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Ron Mummert 01-23-2005 07:05 PM

Mr. St. Peter....uh...Heeeere's Johnny!
Just think. There'd be no threads about spotting SVXes in Seinfeld episodes. There probably wouldn't have been a Seinfeld as we know him without Johnny Carson. Maybe a Letterman, a Leno, a Steve Martin, a Rosanne, a Gary Shandling & hundreds of other now well-known characters, would never have ever emerged to entertain the public without the Tonight Show.
It's hard for me to believe it's been 13 years since the greatest (IMHO) sustained comedian, yet semi-intellectual turned out the lights, & virtually disappeared from view.
But I still remember when that nightly theme started to play right after the late news, we were hooked. Johnny was responsible for my "Late to bed, late to rise" habit. I never tired of his banter. He was creative, risque, topical, but never mean spirited, or "IN YER FACE", as so much of today's humor seems to be.
He was there for us 30 years. Now he's gone.
I find myself reflecting upon pieces of my own life today.
Thanks, Johnny.


SVXRide 01-23-2005 07:26 PM

Even though I'm no where near your age, thus never had the same opportunity to watch Carson like you did (;)), I certainly agree with how you've captured him. He was definitely one-of-a-kind!
p.s. emphysema @ 79 years old - not a nice way to go

Motorsport-SVX 01-23-2005 08:39 PM

Re: Mr. St. Peter....uh...Heeeer's Johnny!

Originally posted by Ron Mummert
Just think. There'd be no threads about spotting SVXes in Seinfeld episodes. There probably wouldn't have been a Seinfeld as we know him without Johnny Carson. Maybe a Letterman, a Leno, a Steve Martin, a Rosanne, a Gary Shandling & hundreds of other now well-known characters, would never have ever emerged to entertain the public without the Tonight Show.
It's hard for me to believe it's been 13 years since the greatest (IMHO) sustained comedian, yet semi-intellectual turned out the lights, & virtually disappeared from view.
But I still remember when that nightly theme started to play right after the late news, we were hooked. Johnny was responsible for my "Late to bed, late to rise" habit. I never tired of his banter. He was creative, risque, topical, but never mean spirited, or "IN YER FACE", as so much of today's humor seems to be.
He was there for us 30 years. Now he's gone.
I find myself reflecting upon pieces of my own life today.
Thanks, Johnny.


Couldnt of said it better myself....
I so grew up with him everynite, and my parents would
let me stay up to watch him when he had guest I mostly
wanted to see, .....back before cable ;)

Bobb 01-23-2005 08:44 PM

Here's Johnny
Hi Ron, Thanks for remembering. Take care, BOBB

Matthewmongan 01-23-2005 08:55 PM

i cant believe that conan is taking over... i never got to watch carson back in the day but ive seen clips of it and their are times that i wish tv was the was is was back then. i remember as a kid every saturday watches black belt theater on fox 54 they would play bruce lee movies after which would be nightmare theater with the horror movies. its sad that their is no more habit forming tv programs that the intire family can watch. i miss startrek and startrek next genoration with patrick stewert, and then deep space nine. tv is over run with TRL and room raders dont forget pimp my ride. the only shows wourth habitually watching imho are nip tuck, rescue me , stargate (if you like sci fi) battle star glactica and er. theis are archatypes for shows with continuity that viewers can really get into. they build a relationship with their audience and really put on a good show. you can tell that their motivated not by money but by giving people something to watch, enjoy and someday tell their kids abot the classics that were on tv when they were young.
seinfield sex in the city are good examples of tv shows like this. its to bad their arn't more. i want shows like cheers to come back.

n00b on demand 01-23-2005 08:57 PM

I remember back in 1990 and 91 when i was just about 6 and 7 i used to wake up in the middle of the night and go to the living room to ask my dad for a glass of dad would be waiting up late for my mom to come home from the hospital from work...and he would be sitting there laughing his ass off to johnny carson :)

ensteele 01-23-2005 09:39 PM

I lost more sleep staying up late watching Johnny that any other show. He was great. You always felt great after seeing him and sometimes hurt from laughing. He will be missed. It is so sad to be loosing all of our all time greats. They will howevery be remembered in our minds and never forgotten. :)

Well, some of our minds anyway. :rolleyes:

LarryIII 01-24-2005 05:02 AM

Johnny's probably doing his monologue in heaven right now and his first guests are Steve Allen and Jack Paar.

Thanks Johnny for all those wonderful late nights and tired morns.

svxfiles 01-24-2005 07:39 AM

Johnny was quick and funny.
I think his best line EVER, was to Zha Zha Gabore.

She was sitting, holding and petting a beautiful cat, she says to Jonny, "Would you like to pet my .....?
And without any hesitation, on live TV, he says"Sure, move the damn cat!"

It's probably twenty years ago, and I still laugh when I remember it. Thanks, Johnny.

Ron Mummert 01-25-2005 12:48 PM


Originally posted by svxfiles
Johnny was quick and funny.
I think his best line EVER, was to Zha Zha Gabore.

She was sitting, holding and petting a beautiful cat, she says to Jonny, "Would you like to pet my .....?
And without any hesitation, on live TV, he says"Sure, move the damn cat!"

It's probably twenty years ago, and I still laugh when I remember it. Thanks, Johnny.

Hey Tom - google up Johnny Carson+Zsa Zsa Gabor & you'll find that that famous line was never uttered. It was an urban myth.
But somehow we all remember it.

Ron (just pussy-footin' around again).

Sidewinder 01-25-2005 12:51 PM

I'm with SVXRide on this. Too young to really know him and the show, but seeing all the clips of him on the news now, sure makes me laugh. Very cool man.

svxfiles 01-25-2005 01:45 PM

You may be right, Ron, I did not see that show but, I was told that story by my boss, right around 1980... And it, and he, still make me laugh! Tom.

Landshark 01-25-2005 03:02 PM

i don't remember who said it, but the quote was, "Johnny was mean when he was sober, but even meaner when he was drunk."

apparently he wasn't a real nice guy off camera.

Ron Mummert 01-25-2005 07:46 PM


Originally posted by Landshark
i don't remember who said it, but the quote was, "Johnny was mean when he was sober, but even meaner when he was drunk."

apparently he wasn't a real nice guy off camera.

Probably a quote from someone noted in Carson's biography by Lawrence Leamer. Leamer also notes that Johnny quit booze altogether in 1972. "Not a nice guy" could refer his aversion to being in crowds, & his shyness translated into aloofness & standoffishness. I guess we all figure a public performer should be "on" 24/7 & any diversion from the stage personna is viewed as a "peculiarity". But, such content is what sells the National Inquirer & other rags, so we can only ponder the context within the eternal cat-fight called show-biz.


Motorsport-SVX 02-03-2005 04:15 PM

never saw this coming
in the last 3 hours its jumped up $30k

I remember seeing his 97 or so white Vette sell at the
BJ Auction for like $13k too.
Wonder what it would go for now ?

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