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-   -   I need to settle something... ( 02-22-2001 05:33 PM

Ok, I'm trying to develop a system for looking up hard parts. You punch in the year, make and model and get a list of categories you can browse depending on what your looking for. My problem is that my boss says that I should not put prices next to the part but instead make them click on the part and see what the price is. Naturally he has some very flawed logic behind it (they will buy more parts that way) but I need some genuine customer feedback on what *they* want in the system to have a hope of convincing him.

So I suppose what I'm saying is tell me what you would like to see and I will do it.

The catalog can be found at
(as of now only 92-93 SVX is functional)

Svx'ers are a cool bunch (not like them justy owners, hehehe).


Best prices around!

Chad 02-22-2001 07:07 PM

Parts Listing
The site looks really good. I would like to see the prices on the same page as the part. Sometimes when I am looking for parts, I like to know what I'm up against pricewise. Just another 'click' that doesn't need to be there....and that's my $.02

nubs 02-22-2001 07:43 PM

Hi Ryan, I think your idea on having the prices listed next to the part number is the way to go.Anything you do to make it faster and more user friendly will get people to use it more often,especially with all of the bad stories we hear about the dealers.

PS. I own an SVX and a Justy, Better watch what you say:)

htyei 02-22-2001 09:49 PM

svx parts catalog
I liked the way subaruparts put the retail price, and their own price side by side. Prices up front are good.
One less level of indirection, means less likely to being frustrated and leaving the site

Aredubjay 02-23-2001 08:33 AM

Put the price there. I'm sometimes "shopping" not buying. The price, at the outset, will help me determine what I can put on my "get it now" list and what to put on my "I need to wait 'til I get the money" list.

I love the system (waiting on an order now that I entered the other day -- got an order acknowledgement, but no shipping notice, yet). One thing that does bother me, though: When you click on the part, it automatically puts it in your shopping cart. It even "cookied" it in, so, when I left the site, came back to look for other parts, that one part followed me around for the entire session. I think you should put a clear and concise "add to cart" button, so that people know exactly what they're adding to their cart. On my first trip, I was looking at some screws and clips and gaskets. I hit the "submit" button with each "decision" (mind you, I was still learning how to navigate the system). When I went to check out, my subtotal was over 4,000.00. I freaked! Somehow, it had added a transmission to my order . . . not that I'd mind having a spare, but, Yikes!

Keep up the good work, though. Tell your boss, prices first, purchase second -- more flies with honey, than with vinegar, as they say. 02-23-2001 10:23 AM

Re: svx parts catalog

Originally posted by htyei
I liked the way subaruparts put the retail price, and their own price side by side. Prices up front are good.
You know, we put the MSRP of each part on the site, but I will let you in on a little secret: Virtually every part count in the world at every dealership will quote you a higher price than list. Dealerships will charge as much as they can to whoever they can. The average markup for factory list is 68%! Our standard pricing formula is cost+20% (its not quite that simple tho, sometimes cost+20 is more than list or more than other standard markdowns or there is only a 2% diffrence between cost and list..... hehehe). Most other online retailers typically price thier parts as list-20% (we always beat that).

Now as for the behavior of the catalog, I am working on things so it behaves more like people expect in terms of adding parts and such.

P.S. Sorry about that justy comment! Sometimes justy owners are terrible! By thine svx yee are saved.

Best prices around!

Uncamitzi 12-19-2002 03:05 PM

This was the oldest thread I could find..
I wasn't here... hell I didn't even know what a SVX was in Feb of 01... Was this the start or have pages been deleted?

Talk about dredging up old memories!!!!!:D

Aredubjay 12-19-2002 03:27 PM

We actually had a "first pass" at this before the Grand opening on March 15, 2001. When we switched the software from the beta to the full version, we lost prior posts. My post count COULD actually be much higher. :D

svxistentialist 12-19-2002 05:26 PM

False start
That explains a lot Randy. My start date is listed as March '01, but in fact I remember a lot of posts I made from February of that year.

They disappeared. So my count should be higher also.

Mmmmmmm The thick plottens.......


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