would consider friends, the vast majority I have never met in person. It is all part of this unique experience that makes this group like a 2nd family for so many. And like every family, sometimes we have disputes, and sometimes there isn't so much a dispute, as there are just some family members you grow tired of being around for a while. But they are still family.

So as I have done with my other families, I would ask anyone that considers me family here to keep me in thoughts and/or prayers as I go through a transition in my life. Yesterday I got the "your position is being eliminated" notice that so many have in these hard times. It was quite unexpected, as I had survived through several "restructurings" in the past year and our group had just finished a major project with much success. The rest of our small group I believe will be safe for now, I was kind of the new guy that was just learning a new skill, but our manager is also having to leave the company as he is located in another state and they are pushing for consolidation to 2 locations nationwide for corporate jobs. Anyway, this is the first time I've ever been laid off so it is a new experience and especially scary in this current job climate. Not to mention we had just bought a house a few months ago and were about to try for a baby. The future is very uncertain now. It is somewhat trivial, but nonetheless important to me and the best way you guys can relate, but my status as an SVX owner is up in the air now too.

Well I've got my job until June 30th, and when I'm not looking for a new job or doing whatever token tasks they have me do here I will be visiting this site. I doubt any new job will allow me the free time and high speed internet access to visit here as in the past and I just have too much going on in life when I'm at home to log on. Unless of course I remain unemployed for an extended period and have nothing to do other than sit at home in my bathrobe while I surf this site. :)

Thanks for listening, and thanks for being a great family.

Noir 05-22-2003 09:53 AM

re: sorry to hear that macguyver
sorry to hear that macguyver. i hope that you will find a better job soon. where do you live and what do you do? if i come up on something i'll let you know.

Andy 05-22-2003 10:02 AM

Don't let it get to you Troy, some of my greatest opportunities have come from being laid off. (Although it happened too many times in the 80's)

Use this as a time to look at where you are going and what is available to you. Fate will probable then stick an oar in and send you in a direction you had not even thought of. :)

Whatever happens, don't forget us.

mattski 05-22-2003 10:09 AM

MacGyver, sorry to hear of your employment issue. Hopefully you will find another door open, just as this one closes.

18 years ago I was fired from a position and was unemployed for 6 months. I spent the time renovating a recently purchased home which we then sold a year later for twice what we had paid for it. I was then hired by my present employer and currently have the the most enjoyable job I could ever imagine. You never know what the future will bring, and I hope thing work out for the best for you.


calmone 05-22-2003 10:18 AM

i think many of us can relate to your situation. i was laid off years ago and ended up in my present position which i think was a plus in the long run. our son was laid off almost a year ago and now has his foot in the door by way of a 30 hour a week job in a field he likes better. don't let this stop you from what is important in life, family and friends. the rest will come, often when you least expect it.

SHISVX 05-22-2003 10:57 AM

sorry to hear about your situation Troy. we never met before...but you are one of the people here that are my favorites. you seem to be a real sweet guy. i hope everything turns out for you. if you don't come back often, at least come back once in a while and tell us how you and your family are doing. hope it all turns out for the best


Mr. Pockets 05-22-2003 01:04 PM

I'm real sorry to hear that you're losing your job, Troy. Keep your chin up - you'll find something. At least they gave you a decent notice. I've seen many friends and family laid off on the spot.

What do you do?

ensteele 05-22-2003 01:27 PM

Troy - what a shocker! I am so sorry to hear this news. As many here have mentioned, look at this as an opportunity instead of a negative thing. I know that it is hard to do when bills still need to be paid. Post what you are trained to do so that your family (us) can keep our eyes open for you and help find a better job.

Let me know if I can help you out in any way. Is there any training that you might need to get better employment? I may be able to help out there as well. Stay in touch. :) You are in my prayers.

WestCoastSVX 05-22-2003 02:45 PM

For those of you that asked what I do...
First off, thanks for all the words of encouragement! It really does give me a good feeling and definitely helps. :)

A lot of you have asked what I do... Oh boy. :D Not sure if anyone watches the TV show 'Friends' (my wife does, not me, honest!:D ) but remember how Chandler had some job for years that none of the other friends ever knew what exactly he did? It was a running joke for years I guess. Well my wife calls me Chandler because no matter how much explanation I give it doesn't really make sense and it is hard to nail down.

I guess it would most easily be described as 'general office clerical work'. For the last 7 years or so I've done various office jobs like data entry, filing, creating documents, etc. Most of this time I've been in and out of various jobs with AT&T Wireless, the most recent being a straight 4 year stint that is about to end. I had just been moving up into more creative work, working with a small team that develops and maintains the company intranet site for employees. So I was learning the web development trade to some extent, with hopes to advance farther into it and start utilizing my creativity and maybe start making a little $$$ for a change. :D Of course with my foot in the door and an environment that was helping all this happen that was easy, but now going out into the world I technically have no formal training in this field, just a few month's experience. I'm definitely not a web designer yet, all I can really get into confidently would be another clerical job.

Sorry for the long explanation, but like I said my job tasks for the last 8 months or so have been pretty ambiguous, which probably led to my 'demise'. In the past I have done everything from construction to dishwashing to retail, and would still be willing. Of course I need to remember to use this time and the 9 weeks of severance pay to not just take the first job with decent money, but to really decide what I want to do with my life and start pursuing that.

Andy 05-22-2003 03:06 PM

If you are any good at plumbing I could give you a job tomorrow. you would have to learn to drive on the proper side of the road though.

wawazat?? 05-22-2003 03:50 PM


Originally posted by Andy
If you are any good at plumbing I could give you a job tomorrow. you would have to learn to drive on the proper side of the road though.
that and the commute is a bit of a bear!

Troy, my best wishes go out to you and your wife at this difficult time. Keep your eyes open, as opportunity can arise from numerous places.


Ron Mummert 05-22-2003 08:11 PM

You'll find a way, my friend. I, in a similar situation to Mattski's, was canned 22 years ago with no severance, (salesmen have seldom seen such a thing), a wife (not working) an 8 year old kid, & a mortgage. I also said screw it, drew unemployment, fixed up my "fixer upper" for 5 months, & learned to live quite frugally (cheap). I got hired by a more progressive company, & have changed employers 3 more times since then. Yup - got canned again in '97, but now forced to work to receive health insurance, or I'd retire & go fishing for a living.
You'll do fine, Mac, & at least your not "overqualified" for a pigeon-holed job. Step back & consider what you like to do, then go sell yourself to someone who's missing out on having you as an employee.
Attitude wins!
Best of luck.

Ron (will work for 93 octane).

Alycone 05-22-2003 09:58 PM

I'm sorry. I hope it will all work out quickly for you.

Uncamitzi 05-23-2003 12:20 AM

Man, I'm sorry. Along with the other's I have had my turn at being turned out... I'm of the firm belief that those that want to work, will. I hope things firm up for you quickly or whatever timeframe works for you (as long as it gives you enough time to save for RENO! ) Keep us posted and you know that you've got a place to vent while you're looking.

Keep your chin up ! (I'm told that it makes a better target that way) ;)

svx_commuter 05-23-2003 05:02 AM


I hope that all turns out well for you. Keeping posting as I enjoy your posts for clairity, humor and value added. Don't sell yourself short.

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