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demonsvx 08-11-2008 10:09 PM

Close to another World War?
Recent events suggest to me that we are headed to a World War. Russian invading Georgia, Georgian troops that were patrolling the border between Iran and Iraq-whos there now? Israel and Iran constantly back and forth about Irans nuke production. The US stuck in the middle of the region where we are siding with Israel, Georgia and NATO countries whereas Russia and Iran pretty much side with each other. A small misstep could throw us into a world war. We will see-as I go buy some ammo:D

Bobb 08-12-2008 12:57 AM

Re: Close to another World War?
Hi everyone, A few years ago Russia was trying to get back the nuclear weapons from Georgia after the USSR fell apart. I told my wife that if Russia pushes Georgia to hard they will blow a big one off in desperation. I'm pretty sure Georgia kept one or two just to be safe. Russia didn't keep the best records of where and how many. Take care and all mushroom clouds are not fungus, BOBB

JaySVX 08-12-2008 07:49 AM

Re: Close to another World War?
i don't forsee ammo doing a whole lot of good at the current rate of technology. you, and your 10,000 closest neighbors, will be dusted before you have time to load a clip.

dcarrb 08-12-2008 10:43 AM

Re: Close to another World War?
There's not going to be a world war. China has already taken over without firing a shot. But who cares, so long as the shelves at Walmart are filled with cheap, plastic crap?


Stilor 08-12-2008 11:24 AM

Re: Close to another World War?

Originally Posted by demonsvx (Post 559737)
Russian invading Georgia

While I am not challenging the title of your post - indeed, it seems the world's gone mad - but this sentence seems somewhat one-sided. I think this topic belongs to the political forum...

Russia was protecting its own citizens in that break-away Georgian province (in both Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Georgia had no authority since 1992 - that is, for 16 years - so de facto, these provinces are even more independent than Kosovo). I think I don't need to remind you that US is considering protection of its citizens, even abroad, as a precedence above the territorial integrity and rights of sovereignty - "safeguarding the lives of U.S. citizens in Panama" was the top reason for US invasion in Panama, for example. In case of Georgia, I think Georgia's use of multiple-launch rocket systems against a city more than justifies immediate military response.

Some mass-media also claim that even though Russia dealt with Georgian aggression in South Ossetia, Russian troops should've stopped at the border of Georgia. First of all, look at the map of South Ossetia - you'll find its capital, Tskhinvali, right on the Georgian border. Also, I a recent example: when US intervened to protect Kuwait, did they stop at the Iraqi border? Or did US proceed into Iraqi territory to ensure Iraqi troops don't regroup and repeat the invasion?

Other side of this conflict

So my opinion is that in this conflict it's Russia who shared the American values: protected its citizens, did its best to protect civilians and limited its response to military installations.

benebob 08-12-2008 01:01 PM

Re: Close to another World War?
No Russia is waiting until the idiot Americans pump out all the domestic gas while they hold an estimated amount larger than what is estimated to be in the ground in the US as a military strategic reserve. Then when the US has no more diesel to run its war machine they'll make their move to regain superpower status. An army is only as good as its oil supply. Just ask Hitler.

Then again, maybe I'm wrong. I'm sure we'd have no problem getting oil from around the world during war time.:lol:

LetItSnow 08-12-2008 08:33 PM

Re: Close to another World War?
I still like the idea of Russia taking Georgia and heading straight to Alabama!

demonsvx 08-12-2008 08:58 PM

Re: Close to another World War?

Originally Posted by LetItSnow (Post 559878)
I still like the idea of Russia taking Georgia and heading straight to Alabama!

And head north thru Tennessee........we will show them Ruskies some southern hospitality.......with some homemade AKs:D

dromano 08-21-2008 06:31 AM

Re: Close to another World War?
Georgia started the mess by doing what the USSR used to do to its satellite states if they started to get out of line, (Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the Baltics, Ukraine, Chechnya & East Germany). It appears that Putin is making moves (ending partnership with NATO, threats to Poland) to revert to the mode of cold war USSR.

I think severe damage to the Georgia military and transportation infrastructure is old school USSR, bear, hammer and sickle. Interesting to watch how long Russian military stays in Georgia and if they do more damage.

Where the hell are the neutral peace keepers?:confused:

Now that Putin has oil and western democracies are dependent on Russian oil I think Putin will play his very strong hand to the hilt. Keep your head down.

Interesting that Russian population is declining, at the current rate it's expected to be below 100 million by 2030. Consider that oil, nuke tech, military hardware and vodka are the main components of the Russian economy, Putin is perhaps looking at more moves like those in Georgia to take over bordering countries in order to grow.:eek::barf:

dromano 08-21-2008 06:40 AM

Re: Close to another World War?

Originally Posted by Stilor (Post 559811)
While I am not challenging the title of your post - indeed, it seems the world's gone mad - but this sentence seems somewhat one-sided. I think this topic belongs to the political forum...

Russia was protecting its own citizens in that break-away Georgian province (in both Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Georgia had no authority since 1992 - that is, for 16 years - so de facto, these provinces are even more independent than Kosovo). I think I don't need to remind you that US is considering protection of its citizens, even abroad, as a precedence above the territorial integrity and rights of sovereignty - "safeguarding the lives of U.S. citizens in Panama" was the top reason for US invasion in Panama, for example. In case of Georgia, I think Georgia's use of multiple-launch rocket systems against a city more than justifies immediate military response.

Some mass-media also claim that even though Russia dealt with Georgian aggression in South Ossetia, Russian troops should've stopped at the border of Georgia. First of all, look at the map of South Ossetia - you'll find its capital, Tskhinvali, right on the Georgian border. Also, I a recent example: when US intervened to protect Kuwait, did they stop at the Iraqi border? Or did US proceed into Iraqi territory to ensure Iraqi troops don't regroup and repeat the invasion?

Other side of this conflict

So my opinion is that in this conflict it's Russia who shared the American values: protected its citizens, did its best to protect civilians and limited its response to military installations.

Was Georgia "set up" by Putin? It was not the normal course of events for Russia to have such a large force so close when Georgia attacked starting the conflict. It has "set up" written up, down and side ways. Russia is not the good guy here, Russia took advantage of an ethnic dispute period.

Sov13t 08-21-2008 08:09 AM

Re: Close to another World War?
lol... brain washed by the western media ftl... :rolleyes:

Hey dromano... is the world flat too?


lhopp77 08-21-2008 12:35 PM

Re: Close to another World War?

Originally Posted by Sov13t (Post 560830)
lol... brain washed by the western media ftl... :rolleyes:

Hey dromano... is the world flat too?


Wonder who is really brainwashed???? :p


Sov13t 08-21-2008 12:59 PM

Re: Close to another World War?
Oh really...

Well let's see... did you even know where Georgia was before this "conflict" was chewed and fed to you by the CNN, the BBC, the FOXNews the whatever?

Did you know that there is actually a North Osetia? Did you know that South Osetia was assigned to Georgia's administrative region due to the fact that it was just easier to administer from Tbilisi rather than from Vladikavkaz during USSR? Did you know that the Western media... started coverage of the conflict 16 hours after it has erupted... you know what happened then? They finally were able to take pictures of the Russian tanks heading into Osetia... Do you even know who the hell started the conflict? Damn Russians, I tell ya... they have nothing better to do than sit there and think... "Oh man we gotta go take out Georgia cause their leader is a lunatic"... Who militarized Georgia? Who was backing them all this time... who's investment is it? Better yet, who was handling PR during the so called "war"?

One thing, I want to tell you... if your going to present only one side of the story... and even exaggerate, make up, falsify information... and not even mention the other side of it.... well guess what... that is called bias. And you know what else... it is a story that sells... wtf knows about Osetia or Georgia... in the west? Better yet, who the **** cares... But now that you introduce Russia into this... OOOOOOO.... worlds collide... All of the sudden media spins this off into a huge deal... politicians (pop stars) have to immediately comment on it... and so on and so forth.

lhopp... :rolleyes: If your calling yourself an "old timer"... I'd imagine you would at least be a little more mature than us, kids, and not get involved in stupid, pointless internet arguments... *sigh*


lhopp77 08-21-2008 02:21 PM

Re: Close to another World War?
A North Ossetia?? Humm, along with South Ossetia and maybe Abkhazia. Seems that Georgia has a very long history. Wasn't Stalin a Georgian?

Actually the thing that hits me the most from this is that is seems you might be in the wrong country. :p


Sov13t 08-21-2008 03:01 PM

Re: Close to another World War?
I'm sorry that you obviously do not understand this conflict. I'm also sorry about the fact that I care more for the truth than big, dramatic, news-selling headlines. I thought that was supposed to be one of the great things about America....that truth prevails over fallacy, right over wrong, etc. Unfortunately, what I understand now is that if your opinions do not align with that of popular opinion, which in this case is easily manipulated by media conglomerates, then you are considered unpatriotic. I thought I was just being American by voicing my opinion, even though it may be the opinion of the minority in this forum, because I believe it to be the truth.


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