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Landshark 10-12-2012 05:24 PM

Re: Presidential Race

Originally Posted by benebob (Post 713493)
Funny, last time I checked a national poll says nothing. When you take each state Robamney wins hand down esp. considering that large lead he has in that state near you(with 1/5 of the votes already cast) that no Republican has won without winning in how many years. The only math that matters is that electoral college and you have a better chance at this point then your boy Willard.

Then i WILL vote for Spiderman.

Or maybe Captain America!

icingdeath88 10-12-2012 05:32 PM

Re: Presidential Race

Originally Posted by Landshark (Post 713495)
Then i WILL vote for Spiderman.

Or maybe Captain America!

I'd totally vote for Captain America. I bet he'd do great.

Lookin4SVX 10-12-2012 06:43 PM

Re: Presidential Race
I am a Ron Paul supporter, I am voting for Gary Johnson this time.
I voted LP in 2000 and 2004, so to me its like going home.

Obama is going to win, there is a chunk of the Republican voters that are voting LP in protest this year.

Huskymaniac 10-12-2012 08:06 PM

Re: Presidential Race
Another thread with a lot of fail. Actually, just one person. Voting for the 3rd part guy, who also happens to be the best choice, when you live in a state that is already decided not only sends a message of protest, it sends a message to other voters. Voting for a crappy candidate just because you think he has a better chance of beating the worst choice is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The best guy turns out to not have a chance because people didn't vote for him because they thought he wouldn't have a chance.

If Johnson does way better than expected, it might inspire and enCOURAGE more people to vote Liberterian in 2016 and give that guy a real chance.

Landshark 10-12-2012 08:17 PM

Re: Presidential Race

Originally Posted by Huskymaniac (Post 713514)
Another thread with a lot of fail. Actually, just one person. Voting for the 3rd part guy, who also happens to be the best choice, when you live in a state that is already decided not only sends a message of protest, it sends a message to other voters. Voting for a crappy candidate just because you think he has a better chance of beating the worst choice is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The best guy turns out to not have a chance because people didn't vote for him because they thought he wouldn't have a chance.

If Johnson does way better than expected, it might inspire and enCOURAGE more people to vote Liberterian in 2016 and give that guy a real chance.

Yep, this thread has fail now.

Huskymaniac 10-12-2012 08:58 PM

Re: Presidential Race
The fail started at post #5. still outta bullets.

Landshark 10-12-2012 09:47 PM

Re: Presidential Race

Originally Posted by Huskymaniac (Post 713523)
The fail started at post #5. still outta bullets.

I'll just assume you reported the post. Here, have a tissue.....

Lookin4SVX 10-13-2012 05:09 PM

Re: Presidential Race

Originally Posted by Huskymaniac (Post 713523)
The fail started at post #5. still outta bullets.


Originally Posted by Landshark (Post 713482)
Im no Romney lover, but a vote that isnt for him is a vote for Obama, unfortunately.

I took landshark off ignore so I could read post 5.
By the end of this thread I had put him back on ignore...
Husky, just put him on ignore, it helps.

This goes out to you landshark:

Romney = Obama..
They both want the same thing, more government and more control.
So either way you will end up with less wealth and less freedom.
You want 8 more years of this crap? I would rather have just 4.
Better off sticking with Obama so that in 2016 we can run liberty candidates on both tickets for the primaries to help wake up the masses.
There is also hope for a Ventura independent run in 2016.

I vote for the candidate that will best represent me, this time that would be Gary Johnson.
Too many people want to vote for the winner.. Its human nature..
People need to vote their conscious, not for who they think can win..

Either way this country is in serious trouble, what is happening in Spain is coming here soon..
As long as the Federal Reserve is issuing fiat currency, we are all losing wealth as they flood the market with dollars they print out of thin air.
As long as the IRS takes their share of your labor off the top, then we are all nothing more than surfs.
As long as there is a war on drugs, all your rights are in jeopardy.
As long as we continue our foreign policy of wars of aggression and occupying other nations, we will continue to experience blowback.

Neither Obama or Romney want to end the federal reserve, abolish the income tax and IRS, end the war on drugs, or return to a foreign policy of friendship and free trade with all other nations.
So neither one is getting my vote.

The treasury bubble is going to burst. All dollars are worth nothing. They are backed by nothing but the fact that you can only buy oil from OPEC in dollars. Why do you think there is all this talk about war with Iran? They are taking GOLD for oil..
If you didn't need dollars to buy oil, then other nations would have no need for dollars and wouldn't buy treasuries.. since in 1973 foreign nations can no longer exchange dollars for gold.. so they are just worthless paper.
So even our foreign policy is ruled by the federal reserve.. a private company.. just as federal as "federal express"... accept the federal reserve has not been audited since it was started in 1913..

Now china is to sell oil in yuan.. so the **** is going to hit the fan soon.
Not like we can bomb china, they got nukes, which is why Iran wants a nuke, so that they can sell their oil in not dollars, without fear of being invaded like Iraq was when Saddam threatened to sell oil in euros..
So now that china doesn't need dollars to buy oil, makes you wonder when they are going to dump all their treasuries and destroy our economy.

So, I am moving to the mountains in TN to get away from it all for when SHTF.
I don't want to be within 50miles of a major city...

Have a nice day.

SVXMAN2001 10-13-2012 06:32 PM

Re: Presidential Race
If you are voting for neither Romney nor Obama, you are effectively voting for Obama. Which is apparently want you want anyway, judging from your post.

Landshark 10-13-2012 07:05 PM

Re: Presidential Race

Originally Posted by SVXMAN2001 (Post 713584)
If you are voting for neither Romney nor Obama, you are effectively voting for Obama. Which is apparently want you want anyway, judging from your post.

I'll take anybody over Comrade Barry. This is not the election to prove a point about a third party, this is the time to get Barry out. Maybe next time vote a third party, not now.

Hello Lookin4aclue, you know damn well you dont have me on ignore. :lol: dumbass.

benebob 10-14-2012 06:55 AM

Re: Presidential Race

Originally Posted by Landshark (Post 713588)
I'll take anybody over Comrade Barry. This is not the election to prove a point about a third party, this is the time to get Barry out. Maybe next time vote a third party, not now.

Hello Lookin4aclue, you know damn well you dont have me on ignore. :lol: dumbass.

Spoken like a tried and true take it up trunk republican. Sadly they offer nothing I want once the religious freaks, the anti abortion freaks decide who the rest of the country can vote for.

Give me a fiscally conservative (sorry but Regan doesn't count as he ballooned the budget more than Carter, Billy, and Georgie X2 did) and socially democratic warm body to vote for and then I'll gladly cast my vote that direction. Until then I'd rather see the country hit rock bottom sooner as it will be easier to fix. A vote for Robomney is a vote for Obomney 64.

Huskymaniac 10-14-2012 08:33 AM

Re: Presidential Race

Originally Posted by SVXMAN2001 (Post 713584)
If you are voting for neither Romney nor Obama, you are effectively voting for Obama. Which is apparently want you want anyway, judging from your post.

I think you misunderstand. Most of us don't prefer Obama. We just don't see Romney as much better, if at all. I think they both suck, for different reasons. So there is little benefit to voting for "the guy that has a chance to beat Obama". There is a lot of benefit to providing momentum to Liberterian options. We view it as leading the sheeple toward a better option. If we show that option has viability in 2012, maybe that option has a real chance in 2016.

And you live in NY. Your vote doesn't matter in the outcome of this election. Obama will easily take NY so why not take this opportunity to join the revolution and be a leader? If you really think Romney is better than Obama, drive to Ohio to campaign for him but vote for the third party option in NY. Then you help the guy you want to win and you help further the effort to enable third part options.

Huskymaniac 10-14-2012 08:39 AM

Re: Presidential Race

Originally Posted by benebob (Post 713628)
Spoken like a tried and true take it up trunk republican. Sadly they offer nothing I want once the religious freaks, the anti abortion freaks decide who the rest of the country can vote for.

Give me a fiscally conservative (sorry but Regan doesn't count as he ballooned the budget more than Carter, Billy, and Georgie X2 did) and socially democratic warm body to vote for and then I'll gladly cast my vote that direction. Until then I'd rather see the country hit rock bottom sooner as it will be easier to fix. A vote for Robomney is a vote for Obomney 64.

Oh come on now, don't generalize every republican as "taking it up the trunk". It is just the ones that can't give it. Click, click...damn...they still be outta bullets.......

On a more serious note, it is possible to be Liberterian and anti-abortion and, at least spiritual, if not technically religious.

benebob 10-14-2012 10:55 AM

Re: Presidential Race

Originally Posted by Huskymaniac (Post 713633)
On a more serious note, it is possible to be Liberterian and anti-abortion and, at least spiritual, if not technically religious.

Sure it is, I'm not a fan of either but I also don't feel my morality is superior to someone who is a fan of either, I just don't see it as a federal gov't issue. That is why I have always had a strong distaste for Ron Paul and his many of his principles.

Landshark 10-14-2012 11:01 AM

Re: Presidential Race

Originally Posted by benebob (Post 713628)
Spoken like a tried and true take it up trunk republican. Sadly they offer nothing I want once the religious freaks, the anti abortion freaks decide who the rest of the country can vote for.

you sure are wrong a lot. :lol:

i don't care about abortion, religion (other than it has no place in government), or gay marriage. these are problems for the states ... or not as important to me as the federal budget, less taxes, infrastructure, illegal immigration, terrorism, and sending jobs overseas.

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