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HighwayUFO 01-06-2006 03:01 PM

Round 2 of quiting smoking
I am going for it again. I feel like this time it will last. I don't want to see the consequences years down the road if I kept it up. I feel like crap, but in a good way. More money in my pocket.


awdity 01-06-2006 03:17 PM

I'm in the same boat, although I think I might have it easier since I realized I just don't like it any more. Still hard breaking that habit, though. Now I have nothing to do on my 10 minute breaks at work!

cocacola08 01-06-2006 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by HighwayUFO
I am going for it again. I feel like this time it will last.

Good luck.

I'm working on the same thing as well.


RojoRocket 01-06-2006 04:21 PM

Been there Done that like 30 times guys. Stay the course! Been like 15 years now for this reforming nicotine addict. Quit for 4 years once, and picked it up again, but now it's easier with smoking banned in California bars. It's worth the effort! Good luck!! :cool:


Just remember it's like the Lays potato-chip ad. Bet ya can't have just one. ;)

SilverSpear 01-06-2006 04:37 PM

Ok now, what effective product you all recommend to let a heavy smoker start quitting that crap? :mad:

I am talking about our chimney at home... Euuuh I mean my DAD :D

It just pisses me off when getting near him you can smell instead of cologne, A WALKING CIGARETTE :mad:

SilverSpear 01-06-2006 04:38 PM

Moving That Thread
Wasn't it supposed to be in Not Exactly SVX ?

HighwayUFO 01-06-2006 06:08 PM

Kinda yes, but this also applies to the SVX as well. No more smoking in her, even though the window was rolled all the way down even in the winter.:)


Dza 01-06-2006 06:10 PM

Good luck to all the quitters. I smoked for about 10 years and stopped cold turkey in May 2004. Best thing I ever did.

RojoRocket 01-06-2006 06:15 PM

Danny, Sorry to hear that your Dad's commiting slow suicide. There's no miracle product out there that I've heard of. Your only hope is convincing him that your family LOVES him and want him around a lot longer. I u/s hypnotism has worked for some folks, but again, the secret is wanting to escape the habit. Good luck with your Dad.
Both of my parents, now in their 70's are ex-smokers. I remember riding my bike to the neighborhood market daily as a 10 yr old to buy my Mom's Long Philip Morris, 2 pks at a time. My Mom now suffers with acute shortness of breath and has nearly been tied to an Oxygen tank 2X now. :(


RojoRocket 01-06-2006 06:27 PM

Funny almost to think about my earlier efforts to quit. My loving wife and her efforts to "help" me still make me smile. At the time I was a Field Supervisor of 15 Telephone Installer/Repairmen in Monterey, and smoking was still allowed in the office. Most of us smoked. Never forget flipping a Winston out, lighting it, to have one of my guys ask "WTF is that on your cigaret?" I found RED skull and crossbones drawn on that, and the next 3 in the pack, as well as "We Love You" and "Please Quit". Still took me some time to get through the process. I hope you are all as lucky.:D


Thanks for allowing me a little stroll down memory lane.:o

YellowBird 01-06-2006 07:17 PM

Right up there with you guys.

Knew for years that there were health factors that should have motivated me, but I just didn't want to quit.

Now, I want to, which hopefully will do the trick.

Good luck to all.

ensteele 01-06-2006 07:28 PM

Good luck on getting off of those things guys. I hope you can do it. :) :)

SilverSpear 01-07-2006 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by RojoRocket
Danny, Sorry to hear that your Dad's commiting slow suicide. There's no miracle product out there that I've heard of. Your only hope is convincing him that your family LOVES him and want him around a lot longer. I u/s hypnotism has worked for some folks, but again, the secret is wanting to escape the habit. Good luck with your Dad.
Both of my parents, now in their 70's are ex-smokers. I remember riding my bike to the neighborhood market daily as a 10 yr old to buy my Mom's Long Philip Morris, 2 pks at a time. My Mom now suffers with acute shortness of breath and has nearly been tied to an Oxygen tank 2X now. :(


My Mom is an ex smoker, well ex heavy smoker. She had a deep voice as I still recall before, but now (I mean 10 years after) got her sweet voice back, and in the 4th year studying "operali" style of singing. Still my dad, who cannot quit it :(

He loves me very much, when I see him smoke, I would tell him:"please just stop it"... HE ignores me. When I tell him again "if youreally love me as your son, pls throw it away". Before I even finish my sentence, I see nothing in his hand anymore.:D Looking at his face, he is like "damn you for asking me in this way :mad: " ------> silverspear = :D :D :D

Sean486 01-07-2006 06:34 AM

You can do it! If I can do it anyone can. I recommend exercise as a distraction. Also try to think of not smoking as an act of strength and of relapsing as an act of weakness to be overcome. That mentally helped prepare me. Also if you relapse, that doesn't mean that you give up, try again the very next day. Good Luck. :)

Earthworm 01-07-2006 07:14 AM

I cannot stand cigarette smoke. I go out of my way to avoid it. We do not allow smoking in any public places here in Winnipeg. At work there is one spot on the entire property that allows smoking. You can't even smoke in the parking lot.

My GF still smokes although she's tried to quit in the past. She says she's quitting this year. I will not let her smoke in the house. Any time someone motions to have a cigarette I ask them when they are quitting. If someone does light up in my presence I will let out a "guilt" cough.

Can you tell I hate smoking?? :rolleyes:

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