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greg 10-27-2002 12:04 AM

Got ran over by a semi yesterday!
Well here it is Friday afternoon I am getting off work early to bring my poor little puppy to veternarian because she (as I know now) has a tumor. My mother just called me to let me know that she was in the hospitol. Apparently she went to the doctor for some test and it was more serious that originally suspected... And work was an absolute B@#CH! One guy never showed up and the work load was tripple a normal day...I am mentally worn out by this point. So, I take a breath and wrap up a few things so that I can leave and the lady from the office building next door comes running into my work.... "An 18 wheeler just ran over your car!!!" Well immediatly my heart races...Sure enough There are the rear wheels of an 18 wheeler setting on my bumper right past the fender that it had already crushed and tore a hole in the side. I just cried (and called the vet to let them know I would be late). The truck driver asks me if I would take 1000 dollars and forget about the trouble of police and all. Of course I refused and called the police. After a few minutes of waiting for the police the poor guy comes over and appologizes to me for running over my car. And to make my day even better he lets me know that he was going to loose his job because I filed with the police. He had apprently ran over another car or three... I felt terrible leaving this guy unemployed... Oh well I guess he can find another job. But my baby, Poor Helix, he will never be the same!
What a day!



I_Alcyone_I 10-27-2002 12:20 AM

I'm really sorry to hear about your car, and the rest of your day. I hope your mom and your dog will be ok. About the truck driver losing his job, I know I would feel like crap about that, but this guy obviously wasn't fit to be driving a vehicle that large.

I recently went through a streak of bad luck myself, just hang in there everything will work out.

Good luck,

CopsodyX 10-27-2002 01:04 AM


Originally posted by I_Alcyone_I
I recently went through a streak of bad luck myself, just hang in there everything will work out.

Good luck,


You're not my I'm so sad thread...i'm so sad.

So sorry about your car...good thing you weren't in it. And i'm undecided about felling bad for the truck driver...what would be next...running over a car with a baby in it?

FifthElement 10-27-2002 01:06 AM

I wouldnt feel too bad about him losing his job. What if you had been inside the car at the time? Obviously driving a Big Rig is not what this guy is cut out for. You handled the situation quite calmy and responsibly from what you describe. I would have been a tad bit irate.

CigarJohnny 10-27-2002 08:11 AM

I'm really sorry to hear about your Mom, your dog and your car. I hope they will all be ok. I had to put down one of my favorite animals due to cancer and it broke my heart. I hope you do not have to do the same. My prayers are with you.

As far as that driver goes, you did him and everyone else on the road (and on the sidewalks, in their homes, etc...) a favor! He is clearly a danger to himself and others while behind the wheel of a rig.

SHISVX 10-27-2002 08:40 AM

i can't say anything more than

i am so sorry to hear about your horriable day. i hope all is well. i wouldn't feel bad about the truck driver either...what an idiot.. sorry about mom, the car, and the pup. if you want to pm me with some info about your dog, whether the tumors are just fatty tumors or what ever, please do so, i might know something that might help you, if not i, the vet i work for is the man.

hopefully the week goes buy without problems..keep your chin up


subymtnguy 10-27-2002 08:40 AM

What a horrible day! Don't worry about the guys job; he will find another one....hopefully doing something else....

Is there a pic of this truck sitting on your car?

Take a few deep breaths....things have a way of working themselves out...


svxeno 10-27-2002 09:01 AM

I wanted to respond, I just don't know what to say. Things will improve. They always do. I hope things work out for you soon.

As for the truck driver, it's a shame but, you can't take that on yourself. If he has a history of this at least he won't have the opportunity to injure anyone.

Randy K

Uncamitzi 10-27-2002 10:20 AM

:eek: :eek:
Here I was all sad because I just need to decide about fixing or getting a new car...... Your luck will change! I'm sorry to hear about all of your misfortune. I've been through streaks like that in my run though this thing they call life. I can tell you one thing. No matter how bad it looks and feels right now, things will start to look better. Don't dwell on the negitive (I know that is very hard right now) just work the problem. Try to take care of them one at a time and don't let them gang up on you. ... After all of this passes and things do get better. Stop! look around and you will realize how strong you are because you came through it. You will get tons of advice on how to handle the situation. Listen to all of it and then weigh the options. But most of all try to find something to laugh about. NOT JUST SMILE! But a full gut wrenching laugh!!! (try to do it either with friends, family or alone, or people will think you've succumbed to the pressure and send you to a little home in one of those nightgowns that don't close in back....) Good luck... keep your chin up and write here and read here often. Someones bound to tell you how bad his/her life is and make you feel better by comparison! for instance.... you have made me feel a lot better about my situation!!!!. (sorry)

Good luck :D

greg 10-28-2002 05:41 PM

Thanks guys for all the support. As for the puppy, she will be going in for surgury this friday to remove/test the tumor. I hope that it is not cancer. She is only 4! I had hoped for at least 20 years with her. As for my mother they still are not sure what is wrong with her (stupid doctors). I think she will be okay. And last the damages came in today at close to $4,000.00 bucks. I am a bit worried because the trucking company canceled their insurance and claim to be "self insured" What the hell is that about? But all in all I am okay. :rolleyes: Things can't get much I am looking up to see what good will come out of this. Again, thanks you guys for all the support!

phoenixsvx 10-28-2002 06:28 PM

That i stoo sad about how your day was if there is one thing we don't need out there are too many truck driving SVX killers. Things will get better for you and the pup, i have a dog i thought i had to put down due to tremors. He is medicated and has more fun than ever. I know what it is like to have everything come down at once. In one week i went thru 3 tires, was hit by a tire off truck going down the freeway, and even managed to hit a 25 foot ladder at 65.
Once you are down there is no where to go but up.

Green1995SVX 10-28-2002 07:05 PM

My dog had a cancerous tumor removed when he was about 2. He had to undergo some pretty bad cancer treatments which made him very sick. It was scarey because I didnt think he was going to make it. I had to rush him to the doggie hospital numerous times because he was doing so bad. He has since recovered and is doing just fine with no signs of any other problems. Things will turn out ok! :)


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