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CopsodyX 09-10-2002 09:30 PM

Suggestion for peace...
Why not just ban the people that are causing needless trouble for a while? I think that would restore the "calm, intimate atmosphere" that once existed here.

If they keep it up, simply ban them for good.

SEEMS simple enough...

vzSvx 09-10-2002 09:33 PM

Re: Suggestion for peace...

Originally posted by CopsodyX
Why not just ban the people that are causing needless trouble for a while? I think that would restore the "calm, intimate atmosphere" that once existed here.

If they keep it up, simply ban them for good.

SEEMS simple enough...


Aredubjay 09-10-2002 10:20 PM

Personally, I do not like to ban people. I like to give them the benefit of the doubt and give them time to "settle in," and learn the personalities of people.

Remember the brothers "Boomer and Ho?" They were a rowdy couple of guys, but, once they understood the bent of this group, they became quite pleasant to be around -- well, funny, anyway.

I consider banning to be an absolute last resort, but, yes, unfortunately, it sometimes becomes necessary.

You (that's the collective "you") as members of this forum will ultimately have to make that decision. This forum was created by you and for you. Those of you who've spent a great deal of time here should have a voice as to what caliber of folk you wish to associate with. So, simply appeal to the moderators (quietly -- don't lash out) when there is trouble and with enough negative response, those who are reported will first be reasoned with, then, if necessary, the last resort will be enacted.

Thank you, everyone, for sticking with the Network, dispite it's recent hullabaloo, but, we will occasionally have our downs as well as our ups. As the old saying goes, "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger." We are stronger for weathering this small storm.

immortal_suby 09-11-2002 04:17 PM

There is a simple way to do this that's referred in newsgroups as PLONKing (Put Lamer On Killfile) - basically you block their email address from your download list and you no longer even see messages from them. It is pretty powerful in the more close knit newsgroups and repeat offenders often end up talking to themselves since none of the regulars even see their questions or comments.
This can also be done easily here. If there is someone that repeatedly gets on your nerves and ruins the usually fun attitude you have towards this site you can hit profile on one of their messages, then in the profile screen there is a spot on the bottom for adding user to your ignore list. You will no longer see any of their messages or be provoked to respond to something out of anger - adding fuel to the fire.
I am also mainly against censorship but on the other hand I hate to get myself angry by seeing constant fighting between certain people on this site. I had one member here on killfile for a little while when this site was looking pretty ugly a short time ago. I recently took them off my kill list to see if their attitude changed.

I'm all for - if you don't like what's on the radio, change the channel, but I like this site too much to shut myself off from it completely so instead I shut myself off from a few annoying people and continue to enjoy the rest of the network.

wawazat?? 09-11-2002 04:45 PM


Originally posted by immortal_suby
I had one member here on killfile for a little while when this site was looking pretty ugly a short time ago. I recently took them off my kill list to see if their attitude changed.
Wow Matt, I just thought you were avoiding me!:p :p :p :D


Landshark 09-11-2002 06:16 PM

how about adding a Flamers Forum? those people can go bicker about whatever gets their panties in a bunch on there, and the rest of us can go on as usual.

mattski 09-11-2002 08:04 PM


how about adding a Flamers Forum? those people can go bicker about whatever gets their panties in a bunch on there, and the rest of us can go on as usual
I do not think that would work well. Switching "personalities" between forums might prove difficult and "flames" are likely to spread. PMing might work for "private torching".

Green1995SVX 09-11-2002 08:41 PM


Originally posted by Landshark
how about adding a Flamers Forum? those people can go bicker about whatever gets their panties in a bunch on there, and the rest of us can go on as usual.
Here is a link to a forum such as this. It was designed by a user of the cav forum. It's pretty funny... Parental discresion is advised.:cool:


edit: it apears as though the website address is automatically censored by the software here. oh well. on to better things.

Ca$h 09-12-2002 10:54 AM

try this:

Mainly neon owners, but fun regardless. :)

1994SubaruSVX 09-12-2002 11:08 AM

what is wrong with a flame forum?
i actually dig the idea. a no holds barred free-for-all. :D

Mr. Pockets 09-12-2002 12:19 PM


Originally posted by Ca$h
try this:

Mainly neon owners, but fun regardless. :)

I get a 'forbidden' error when trying to view that site.

Apparently they've already heard of me.

wasions 09-12-2002 01:02 PM


Originally posted by mattski

I do not think that would work well. Switching "personalities" between forums might prove difficult and "flames" are likely to spread. PMing might work for "private torching".

I would tend to agree. We have known for some time that, 'taking your hostilities out in a non-aggressive manner', like punching your pillow, is still practicing violence (or in this instance, flaming), and practice always makes perfect. Well, better anyway. :rolleyes: It's always best to practice peace and brotherhood (or sisterhood, or siblinghood - have to watch my P's and C's). (Man, that sounded sappy - but you know what I mean.)

Landshark 09-12-2002 04:02 PM

i think a Flamer's Forum would be kinda funny. i could even communicate with a healthy dose of vulgarities the way i normally do - on here i have to watch my....fingers.

Aredubjay 09-12-2002 05:06 PM

Well, if you guys want to be "flamers" go right ahead. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just go to another forum. :D

Landshark 09-12-2002 05:33 PM

awww, you're no fun!!! i'm gonna go to the "Neon's Ruuuule!" forum and cause some trouble. :D

Boone 09-12-2002 05:33 PM

I do think 'dis place could use an additional forum for "off topic" threads like "look at 'dis", "'dis is what's up my a$$ today", "'dis is what I used to drive" and "'dis is how I work out". It might keep this site from turning too much into a public chat room instead of what it was created for, in lieu of any real measures to control the participants. BTW there is a chat room here for those who wish to engage in keyboard combat when they feel the urge and keep it off the record. Then again, most threads turn off topic and there is fun in that too, when it stays fun. Youse are the ones in control. (not 'dissin anyone) :p Boone

ensteele 09-12-2002 05:53 PM

I have used the chat room in the past and had a great time talking about a subject or current problem with others. I don't think I would use it any more if it was used for other than that use. It has been bad enough over the past couple weeks which has changed the attitude some. I have seen this negative energy start to spread to other members, and I am dissapointed in the recent attitude of some here. I am trying to stay upbeat and not let this get to me because this forum and most of the members mean a lot to me. I guess I just hate change. :(

LarryIII 09-12-2002 06:47 PM


First the pendelum swings one way, slows down and stops. Then it starts to move back. I believe we are in the slow down part.

So hang in there baby.

mattski 09-12-2002 07:03 PM

I love my SVX, and I like this forum because of the nice people I have met. Dealing with that "stuff" over the last few week was a real bummer. I get enough if it at work and in society in general. This group is very therapeutic in that respect and I am glad that it is swinging back to where it was. Thank you all. :)

Ron Mummert 09-12-2002 07:21 PM

BOONE! Where's the cootie???!! I only come here to watch the cootie!!!
Bring him back right now!


SVXphile 09-12-2002 08:06 PM

I wonder what one of those plastic cooties that they used to sell years ago, would be worth today in its original box...

.....probably about the same as an original Winky Dink kit. :)

Oh the value today, of the things I tossed away.... :( Don

Ron Mummert 09-12-2002 09:39 PM

Re: Cooties

Originally posted by SVXphile
I wonder what one of those plastic cooties that they used to sell years ago, would be worth today in its original box...

.....probably about the same as an original Winky Dink kit. :)

Oh the value today, of the things I tossed away.... :( Don

OK, Don (1270)- How many pieces did each cootie have?

PS - Thanks Boone, I'll sleep a little better tonight.


Boone 09-12-2002 09:44 PM


Originally posted by Ron Mummert
BOONE! Where's the cootie???!! I only come here to watch the cootie!!!
Bring him back right now!

Done. The cootie thanks you for your support. I'm just getting weary of waiting for the wheels of change to dispatch the latest crop of adolescent miscreant(s). ;) :D

AutoTchr 09-12-2002 09:55 PM

lets take the pressure off aredubjay
Take the pressure off aredubjay by setting a protocol. Lets set a magic number at "5" and if there are 5 complaints to aredubjay than that person is temporarily banned.

aredubjay has no control over the matter as 5 complaints equals suspension end of story.

Is that what the "report this post to moderator" for??? I don't know, never done it.

Aredubjay 09-12-2002 10:18 PM

Re: lets take the pressure off aredubjay

Originally posted by AutoTchr
Take the pressure off aredubjay by setting a protocol. Lets set a magic number at "5" and if there are 5 complaints to aredubjay than that person is temporarily banned.

aredubjay has no control over the matter as 5 complaints equals suspension end of story.

Is that what the "report this post to moderator" for??? I don't know, never done it.

Yes, the report post to moderator sends e-mails to all moderators. Between the reported posts and the private messages and private e-mails, I'd have a lot of banning to do. :) However the "trigger" is in other folk's hands. I don't have the ability to block anyone. I could hit the "ignore" button, but that would only block posts to myself and therefore not allow me to do my "job" of moderating. 'Sall good, though. I'm sure the voice of the people will soon be heard and all will be well with the world. :D

I'm trying not to lose heart. Youse guys do the same. :D

Trevor 09-13-2002 02:10 AM

There are two very simple well meaning words which are lacking in many posts i.e. please and thank you.

mattski 09-13-2002 06:20 AM


There are two very simple well meaning words which are lacking in many posts i.e. please and thank you.
Trevor, man am I glad I used the T word in my last post.:D

My 15 and 12 year old boys like to play Monopoly. We have very simple house rules for that game. If Please and Thank You are not used in the transaction, it is is voided. Drives them crazy but I like it.:D

Aredubjay 09-13-2002 09:08 AM


Originally posted by mattski

Trevor, man am I glad I used the T word in my last post.:D

My 15 and 12 year old boys like to play Monopoly. We have very simple house rules for that game. If Please and Thank You are not used in the transaction, it is is voided. Drives them crazy but I like it.:D

Yes, basic good manners, of late, seem to be considered passe. At the dinner table (yes, we still sit down as a family, each night, to have dinner), no one receives anything without "the magic words," and no one leaves the table without an "excuse me" or a "may I be excused." What's great is, my kids think it's "cool" that we have "family dinner" and that they are required to use manners. What's more, when they have visitors, their friends always comment about how "cool" it is. Makes them feel good. :D

Green1995SVX 09-13-2002 09:37 AM


Originally posted by Aredubjay

Yes, basic good manners, of late, seem to be considered passe. At the dinner table (yes, we still sit down as a family, each night, to have dinner), no one receives anything without "the magic words," and no one leaves the table without an "excuse me" or a "may I be excused." What's great is, my kids think it's "cool" that we have "family dinner" and that they are required to use manners. What's more, when they have visitors, their friends always comment about how "cool" it is. Makes them feel good. :D

That was always the goal of my mother - to always sit down as a family and have dinner. It never really seamed to happen, though, because either I would be out somewhere doing the 'kid' thing or my father would be stuck late at the office etc etc. Looking back, I wish we were able to do that more often. I'm sure it does something to 'strengthen' the family.


Aredubjay 09-13-2002 09:42 AM


Originally posted by Green1995SVX

That was always the goal of my mother - to always sit down as a family and have dinner. It never really seamed to happen, though, because either I would be out somewhere doing the 'kid' thing or my father would be stuck late at the office etc etc. Looking back, I wish we were able to do that more often. I'm sure it does something to 'strengthen' the family.


Obviously, we have the occasional inturruption in our routine, but, rather than the "norm" it is the exception. It does strengthen our family. I went through my "workaholic" stage, and it almost cost my marriage. I now refuse to allow my job to overtake my family responsibilities. I'll sack groceries before I become a "corporate zombie." Not that there's anything wrong with that. :D

jscorse 09-13-2002 11:21 AM

Sitting Down for dinner
I couldn't agree more. We sit EVERY night possible as a family. Discuss the day and pass the bread.

The 1 1/2 year old "Spirited One" seems to have difficulty keeping her butt in the seat, however.

She does say PEEZZ and TANK U though :)

I've got to post some pictures of my little darlin's...

Ca$h 09-13-2002 11:52 AM

Re: lets take the pressure off aredubjay

Originally posted by AutoTchr
Take the pressure off aredubjay by setting a protocol. Lets set a magic number at "5" and if there are 5 complaints to aredubjay than that person is temporarily banned.

aredubjay has no control over the matter as 5 complaints equals suspension end of story.

That's a stupid idea. In essence, this place would be a popularity contest. If someone is really tactful and never states an opinion, they'll stay on here. If someone speaks their mind and upsets more than five people, they're gone. I guess this idea would be great if you wanted to 'vanillify' the place, but to me that seems extremely boring.

- Ca$h

PS: What would happen if Aredubjay did a moderator 'job' and 5 people complained about it? would he ban himself? Bah. Like I said. Dumb idea.

mattski 09-13-2002 11:59 AM

Ca$h, it is not what you say, but how you say it that can get others in an uproar. Differences in opinions are great and contribute to everyone's learning process.

However, if one states their opinion either with vulgarities or with a "know it all" attitude, most people will tune out the meaning and will perceive the message negatively.

The key in getting your message across is to get others to focus on and understand the message instead of the delivery.


jscorse 09-13-2002 12:00 PM

How to Win Friends and Infuence People
We should ALL read that book.

It's all about listening my friends.....

Aredubjay 09-13-2002 12:17 PM

Re: Re: lets take the pressure off aredubjay

Originally posted by Ca$h

That's a stupid idea. In essence, this place would be a popularity contest. If someone is really tactful and never states an opinion, they'll stay on here. If someone speaks their mind and upsets more than five people, they're gone. I guess this idea would be great if you wanted to 'vanillify' the place, but to me that seems extremely boring.

- Ca$h

PS: What would happen if Aredubjay did a moderator 'job' and 5 people complained about it? would he ban himself? Bah. Like I said. Dumb idea.

If five people complain, darned right, I'll ban myself. Like I've said before, I haven't the ability to "ban" anyone . . . except myself. Which has been a strong consideration since you've come on board. If I did have the ability to ban, it would be on the merits of more than five people, and in that case, you'd be gone.

My only concern is losing ten meimbers because of one. It's true that one bad apple don't spoil the bunch, but it's also a fact of life that when someone fills a room with a stench, the room becomes vacated except for the person causing the stench, because they can't smell it themselves.

I don't want to "vanilify" anything, I just want you to stop your negative tirades. So far, everything anyone has said has drawn your negative retorts. If this is such a bad place, with such moronic, idiotic, retarded, vanilla people, then leave. Pure and simple.

jscorse 09-13-2002 12:21 PM

<<If this is such a bad place, with such moronic, idiotic, retarded, vanilla people, then leave. Pure and simple.>>

Now you've gone and got Randy in a fuss. That's no way to be....

Can't we all just get along.....?

mattski 09-13-2002 12:25 PM

Ca$h, your statement "That is a stupid idea" is exactly how not to start a discussion. It frames your negative OPINION as fact and immediately puts the originator on the defensive. A better start would have been "I disagree with this idea". It would have gotten your point across without insulting the originator as having stupid ideas and therefore being stupid himself.

If you can't learn these simple nuances of communication, then it is your own fault.


AutoTchr 09-13-2002 01:03 PM

Re: Re: lets take the pressure off aredubjay

Originally posted by Ca$h

That's a stupid idea. In essence, this place would be a popularity contest. If someone is really tactful and never states an opinion, they'll stay on here. If someone speaks their mind and upsets more than five people, they're gone. I guess this idea would be great if you wanted to 'vanillify' the place, but to me that seems extremely boring.

- Ca$h

PS: What would happen if Aredubjay did a moderator 'job' and 5 people complained about it? would he ban himself? Bah. Like I said. Dumb idea.

You need a lesson cash. Not a stupid idea, just one you don't agree with. This is exactly the kind of poor disrespectful behavior that that starts these problems.

Aredubjay 09-13-2002 01:33 PM

Re: Re: lets take the pressure off aredubjay

Originally posted by Ca$h

That's a stupid idea. In essence, this place would be a popularity contest. If someone is really tactful and never states an opinion, they'll stay on here. If someone speaks their mind and upsets more than five people, they're gone. I guess this idea would be great if you wanted to 'vanillify' the place, but to me that seems extremely boring.

- Ca$h

PS: What would happen if Aredubjay did a moderator 'job' and 5 people complained about it? would he ban himself? Bah. Like I said. Dumb idea.

Okay, folks. I'm sorry, but this one's got me tweaked.

Cash, you've been here for one month. I've been here for almost two years. You havn't been here long enough to get to know what anyone has contributed to this board, nor have you cared to get to know people. Would you think that I would still be here if people didn't want me here. No. I'd have the good sense to leave. In that short (okay, long) month, you've amassed almost 350 posts, most of which I wouldn't insult my septic tank with by flushing them down the toilet.

I think I state my opinions very well, even using tact. In fact, I'd say most people here get their points across very well without the insulting nonsense you seem to think it takes. And, inasmuch, we can disagree without having to be verbose and we can all get along. I mean, if bluntness is what you want, I'm perfectly capable of being blunt.

Let's say, for the sake of argument (not that you need a sake), that this WAS a popularity contest. You've lost.

Ca$h 09-13-2002 03:06 PM

I know that, which is why I have a problem with it. I'm NOT a bad guy. At all. I'm polite, generous, and really easy to get along with. This is what pisses me off, I'm BLUNT. When someone suggests a STUPID idea, I'm not going to sugar coat it. That idea was STUPID. Just because someone says it like it is doesn't mean that they should be banned. If you recall the FIRST post I made here, I recieved a response that was completely and totally out of line. I came here wanting great things, and one of your UTOPIAN members literally threw it right back in my face. Maybe instead of being so 'offended' you should look in the mirror. I'm NOT out to piss anybody off, I'm not out to annoy people, I'm just here to meet some new people who share my interests.


- Rob

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