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squiggy 09-13-2002 08:39 PM

by the way how did all this come about?? I step away for 3 days and now everybody seems to hate everybody else...
Que paso?

mohrds 09-13-2002 09:02 PM

<<I can look in the mirror. I have no problems with what I see.>>

Must be nice. I haven't been able to see ANYTHING when I look in a mirror for 362 years...

Doug of the undead

CopsodyX 09-13-2002 09:54 PM

Ca$h, I was just wondering how old you were. Just out of curiosity...

I'm 16, just for reference...

stanbu815 09-13-2002 10:30 PM

Let's put this in perspective
Hi guys and gals -
I was somewhat out of commission for most of this week. I just checked the site again tonight and found this new thread which started Tuesday. I say let's put this in perspective because the reason why I was out of commission was because I was in the Hospital getting an Artery opened that I didn't even know was blocked. This saved me from a heart attack waiting to happen.

I get back and find four pages of discussion aimed basically at one very immature and beligerent individual who obviously doesn't understand now and may never understand what this club is really all about.

Cash - life is too short to have the attitude you display. I know you can't appreciate that at age 22 because we all feel we are invincible. Believe me, I thought I was and I am in my 60's and never had a day in a Hospital until this week. I sure do have a new appreciation for life now and this entire thread looks ridiculous to me.

Cash - I only joined this Club this past Spring. I went to the 10th Anniv meet and met many fantastic people who really have their sh-- together. People helping each other to enjoy their SVX's and solving problems for each other and having a great time. You didn't have the opportunity to do that and maybe if you had, you would act differently. You don't understand that you are dealing with people who really care and you're treating us like crap. That is unacceptable and the main reason for all the flack you have taken. So much for the mini-lecture.

Rdub- I don't believe in censorship on this site either unless someone uses profanity excessively (and you know I'm not a prude) or goes off on an offensive tirade having nothing to do with an SVX related subject. I have used the same technique I have used for years with my radio and TV. If I don't like what I see and hear, I turn it off. I usually just click the back button when I see one of Cash's threads. Why waste my time? And that was before I had this recent "scare".

So...enough of this rambling. All I'm trying to do here is tell everyone to chill and put things in perspective. Let's get back to using the Club for its primary purpose which I requote "People helping each other to enjoy their SVX's and solving problems for each other and having a great time.

CopsodyX 09-13-2002 10:40 PM

I'm glad you're okay. I can't wait for the next meet so I can meet all of you great people and show off all the cool (yes, COOL, not tacky, as so many people my age seem to like, including one Silver SVXer in my area, who shal remain nameless :) )...stuff I did to my SVX :D

I hope you have a quick and uneventful recovery. Are you driving yet? One day away from mine, and I get stir crazy!

wasions 09-13-2002 10:43 PM

Stan the Polo Man!!!
Whoa! Dude! Attention getter! :eek: Your fellow Illinoiser down in South area wishes you ALL the best. Bad news, good news - but the best is that it's been handled. :cool:

Take care of y'sef! :)

Aredubjay 09-13-2002 10:56 PM

Stan, glad to know that everything turned out for you and you averted any other difficulty.

I'd be glad to "turn off" this site, but I just care about it too darned much. I don't believe in censorship either, but, if you read through ALL the threads . . . oh heck, never mind. Get better soon. :D

ensteele 09-14-2002 01:18 AM

Stan the Man

Hey, glad to hear things are better. That is good news to hear that it was corrected in time. I wondered where you were. Hope you get back on the road again very soon if you are not there yet. I guess your seat lever wasn't the only thing you were having problems with. :) ;)

Seraph 09-14-2002 02:19 AM

I just read this last couple of comments. I am done with this. Call me when this crap is over. I seriously have better things to do than look at some 22 year old whine like a pig that just got ran over by a car. I don't need this. Period!


PS: Admins and moderators, I think there has been enough people asking to make this go away. I am not trying to be an A-hole but I think it's about time we do something about this. I am calling for a ban. We DON'T have to put up with this.

LarryIII 09-14-2002 06:10 AM


Glad that you are okay. Happy Holidays.

stanbu815 09-14-2002 07:48 AM

Put it in perspective...
Thanks to all of you for your kind words. Yes- I did miss driving for a few days but I am back now although I was advised not to exceed 100 mph for awhile.

I really didn't write my post to get sympathy but to remind everyone how foolish these tirades are in the grand scheme of things.

Lwin just posted that he had enough of this. I agree, too. On the other hand, when I made the comment that this Club should be all about helping each other I want you to know that Lwin is one of the masters of that spirit. Story - A week ago Friday afternoon when I was coming home from work, I smelled something burning and smoke was coming from underneath. I pulled into a Shell MiniMart near work. It appeared to be a broken PS hose that was spraying fluid under the engine block. I got permission to leave the car and my wife picked me up. That night, I PM'd Lwin just to ask him what he thought the problem may be. Not only did he PM me back but Saturday morning he called me and asked if he could take me to my SVX and possibly we could fix it together. Turns out we coudn't and the car had to be flat-bedded to a local dealer, who replaced the PS hose while I was in the Hospital. This was all on the weekend before I went into the Hospital. Just what I needed, a malfunctioning car on top of a malfunctioning ticker.

Hey Lwin - even though you said you wouldn't read any more of this, it's guys like you who make this Club what it is intended to be.

Thanks again, buddy!

ensteele 09-14-2002 08:47 AM

I would agree with this going away. Over the last month I have seen more negative energy here than ever before. I am ready to either see it go away or do the same myself. I love this group of people, what it stands for, and what it has done for me. I would not have got to know so many wonderful people and have purchased my last SVX if it were not for this organization. It has truely enriched my life. Unfortunatly it has turned about 180 degrees over the last month or so. I am not ready to throw in the towel totally yet, I have too much invested in so many ways to do that, but I am ready to limit the time spent here. I don't need all of the negatives in my life - it is much too short as it is. I am sorry if I sound like I am whinning, but I need to say it.

mohrds 09-14-2002 09:10 AM

There is a way
There is a simple solution.

If you do not like someone's posts, use the ignore user feature and you won't see them. Picture me with my hands over my ears chanting "I'm not listening, I'm not listening" :D

Go to the member list, select the user you want to ignore, scroll down to the bottom of their profile and select "Add <user> to Your Ignore List"

The problem is that even though some of us ignore, others feel compelled to reply, so then I still see the reply and know there is still fighting even though I don't see the original post. There are some people I enjoy reading very much, but I'm getting tired of their fanning the flames and getting tempted to ignore them as well for a while.

So please just stop responding or better yet, use the ignore option and we will be in SVX bliss once again.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


ensteele 09-14-2002 09:24 AM

Thank You for the good advice. I will make it so number two! :D :)

Seraph 09-14-2002 09:51 AM

Well, guys, I am around. The only thing that changed is that any post that I don't like, I leave the computer for a day or two and check later. That's my new policy. That day or two could become a week or two or longer depending on the given situation.

Doug, I tried the ignore method. It works pretty well till someone else respond to the person on your ignore list and you read all the quoted materials. Then you click read the ignored user's message and you get annoyed and leave. That's my problem. but ignore does work for a while.

Stan, thank you for your kind message. My cell is not functioning. PM me or e-mail me if you want to work on the network. I am not going to be around today. I will be around tomorrow. 749-1263

ps. stan. I hope you are back on your feet now. and that you are doing great! :)

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