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subi-crosser 06-21-2009 12:40 AM

Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!
I THOUGHT that I would get to relax in my favorite chair tonight... 8:15 PM, sat night the eldest daughter called..." I think that Shayna has been SHOT!!" OK, You have my ATTENTION!!

She explained that her MORON neighbor had come out of his house and fired a shotgun into the air TOWARDS my daughters house, she heard BBs hitting her pond and her 10 year old daughter yell! She had been struck in the neck!

he was far enough away that it didn't do any serious damage (YET)

I told her to call the COPS, and that I was on my WAY!!

I delivered my FAVORITE 'toy'. a 'cut down' Mauser bolt action, gray powder coated, re chambered for 308 cal., a box of 'Brass Jacket 'soft tips', a Bushnell 'STALKER' scope that makes a business card look like a LEGAL pad at 100 yards!

I told her to fire a 'warning shot'... CENTER BODY MASS!! If the MORON EVER shot at my grandkids again!!

For now, we give the nice cop we talked to for an hour a chance...

I sat next to the gun rack and waited till my Son-in-law got home. (He was out of town when it happened) He got home 10 minutes ago!

About 4 months ago, their dog got loose. My Grandson was chasing the dog when a shot rang out, aimed at the dog.

4 days ago, the moron told my granddaughter "How GOOD the dog would look covered in blood", (NOT a Pit bull, It was a 'toy Poodle'!!), Tonight, he HIT my Granddaughter with number 5 or 6 shot from a shotgun!! The cop took pics of the welt and bruise on her neck! (Thank GOD that she wasn't closer!!)

He fired the gun, jumped into his car and left!

I don't think he realizes just how many 'talents' I possess!! He might just find out, if it is a 'chioce' between my Grand Kids or HIM!! I LOVE the Kids, he's just another a$$hole sucking air!


jeffast 06-21-2009 12:47 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!
that is really ****ed up

BoxerFanatic 06-21-2009 01:08 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!
Some guy just getting his gun off in a residential neighborhood?

dangerously stupid, in many ways, hurting children being the most serious, giving gun owners a bad image in general, and making a stupidity case for advocates of gun control being another on that list.

What a dangerous idiot, from the sound of it.

subi-crosser 06-21-2009 01:28 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!

Originally Posted by BoxerFanatic (Post 606039)
Some guy just getting his gun off in a residential neighborhood?

dangerously stupid, in many ways, hurting children being the most serious, giving gun owners a bad image in general, and making a stupidity case for advocates of gun control being another on that list.

What a dangerous idiot, from the sound of it.

I do not advocate 'gun control', I want IDIOTS dis-armed!!, in LEG IRONS, face down on the tarmac!! I want to KEEP my #@@#@# rounds, my !@@#$% of weapons available for the DEFENCE of our rights and our kids!!

"Clean the guns" in my sig!! ( But there are OTHER ways to get-er-done!)

I KNEW a 14 year old that had 'contacts' from a 'Lionel' train set on his flaslight to set off Blasting Caps and related materials....

Match sulfer, duct tape, a light bulb filiment, better stop now!!

"STUFF" that we all can get........

I PRAY that things do not deteriorate to that level!!!

I'm ready!! RU????

subi-crosser 06-21-2009 01:45 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!

Originally Posted by subi-crosser (Post 606042)
I do not advocate 'gun control', I want IDIOTS dis-armed!!, in LEG IRONS, face down on the tarmac!! I want to KEEP my #@@#@# rounds, my !@@#$% of weapons available for the DEFENCE of our rights and our kids!!

"Clean the guns" in my sig!! ( But there are OTHER ways to get-er-done!)

I KNEW a 14 year old that had 'contacts' from a 'Lionel' train set on his flaslight to set off Blasting Caps and related materials....

Match sulfer, duct tape, a light bulb filiment, better stop now!!

"STUFF" that we all can get........

I PRAY that things do not deteriorate to that level!!!

I'm ready!! RU????

He SHOT my 10 year old Granddaughter!!

I'm PI$$ED!!

demonsvx 06-21-2009 02:12 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!
I would wait till the prick came home and had a "misfire" in his direction.....all 30rds of them with my AK. Ooops sorry it was a accident.

My guns stay locked up until I have reason to pull them out but this guy sounds like he has a serious a$$ beating coming his way. Pisses me off that its usually some kid involved that is getting hurt because of someone else's stupidity. Press charges and sue the sh*t out of him, get him for domestic violence and make sure he can never owna gun again legally. And if you see him with one after this you know what to do.

I wish your granddaughter good luck and hope she gets to feeling better.

svxistentialist 06-21-2009 06:28 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!

Originally Posted by subi-crosser (Post 606045)
He SHOT my 10 year old Granddaughter!!

I'm PI$$ED!!

Jerry, I don't know what gun legislation applies in your neighbourhood, but over here, if you discharge a gun in the direction of people or in a residential area they will take your guns and refuse you a license.

This b'stard hit your grand-daughter and you are every bit as upset as I would be in the circumstances. Just the same I would appeal to you to take it calm Jerry, though this is easier said than done I know.

Anger is hot but retribution should be cold. Icy cold.

Don't take things into your own hands and break the law, this gob****e is not worth it. Explain to the police the threats, explain that he has discharged firearms before, explain that he will kill or injure somebody if he is allowed keep his guns. Make a formal complaint and accusation. Get the law to take his guns away.

That's the way to soften his cough.

Joe :mad: :mad:

lhopp77 06-21-2009 07:18 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!
Need to borrow my Remington Model 700 LSS 300 Ultra Mag? :)


demonsvx 06-21-2009 09:50 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!

Originally Posted by lhopp77 (Post 606064)
Need to borrow my Remington Model 700 LSS 300 Ultra Mag? :)


Nice gun of choice. I prefer to hunt with my Remington 660 in 6.5 Magnum

SilverSpear 06-21-2009 10:01 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!
Sorry to hear that a scumbag lives next to your daughter's family. If this ever happened back home, this guy would be dead by now.

You guys suck in weapons :p :p, here is one of my faves! I call it the "disappearer" since it literally makes you vanish :D

demonsvx 06-21-2009 10:16 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!
Silverspear come on we only "advertise" what type of weapons we have as legal. The stuff your talking about is kept in a secure bunker for a real battle:D Dont want to waste ammo on some stupid idiot who discharges his gun in the air and expects not to be held accountable.

I had a similar problem with my neighbor and his pack of dogs chasing my kids thru my yard. I went thru the sheriffs and animal control to resolve the problem which in turn told me to shoot the dogs if anyone in my family was threatened by them. The best part is when the sheriff asked me if I had something adequate to shoot them with and proceded to show him my AMD65 he said that would do it laughed and told me to have a nice day:D

SilverSpear 06-21-2009 10:43 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!
Demon, when someone touches a member of my family, there is nothing called legal/illegal weapon in my book! ;)

Family first, law next (Ooops I am carried away here, sorry mods...)

Don't quote me ppl, this is just me...

demonsvx 06-21-2009 11:00 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!

Originally Posted by SilverSpear (Post 606081)
Demon, when someone touches a member of my family, there is nothing called legal/illegal weapon in my book! ;)

Family first, law next (Ooops I am carried away here, sorry mods...)

Don't quote me ppl, this is just me...

Note: Dont take the law into your own hands unless it is a last resort. Trust me you can get creative before getting violent.

No offense taken, I understand where you are coming from. Heck growing up as a kid I carried a old wooden bad with nails in the end of it for the neighborhood dogs:lol:

SilverSpear 06-21-2009 11:20 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!
Bats are useless in my part of the world :D

SoCal LS-L 06-21-2009 11:49 AM

Re: Granddaughter shot by A$$hole neighbor!!
Yeah this guy needs to go down for battery with a deadly weapon.... did they arrest him?? Sounds like he's a real winner.....

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