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demonsvx 02-16-2006 08:06 PM

President Bush must have failed math
Im getting fed up with this crap:mad: Oh no I said something bad about King Bush, let the games begin:rolleyes:

mohrds 02-18-2006 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by demonsvx
Im getting fed up with this crap:mad: Oh no I said something bad about King Bush, let the games begin:rolleyes:

I don't see the problem? We need money, we ask for money, end of story...

What does it matter who asks?

Royal Tiger 02-18-2006 10:24 AM

Where is the "failed math part"? I must have missed it.

Landshark 02-18-2006 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Tigershark
Where is the "failed math part"? I must have missed it.

maybe he meant, "failed thread"?

NapaBavarian 02-18-2006 10:48 AM

Perhaps spending more money we don't have, still need to spend it, but like the american public the goverment just keeps swiping the plastic:rolleyes:

SubaSteevo 02-18-2006 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by NapaBavarian
Perhaps spending more money we don't have, still need to spend it, but like the american public the goverment just keeps swiping the plastic:rolleyes:


Actually for once he has a plan on how to get this money. Higher interest rates on student loans, and reduced financial aid for college students.

It seems he's determined to make everyone else as big of a moron as himself.

Landshark 02-18-2006 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by NapaBavarian
Perhaps spending more money we don't have, still need to spend it, but like the american public the goverment just keeps swiping the plastic:rolleyes:

i'd rather spend it now, than spend it rebuilding cities later when the nutjob islamic terrorists get their hands on some nukes.

we could have saved some money in WWII by staying out of it and letting Hitler just do his thing. :rolleyes:

Noir 02-18-2006 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Landshark
i'd rather spend it now, than spend it rebuilding cities later when the the fist of God comes crashing down on us!!!!!


Landshark 02-18-2006 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Noir

do you think He's mad about those Mohammed "Bomb-head" T-shirts?

Noir 02-18-2006 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Landshark
do you think He's mad about those Mohammed "Bomb-head" T-shirts?

i think he's angry with all the mother-in-laws of all the virgins that he has to deal with.

demonsvx 02-18-2006 01:20 PM

I dont see the reason for wasting anymore money in the Middle East rather than in the U.S. I do not believe Iraq was a "direct threat" to the U.S. Our troops are needlessly being killed for what, a stable Middle East:mad: give me a break. Everybody hates the U.S. until they need help but Im sorry help yourself FIRST. If Iraqis didnt like their situation and needed our help why are THEY not suppressing THEIR PROBLEM?!

Landshark 02-18-2006 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by demonsvx
I dont see the reason for wasting anymore money in the Middle East rather than in the U.S. I do not believe Iraq was a "direct threat" to the U.S. Our troops are needlessly being killed for what, a stable Middle East:mad: give me a break. Everybody hates the U.S. until they need help but Im sorry help yourself FIRST. If Iraqis didnt like their situation and needed our help why are THEY not suppressing THEIR PROBLEM?!

have another hit of that spliff, hippie.

ensteele 02-18-2006 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by SubaSteevo

Actually for once he has a plan on how to get this money. Higher interest rates on student loans, and reduced financial aid for college students.

It seems he's determined to make everyone else as big of a moron as himself.

I think you are talking about the "other" people on this one. If you mean the Democrats, yes, you are right. They want to raise your taxes and cut back many programs that will allow you to get ahead in life. :( :( :(

n00b on demand 02-18-2006 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by demonsvx
I dont see the reason for wasting anymore money in the Middle East rather than in the U.S. I do not believe Iraq was a "direct threat" to the U.S. Our troops are needlessly being killed for what, a stable Middle East:mad: give me a break. Everybody hates the U.S. until they need help but Im sorry help yourself FIRST. If Iraqis didnt like their situation and needed our help why are THEY not suppressing THEIR PROBLEM?!

Why aren't THEY supressing their own problem? See this is where americans are spoiled. In this country if you have a problem there are many ways of doing something about it. Such isn't the case in other countries. If anyone wanted to go against sadaam in iraq they would be killed...not just them but their entire family and every single person that they have ever come into contact with. And im not just talking about killing talking about slicing your head off in front of your wife. For christs sakes the sadaams 2 kids who were by his side all the time threatened to kill the iraqi soccer team if they didn't win. Be glad you live in a free society where we can all agree and disagree without being killed for our thoughts.

AppStateSVX 02-18-2006 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by SubaSteevo

Actually for once he has a plan on how to get this money. Higher interest rates on student loans, and reduced financial aid for college students.

It seems he's determined to make everyone else as big of a moron as himself.

i'm not sure that you can blame the increase on education on Bush.....but that is the easy thing to do right?

Landshark 02-18-2006 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by n00b on demand
Why aren't THEY supressing their own problem? See this is where americans are spoiled. In this country if you have a problem there are many ways of doing something about it. Such isn't the case in other countries. If anyone wanted to go against sadaam in iraq they would be killed...not just them but their entire family and every single person that they have ever come into contact with. And im not just talking about killing talking about slicing your head off in front of your wife. For christs sakes the sadaams 2 kids who were by his side all the time threatened to kill the iraqi soccer team if they didn't win. Be glad you live in a free society where we can all agree and disagree without being killed for our thoughts.

but everything is groovy when you're a hippie! :D they should just, like, talk about stuff, man. be all about peace and love. far out.

demonsvx 02-18-2006 03:06 PM

I understand some your opinions to support Bush such as Middle East peace, freedom in the region but I believe we are going about it in the wrong way. The media coverage of the war, that supposedly ended 3 1/2 yrs ago is in my eyes, limited. Im not trying to offend any Bush supporter thats your right and obligation of the Umited States. I think the U.S. had no clear plan for Iraq. First it was WMD, then it was liberating Iraq, then it was creating a govt, now we are a police force. Whats next our troops?? Also why were TWO invited citizens of our FREE country escorted from the State of the Union address for wearing their "objective" shirts? Isnt the FIRST AMENDMENT supposed to guarantee FREE SPEECH or am I wrong?:confused:

Electrophil 02-18-2006 03:29 PM

I can't believe this thread even exists.

Logic.... pure Logic.

Dec, 2000: 400billion dollar surplus, Stock market above 11,000, unemployment in a record low 3 percentile, no war dead in 8 years, no American soil terrorist attacks (Besides that McVeigh psycho) since the Bush Senior Administration, NO WAR DEAD in 8 years.

Jan, 2001: Bush, the failed businessman takes over and is informed by the outgoing administration that Osama Bin Laden is America's number one threat. Bush gives a tax cut to his buddies and goes on vacation.

Feb 2001: The very first of the 9/11 terrorists start arriving in the US.

Mar 2001: Bush goes on Vacation

Apr: 2001: 9/11 Terrorists meet in Las Vegas. FBI informs CIA. Tenet trys to schedule meeting with the president. President informs him to debrief with his NSA.

May, 2001: Bush goes on Vacation. Tenet is getting the run around trying to schedule a meeting with the president over this terrorist cell operating in the US, and Osama.

June, 2001: Unemployment hits 6.2%, almost double the low set in November, 2000.

July, 2001: Polls come out to show Bush is at 38% approval.

Aug, 2001: Bush is still on Vacation from July, and receives his famous "Osama is planning to strike the US with a terrorist attack" memo. It is Tenet's last ditch effort to get his attention. Tenet submits a letter of resignation.

Sept, 2001: Terrorists attack... Bush panics while enjoying a children's book as the second plane strikes the remaining Tower. He then gets in Air Force One and does circles over the state of Wyoming trying to figure out where he left his keys. Oh yeah!! At the white house! Tenet resigns.

Oct, 2001: Bush declares himself the savior against terrorism, and America's only hope for protection. His approval shoots to the 80 percentile under the guise of "Support your prez during time of crisis."

The rest is history. Iraq, etc... All is known history.

If you were for the guy at first? Fine. Who could know he would be this bad. If you are stinkeen' rich.... Well, you should be for him. He is your president.

What matters now is the facts. And the facts are he has failed at every endeavor, just as he did in business. A vote for him at the beginning is natural, and no big deal.

To still be behind his decisions now? I want some of whatever drug you are on.. It's black and white, and no amount of spin can change that. He has been extremely bad at making decisions, and it shows in both foreign and domestic policies.

Electrophil 02-18-2006 04:38 PM

Mike621 02-18-2006 04:46 PM

In a completely almost unrelated post.
We should watch out for this guy too!

Electrophil 02-18-2006 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mike621
We should watch out for this guy too!

:D :D This wins the funny of the year award. :D :D

demonsvx 02-18-2006 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Electrophil
I can't believe this thread even exists.

Logic.... pure Logic.

Dec, 2000: 400billion dollar surplus, Stock market above 11,000, unemployment in a record low 3 percentile, no war dead in 8 years, no American soil terrorist attacks (Besides that McVeigh psycho) since the Bush Senior Administration, NO WAR DEAD in 8 years.

Jan, 2001: Bush, the failed businessman takes over and is informed by the outgoing administration that Osama Bin Laden is America's number one threat. Bush gives a tax cut to his buddies and goes on vacation.

Feb 2001: The very first of the 9/11 terrorists start arriving in the US.

Mar 2001: Bush goes on Vacation

Apr: 2001: 9/11 Terrorists meet in Las Vegas. FBI informs CIA. Tenet trys to schedule meeting with the president. President informs him to debrief with his NSA.

May, 2001: Bush goes on Vacation. Tenet is getting the run around trying to schedule a meeting with the president over this terrorist cell operating in the US, and Osama.

June, 2001: Unemployment hits 6.2%, almost double the low set in November, 2000.

July, 2001: Polls come out to show Bush is at 38% approval.

Aug, 2001: Bush is still on Vacation from July, and receives his famous "Osama is planning to strike the US with a terrorist attack" memo. It is Tenet's last ditch effort to get his attention. Tenet submits a letter of resignation.

Sept, 2001: Terrorists attack... Bush panics while enjoying a children's book as the second plane strikes the remaining Tower. He then gets in Air Force One and does circles over the state of Wyoming trying to figure out where he left his keys. Oh yeah!! At the white house! Tenet resigns.

Oct, 2001: Bush declares himself the savior against terrorism, and America's only hope for protection. His approval shoots to the 80 percentile under the guise of "Support your prez during time of crisis."

The rest is history. Iraq, etc... All is known history.

If you were for the guy at first? Fine. Who could know he would be this bad. If you are stinkeen' rich.... Well, you should be for him. He is your president.

What matters now is the facts. And the facts are he has failed at every endeavor, just as he did in business. A vote for him at the beginning is natural, and no big deal.

To still be behind his decisions now? I want some of whatever drug you are on.. It's black and white, and no amount of spin can change that. He has been extremely bad at making decisions, and it shows in both foreign and domestic policies.

Thank you for clarifying why the worst attack on America was the result of the longest presdential vacation in history.
I agree its hard to support someone's decision when most of them are without planning or structure ie 9-11, Afganistan, Iraq, Osama Bin Laden, Katrina, do I need to elaborate anymore?? First he wanted Bin Laden dead or alive, and they changed course to go to Iraq,WTF is that about? Worlds most wanted criminal should have been PRIORITY #1 !

Electrophil 02-18-2006 05:38 PM

And has anybody noticed lately that all the countries Bush is saving from terrorism is now being run by the people we all previously considered terrorists?

Oh! Here's the newest one... besides Hamas of course.

Remember this guy?

Long live his trillion dollar debt to world democracy.

Electrophil 02-18-2006 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Mike621
We should watch out for this guy too! 2.1MB

AppStateSVX 02-18-2006 06:45 PM

wow, it seems like every other week we get another thread that is just a repeat of the same old information over and over and over. I'm not a replublican, but has anyone thought of what would have actually happened had a sleezebag like Kerry been elected?

demonsvx 02-18-2006 07:19 PM

I didnt vote for either one:D If they would get someone worth a damn I might get interested in voting again. Its never going to change unless the american people change it:) There is too much executive power being thrown around these days and they got us "afraid" to speak out. Screw them all they break constitutional law everyday and tell us what to do:mad: I dont care if they come to my house to "suppress" my thoughts, feelings or opinions. I dont care if they monitor my internet or phone because they feel they need to "protect us". Ill do just fine with my AK:D God willing

SubaSteevo 02-18-2006 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by ensteele
I think you are talking about the "other" people on this one. If you mean the Democrats, yes, you are right. They want to raise your taxes and cut back many programs that will allow you to get ahead in life. :( :( :(

No actually, Bush just signed a plan doing exactly what I stated (student loan interest rate hike and less financial aid). It also makes it harder to recieve welfare.

ensteele 02-18-2006 08:59 PM

If we make it harder to get welfare, we can give out more student loans again. :)

Electrophil 02-18-2006 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by AppStateSVX
wow, it seems like every other week we get another thread that is just a repeat of the same old information over and over and over. I'm not a replublican, but has anyone thought of what would have actually happened had a sleezebag like Kerry been elected?

Better yet, has anyone thought of what would have actually happened if the sleezebag Bush hadn't of been elected, and 9/11 prevented?

(or the invasion of Iraq, or the squandering of our surplus, or the loss of our high tech jobs overseas... all on the stroke of his pen?)

Electrophil 02-18-2006 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by ensteele
If we make it harder to get welfare, we can give out more student loans again. :)

500 billion spent in Iraq is a LOT of student loans, plus a LOT of welfare.

Mike621 02-18-2006 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Electrophil
500 billion spent in Iraq is a LOT of student loans, plus a LOT of welfare.


I have a lot to say on this subject, but Im not in the mood. kthx

intelisevil 02-18-2006 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Electrophil
Better yet, has anyone thought of what would have actually happened if the sleezebag Bush hadn't of been elected, and 9/11 prevented?

We could have prevented Bush being elected (if anyone would have been willing to run against him), I highly doubt we could have prevented 9/11.

Where's Bipa when we need her to put this all into the proper perspective?


Electrophil 02-18-2006 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by intelisevil
We could have prevented Bush being elected (if anyone would have been willing to run against him), I highly doubt we could have prevented 9/11.

Where's Bipa when we need her to put this all into the proper perspective?


Good point Dan. Where is Bipa? I haven't seen her post in a while.

Noir 02-18-2006 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Electrophil
Good point Dan. Where is Bipa? I haven't seen her post in a while.

I think Bush and his peeps finally got a hold of her. I know she's been on teh run for a while. ;) :p

Manarius 02-18-2006 10:46 PM

With the 1.2 billion we waste a week in Iraq, we could be spending that money on Student Loans, Paying back Social Security, protecting our borders, helping Katrina victims, etc.

Instead, we waste that money on a country that couldn't give two s%#t's about us.

I'd really like to know, how is it that we can continue to cut taxes, yet spend more money? I mean, I'm only in Microecon, but it seems to me that you shouldn't be spending more money then you're taking in. It would be like me going out and buying a new SVX every week for 4000 when I'm only taking in $2000 a week.

Electrophil 02-18-2006 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Noir
I think Bush and his peeps finally got a hold of her. I know she's been on teh run for a while. ;) :p

:D Heh.. Yeah, she's got this big guy shining a light in her face saying "Ve haf vays of makink you vremem...ber.. :D

Electrophil 02-18-2006 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Manarius
With the 1.2 billion we waste a week in Iraq, we could be spending that money on Student Loans, Paying back Social Security, protecting our borders, helping Katrina victims, etc.

Instead, we waste that money on a country that couldn't give two s%#t's about us.

I'd really like to know, how is it that we can continue to cut taxes, yet spend more money? I mean, I'm only in Microecon, but it seems to me that you shouldn't be spending more money then you're taking in. It would be like me going out and buying a new SVX every week for 4000 when I'm only taking in $2000 a week.

This says it all.. right here. This is why I re-registered as a Democrat after spending the first 40 years of my life as a republican. The republican party no longer stands for conservatism, except in the area of thumping a bible.
(no offence meant to anyone on the bible thumping... I'm just saying that's the only conservatism left in the party.) And since religion is constitutionally considered separated from Government, we have a problem.

Noir 02-18-2006 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Electrophil
This says it all.. right here. This is why I re-registered as a Democrat after spending the first 40 years of my life as a republican. The republican party no longer stands for conservatism, except in the area of thumping a bible.
(no offence meant to anyone on the bible thumping... I'm just saying that's the only conservatism left in the party.) And since religion is constitutionally considered separated from Government, we have a problem.

:mad: i want to be thumped by some hot christian chicks..... :p

AppStateSVX 02-18-2006 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by demonsvx
I didnt vote for either one:D If they would get someone worth a damn I might get interested in voting again.

Not to call you out, but THIS is the real problem I have with people that always bash Bush. First thing I always ask them is, "did you vote?" and usually the response I get is "no, it wouldn't have made a difference", but then again, will their griping to me about the President will make a difference? People need to VOTE, stop your biitching and VOTE. Unless you vote, shut your mouth for the next 3 or so years.

Royal Tiger 02-19-2006 07:50 AM

Anyone who is pro welfare is free to come chase 19 year old drug dealers through back alleys with me, who when you catch them give you disability welfare recepient as their income source. Oh that and the 60 inch plasma big screens and Lincoln Navigators parked in the lots of the projects while they pay $100 a month in rent. Is it hip to be a facist again yet?

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