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Phast SVX 03-16-2005 02:38 PM

Happy St. Patties...
A little early this year, big event in whitewater all us college students get up at 6 am and go drink at hte bars, then commence to class, only to return to the bars. Ive got my made in ireland Tshirt all laid out and ready to go, along with my "Kiss me im Irish" ;)

so everyone have a happy St. Patricks Day!!!

Sidewinder 03-16-2005 02:47 PM

Phil, that is possibly one of the greatest things I've ever heard.

I am proud to say that when I return to Wausau, I am hoping to consume some green beer or golden beer (I don't care about the color) in honor of St. Patricks day. But, until then, I think my evening is best spent preparing for tomorrow's big event!

We don't have any cool traditions like that here, but the thursday before spring break is enough to get a lot of people to the bars!

I am green with envy. We all need cool traditions like that. :D

(Me thinks this is the wrong flag, but man, I think we're on the right continent at least!)

Sidewinder 03-16-2005 02:53 PM

Thinking about beer, and browsing found this:

Not-so-time-honored St. Patrick's Day Traditions:

12) Showing off your fashionably snug "Kiss Me I'm Irish" boxers.

11) Breaking into the reptile exhibit at the zoo and driving out all the snakes.

10) Talk loudly about your recent visit to the Leprechaun Colony on Molokai.

9) Pour a box of Lucky Charms down your pants and ask women if they can find the special new shape.

8) Every time you buy a pint, smack an Englishman.

7) Get a tattoo on your belly that says "Blarney Stone."

6) Regale everyone in the pub with wild and bawdy stories about your two good friends Patrick Fitzhenry and Henry Fitzpatrick.

5) In your worst Irish accent, tell anyone who'll listen, "You know, I'm really more of an Oktoberfest man meself."

4) Dress up as old-time Irish outlaw Jesse James Joyce.

3) Ask couples, "Are you two Irish? Get it? Are U2 Irish?" Laugh uproariously when no one else does.

2) Find a highway cloverleaf and drive really slow in the fast lane all night long. It's good luck!

1) Two words: Green Puke

thundering02 03-16-2005 06:49 PM

Green Puke..... :eek: :p

ensteele 03-16-2005 11:36 PM

Happy St. Patties Day to every one. :D :D

Weasel 22 03-16-2005 11:56 PM

im not wearing green..but my SVX is teal :D

Phast SVX 03-17-2005 04:29 AM

OK, now im drinking. HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY :D

SHISVX 03-17-2005 02:26 PM

god i love being almost all irish... :D

no drinking for me tonight, i am on call!:(


oh, and enjoy everyone...safely please!

svxistentialist 03-17-2005 03:53 PM

Thanks Guys
Thanks to you all for the sentiment.

I am probably the only full-time Irish person on here :D :D [how green is that smile?] but kind wishes from you SVX guys on the day are much appreciated.

Being Irish is not an exclusive enclave any more I am happy to say. So those who says they are part Irish are very welcome to the club. Personally, I like to think it is more about being friendly and party going, than party animal. The wild drinking binges are really not what it's about, but wetting[not drowning!] the Shamrock is OK so long as you come up for air, and don't drink enough to get unfriendly :rolleyes:

We are currently experiencing mass immigration here in Ireland. This is the first year the parades have been really colourful. There are loads of wonderfully dressed African people, Chinese people, Phillipinos, all showing off beautiful and colourful national dress and cultural ritual dances. Am I glad I lived to see this day! We have been white and monocultural over here for so long, we were in danger of disappearing up our own a$$es. We have also been exporting our people abroad for so long, it's nice to see the world visiting us for a change.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all my friends on the Network.

Joe :)

svxistentialist 03-17-2005 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by SHISVX
god i love being almost all irish... :D

no drinking for me tonight, i am on call!:(


oh, and enjoy everyone...safely please!

Like Kelli says, we don't want any bent SVXs or broken SVXers tonight. Drive sober.

On call, Kelli......

Does this mean there is a button somewhere I can press in an emergency, and you and your firemen friends come and rescue us from the reptile house?? :eek: :D :D

Sidewinder 03-17-2005 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Phast SVX
OK, now im drinking. HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY :D

Green with envy... you're lucky you have such traditions. Slight pun intended...

svxistentialist 03-17-2005 04:59 PM

OK Eric.

'Fess up. What whiskey is that?

Citrus notes? Youse putting orange juice in the booze?


Sidewinder 03-17-2005 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by svxistentialist
OK Eric.

'Fess up. What whiskey is that?

Citrus notes? Youse putting orange juice in the booze?


Well, not quite... Southern Comfort uses peaches in the creation of their whiskey. Anyway, that description, minus the part about moderate pricing, is from the Thompson Whiskey website. Yeah, about $7/liter. Just perfect for that poor college student, and it tastes pretty good. It's no Jamesons but it sure mixes well with my other favorite beverage: diet coke. :D

svxistentialist 03-18-2005 02:17 AM

Whiskey, you're the divil,
Thompson Whiskey. Thanks Eric.

I have never come across it, but maybe they don't export.

I have always like Southern Comfort, although it is very sugary. As a product it lend itself better to mixers than normal whiskey does IMO. Mainly I drink the stuff neat [when I'm drinking, that is] or mixed with water or sometimes soda water. So I am not really a mixer person, unless I have friends around and go mad with the coctail shaker, in which case anything goes. :eek:

Will watch out for your Thompsons, it sounds interesting and good value.

Joe :)

SHISVX 03-18-2005 12:17 PM

got calls just some drinking in public and acting stupid...i hate being sober when everyone else is drinking...but i was the DD and then i got to be on call all night :(

i am like 79% irish....i just wish i had the accent...tis hot ;)

and the emergency button is 911


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