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dromano 08-29-2008 03:23 PM

McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP
OK all, what do you think of this pick? I think she is a great choice! Even if the Hillary rebels don't like her she solidifies the conservative base. Independents & conservative dems should like her over NObama. Still think NObama is an empty suit, a Chicago political machine cronie, with no experience, just a silver tongue.

Who?, me biased?

lhopp77 08-29-2008 05:18 PM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Originally Posted by dromano (Post 561859)
OK all, what do you think of this pick? I think she is a great choice! Even if the Hillary rebels don't like her she solidifies the conservative base. Independents & conservative dems should like her over NObama. Still think NObama is an empty suit, a Chicago political machine cronie, with no experience, just a silver tongue.

Who?, me biased?

Think she might also attract some blue collar males as her husband is a common union worker. Her experience is not great but its better than Hussein Obama. Time will actually tell when we see how she relates to her audiences.

You are right about Obama--he is a very good speaker but doesn't really say anything (reminds me of the black preachers actually). We have seen how he comes across when he has to fly by the seat of his pants to answer tough questions without a prompter---not very good.


NikFu S. 08-29-2008 07:13 PM

I just stood with a wide open gape upon hearing the coverage on CNN this morning. A comment from a Hillaryite, something about cracking the glass ceiling and Palin being a nobody from nowhere, really irritated me.

On the one hand, I don't like McCain. On the other hand I very much like Palin, and not just because she's a milf. I have no opinion of Obama or Biden so now I am stuck between a hunk of sharp cheddar and a gooey place.

Turbone 08-29-2008 07:24 PM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP
Whoa! Talk about a kick in the nuts (for the Dems)
I love it! :banana:
I heard some stories about Palin after she was elected Gov and how she was shaking up the whole works.
This is just what the Ticket needs.
A mover and a shaker (no milf pun intended).

And did anyone know that the set designer for the Democrat Convention was the same designer for Brittney Spears?
I wonder who will be doing the Republican set?
I say get Gene Simmons:D

lhopp77 08-29-2008 07:55 PM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP
I had to chuckle today when the Dems attack her experience. She obviously has as much experience as Hussein Obama and in a far more responsible position AND she is ONLY running for VP. :eek: :rolleyes:

And you are right they sure can't say she is more of the same and just another politician---she attacked her own party's corruption seems to really be cleaning house.

A bit refreshing, don't you think???????????????


Wikedjuggalo 08-29-2008 08:47 PM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP
Obama. First off I don't like this spoon feeding everyone that is going to just make everything right. I hate it, I can't stand it. He sits and talks about all these reforms that he wants to do but I can bet you everything I own even a 1/3 of it wont get even close to be done. He is just telling everyone what they wanna hear and they hear and think O he's going to be great!

I just got done arguing with my family about this, they (all of them) want Obama but I don't. He tells us that He wants health care reform, wants to stop depending on foreign oil, wants to get started on alternative methods. But all I can think is, you feeding in to what you want most but can't stop to realize that it wont happen. In order to stop depending on forgien oil it will take many years to accomplish this. You think Oil companies which back car makers want them to make alternative cars? Hell no. My family contiuned to argue "what is McCain going to do?" but its not what he said he is going to do but rather he hasnt lied and promised us.

He offers a real solution to higher gas prices which does include off shore drilling. How else are we going to stop depending on foreign oil then to supply our own. Now that is not to say that we need to keep using all fossil fuels but damn it we can't just switch over night.

Another thing is the reason people buy into Obama as much is because the economy is in a slump. Look back and you'll see we go to war and the economy suffers. We finish said war and the economy enjoys a nice time of growth and prosperity. I 100% back OUR TROOPS. People seem to confuse backing our troops and saying that everything done over there is right. Its not we have gotten ourselves stuck there policing a country. but we can't very well just get up and leave now can we? We took their leader out of power and opened up Freedom to them. We now have to set forth a working democracy before we can let them on their own.

Gas Prices... Sure we pay 3.50 or even 4 dollars a gallon but look over in Europe and see how much they pay a gallon compared to us. We can't ***** and moan that much about it. Sure their currancy is worth about 1.46 to one dollar but that is a bunch of countries togehter and seeing as we are just one we fair pretty good against it. Damn it we can't to stop paying so much for gas then the retards that buy a Big gas guzzling V8 that is only to ever carry one person would rather buy a smaller vehicle the demand will then decrease and we won't have to pay as much. People also fail to realize we have had electric cars since back in the 20's but they arnt as being made for the simple fact that the battery technology hasnt gone as far as Car technology. We must first catch up in order to be able to drive a decent distance. A recent electric car can go what 80 or 90 miles on a charge? But a car can go what 200 or 300? The recharging thing take much longer then then pumping gas. The technology is many years away and we are to be at least 10 years from seeing the first commercially available to drive everywhere electric cars.

Anyways I'm done ranting I have work in the morning but I'll say this. Just because McCain doenst come out and aww everyone with this great fixes
doesnt mean he doesn't have a plan for stuff. Read up on him before you go tossing Obama on your voting card.

newsvx 08-29-2008 09:01 PM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Originally Posted by Turbone (Post 561879)
Whoa! Talk about a kick in the nuts (for the Dems)
I love it! :banana:
I heard some stories about Palin after she was elected Gov and how she was shaking up the whole works.
This is just what the Ticket needs.
A mover and a shaker (no milf pun intended).

And did anyone know that the set designer for the Democrat Convention was the same designer for Brittney Spears?
I wonder who will be doing the Republican set?
I say get Gene Simmons:D

And did you know that Reagan had a "similar" set behind him??????

newsvx 08-29-2008 09:25 PM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Originally Posted by Wikedjuggalo (Post 561894)
Obama. First off I don't like this spoon feeding everyone that is going to just make everything right. I hate it, I can't stand it. He sits and talks about all these reforms that he wants to do but I can bet you everything I own even a 1/3 of it wont get even close to be done. He is just telling everyone what they wanna hear and they hear and think O he's going to be great!

I just got done arguing with my family about this, they (all of them) want Obama but I don't. He tells us that He wants health care reform, wants to stop depending on foreign oil, wants to get started on alternative methods. But all I can think is, you feeding in to what you want most but can't stop to realize that it wont happen. In order to stop depending on forgien oil it will take many years to accomplish this. You think Oil companies which back car makers want them to make alternative cars? Hell no. My family contiuned to argue "what is McCain going to do?" but its not what he said he is going to do but rather he hasnt lied and promised us.

He offers a real solution to higher gas prices which does include off shore drilling. How else are we going to stop depending on foreign oil then to supply our own. Now that is not to say that we need to keep using all fossil fuels but damn it we can't just switch over night.

Another thing is the reason people buy into Obama as much is because the economy is in a slump. Look back and you'll see we go to war and the economy suffers. We finish said war and the economy enjoys a nice time of growth and prosperity. I 100% back OUR TROOPS. People seem to confuse backing our troops and saying that everything done over there is right. Its not we have gotten ourselves stuck there policing a country. but we can't very well just get up and leave now can we? We took their leader out of power and opened up Freedom to them. We now have to set forth a working democracy before we can let them on their own.

Gas Prices... Sure we pay 3.50 or even 4 dollars a gallon but look over in Europe and see how much they pay a gallon compared to us. We can't ***** and moan that much about it. Sure their currancy is worth about 1.46 to one dollar but that is a bunch of countries togehter and seeing as we are just one we fair pretty good against it. Damn it we can't to stop paying so much for gas then the retards that buy a Big gas guzzling V8 that is only to ever carry one person would rather buy a smaller vehicle the demand will then decrease and we won't have to pay as much. People also fail to realize we have had electric cars since back in the 20's but they arnt as being made for the simple fact that the battery technology hasnt gone as far as Car technology. We must first catch up in order to be able to drive a decent distance. A recent electric car can go what 80 or 90 miles on a charge? But a car can go what 200 or 300? The recharging thing take much longer then then pumping gas. The technology is many years away and we are to be at least 10 years from seeing the first commercially available to drive everywhere electric cars.

Anyways I'm done ranting I have work in the morning but I'll say this. Just because McCain doenst come out and aww everyone with this great fixes
doesnt mean he doesn't have a plan for stuff. Read up on him before you go tossing Obama on your voting card.

I don't intend to get into a heated discussion about Obama vs McCain, so let's take personalities out of the discussion.
One has to ask the question: Have the Republicans made up better off since year 2000. Don't think so. A barrel of oil was LESS than $20 in 2000 - what is it now? $120 +. Gas sold for what, $1.50 per gal in 2000 - now what is it? We had a surplus in Federal budget in 2000, now we have the highest deficit ever - and China owns 1/3 of it!!!; and Russia another significant part!! The average American worker is MUCH worse off than eight years ago - companies (big businesses) have cut benefits, shipped jobs overseas, killed unions off (only 8% of the workforce is now unionized), eliminated retirement plans, all the while paying CEO's crazy high salaries. The Dollar is at an all time low - just wait until we have to start paying EUROS for the oil we buy. Our reputation with other countries is at an all time low. And we tell Russia the day is gone when a country can invade another country with the goal of throwing out the ruler of that country - of course that what we did in Iraq. Our "forcing our view of freedom" on others is amazing, isn't it? And WE (the US) put Sadam in power to start with. This isn't the way a "respected" country should act and a reason we are not respected overseas anymore.

I could go on and on, but do ask ourselves if we are better off now than eight years ago. Even McCain has stated that we are WORSE OFF THAN FOUR YEARS AGO.

BTW, I am an Independent and actually voted for George Bush the FIRST time around ....


dromano 08-30-2008 06:53 AM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP
The process is playing out. It's unfortunate that most of what we will see & hear over the next 2+ months is propaganda & party message.

I thought it was disgustingly hilarious that virtually every democrat that was interviewed at the DNC said the exact same words about Bush/McCain: "we can't afford 4 more years of failed Bush/McCain policies". I kept thinking, how stupid for the same words to be spoken by most every dem. It made them look like clones.

There are a few interesting things to come: NObama's buddy Rezko will be sentenced soon, the VP debates will be extremely telling, how will NObama do in debates where he speaks off the cuff?, in McCain's wheel house.

I don't blame NObama for not doing a large number of town hall meetings as suggested by McCain, NObama knew he would be at a disadvantage. NObama is developing a rep for not being able to put a complete sentence together if he is not using a teleprompter.

Are you bothered by NObama's 20 year association with Rev Wright? Or that NObama is a pupil of the 'Chicago political machine'? Or that Michelle is 'black first', not an 'american first'? Or Nobama has not held a job other than government funded positions, best of which (in my view) was 'community organizer' in South Chicago. It is reported that in the first election Nobama ran in in Chicago he had all the opponents removed from the ballet??????:barf:

An interesting 2+ months indeed.:bash:

Mensaf 08-30-2008 06:54 AM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP
I don't care if a penguin is running for the Dems, no more republicans. Nothing but bad comes out of their presidencies. Obama will do plenty once he actually has the power, and doing nothing is better than doing the oppossite of what you say (as the norm has been in recent years) regardless. Does anyone here even remember what a good economy looked like?


Originally Posted by dromano (Post 561922)
I thought it was disgustingly hilarious that virtually every democrat that was interviewed at the DNC said the exact same words about Bush/McCain: "we can't afford 4 more years of failed Bush/McCain policies". I kept thinking, how stupid for the same words to be spoken by most every dem. It made them look like clones.

It's funny because it's true. No one wants a republican in there anymore. They're all the same.

Yea, and I'm not heading out to fight for a war I want no part of. We could see a draft under his presidency:

What sucks is that I've wanted to join the ANG, but I'm waiting to see who comes out as the next president before I sign up for anything. I'll go to a country that needs help, or one that's attacked us, not one that they want cleared out for oil money. How the **** was Bush not impeached yet?

RSVX 08-30-2008 08:07 AM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP
I would have preferred Romney, but then again it could have been Leiberman... and then I would have not voted for McCain at ALL.

All in all, its a risky choice, but one I hope pays off. Not a big fan a McCain, and his running mate weighs heavily on who I vote for, and it's already NOT Obama.

newsvx 08-30-2008 08:26 AM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Originally Posted by dromano (Post 561922)
Are you bothered by NObama's 20 year association with Rev Wright? Or that NObama is a pupil of the 'Chicago political machine'? Or that Michelle is 'black first', not an 'american first'? Or Nobama has not held a job other than government funded positions, best of which (in my view) was 'community organizer' in South Chicago. It is reported that in the first election Nobama ran in in Chicago he had all the opponents removed from the ballet??????:barf:

An interesting 2+ months indeed.:bash:

If one really looks deeply into what Rev Wright said, then one knows what he meant when he said the "..chickens have come home to roost". The things this country has done in foreign countries in the past is, in my opinion, terrible and something we continue to be critical of other countries for doing. We can not / should not force our way of life on others. Iraq will never be truly democratic - not with what is within its borders now: too many factions.
Michell is NOT "black first". She, as well as many others (white included) have addressed the plight of the minorities - even the poor white. Sounds like you have bought into the Republican propaganda on a number of issues. But I say again, take the personalities out of the equation entirely and ask youself, "Am I better off now than I was in 2000"? Unless you are very well off financially, the answer has to be NO. I work at a food bank locally, and it is VERY telling. There are more people needing help these days and fewer that believe that they can help out. Our country is in a sad state presently. I would vote for Mickey Mouse come Nov rather than another Republican .....

benebob 08-30-2008 05:43 PM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP
She's a joke with 2 balloons and a heartbeat. I give McCain a month before he's popping his viagra with her.:D

Seriously, I find it hillarious that a 72 year old with a history of cancer, high blood pressure would pick someone who (no offense to Alaska) has governed for less than 2 years a very homogeneous state (politically at least) with less population than the city of Philadelphia but yet run attack adds against his opponent regarding experience.

I would have prefered that he actually made his choice rather than letting Rush do it for him, it simply shows that his spine has become that of a jellyfish in recent years.

Sadly Bob Barr is proving he can't do a 3rd party run so Nader all the way! Sure he's older than McCain but he also still has more than 1/2 of his mind left and all of his spine left.

dromano 08-30-2008 06:58 PM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Originally Posted by benebob (Post 561979)
She's a joke with 2 balloons and a heartbeat. I give McCain a month before he's popping his viagra with her.:D

Seriously, I find it hillarious that a 72 year old with a history of cancer, high blood pressure would pick someone who (no offense to Alaska) has governed for less than 2 years a very homogeneous state (politically at least) with less population than the city of Philadelphia but yet run attack adds against his opponent regarding experience.

I would have prefered that he actually made his choice rather than letting Rush do it for him, it simply shows that his spine has become that of a jellyfish in recent years.

Sadly Bob Barr is proving he can't do a 3rd party run so Nader all the way! Sure he's older than McCain but he also still has more than 1/2 of his mind left and all of his spine left.


so refreshing of you to display your true colors, why not just say"I'm a liberal what ever"??? Politically you suck big time as far as this conservative is concerned. Just come out front or what ever. Politically you are an egniba....I don't get it........

Wikedjuggalo 08-30-2008 07:44 PM

Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP
I will agree with you 100% our economy has gone to hell in a hand basket. But we are at war....... Does no one think this plays a part in anything? Look back at previous wars and see how the economy was? I can bet it wasnt all peachy and prosperous.

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