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jscorse 04-27-2001 09:03 AM

Polls - HELP
<<Please take a second to punch a button.>>


Help's my.....first time.:rolleyes:

svxxx26 04-27-2001 10:03 AM

Click on "General SVX Babble" so you can see the threads listed. Then go to the poll (it's marked with a blue & white check mark).

jscorse 04-27-2001 10:27 AM

Sorry, after I posted that admission :rolleyes:, I saw the thread for the poll. I was looking all over for a "button". I'm ok now.

Good work. :p

svxistentialist 04-27-2001 12:11 PM

Re: No word yet

Originally posted by svxter
I've made inquiries to both the Delorean and Avanti clubs, trying to establish contact with someone who can share experiences, suggestions, etc., for getting a club going. No word so far, but I'll post info when I get it. Meanwhile, I've started a little poll about dues - how much do you think they should be? It will take some cash to get this rolling. Please take a second to punch a button. Thanks.
Will do the poll Bill, it will be a barometer of what people expect.
However, there is an element of cart before horse about doing it this way. The fee should be enough to cover whatever resource the club puts up for the members. We would need to decide what we would provide for the membership fee. Put a good guestimate on this, divide by projected membership, and you have the minimum amount you need from that number of people.
As a member of the Matra Enthusiast's Club UK, I pay £15 stg a year, about $20 I think. For this I get a magazine posted out 6 times a year, but there are a lot of other things like club regalia, discounts on parts and so on. It's good value, and like with SVX's, you meet a lot of real nice folks.


svxter 04-27-2001 08:08 PM

Jerry, Joe

Thanks for the comments. As to what extra value you would get for the dues - that was one of the questions we kicked around a bit last Saturday night, without any clear resolution. What do you guys think? What would be your expectations for such an organization? Here's some items on my list:
Organized liason with Subaru, to encourage continued support for the SVX.
Marketing of SVX related items.
Provide an identifiable potential customer base to encourage aftermarket manufacturers.
Calendar of meets, rallys and social events.
Compilation of dealer recommendations, i.e., which ones are knowledgeable about the SVX, etc.
Member communications via electronic and print media.
I'm sure there are many others you can think of.

As to the question of dues - in a sense it is sort of cart before the horse, but it will, perhaps, give a notion of what people are willing to pay. That in turn, would help determine what the scope of activities could be. I certainly did not intend it as any kind of comittment on anyone's part, but just to get a sense of what might generally seem reasonable.

Also, the intent was to stimulate discussion.

Aredubjay 04-28-2001 01:35 PM


Originally posted by Jamsvx
Just on the issue of DeLorean's, about a week ago I came across a site (I think it was the DeLoreans owners page) where they have been persuing a mystery of their own a la the 4ws/turbo SVX.

The issue was where the moulds and metal pressings for the DeLoreans had gone when the company went under - turns out a Irish fisherman had pictures of the moulds being used as weights to hold down fishing nets for a fish farm off the Irish coast - can you imagine! There are pictures of them sending these priceless moulds over the side :(

I just hope the day never comes when we see photos of a certain production line serving as weights in a Japanese harbour.


James, that totally gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I can't imagine. When were these photos taken? Is it too late to mobilize GreenPeace to retrieve the moulds -- I mean, won't they contminate the water or something? My goodness gracious, that's certainly a travesty.

nubs 04-28-2001 07:26 PM

<<<The issue was where the moulds and metal pressings for the DeLoreans had gone when the company went under - turns out a Irish fisherman had pictures of the moulds being used as weights to hold down fishing nets for a fish farm off the Irish coast - can you imagine! There are pictures of them sending these priceless moulds over the side >>>

There is a special that they run on the History Channel about the demise of John DeLorians dream car. It says that the Irish government destroyed the molds so that there could never be any more of them made.:(

svxxx26 04-28-2001 09:32 PM

<<I certainly did not intend it as any kind of comittment on anyone's part, but just to get a sense of what might generally seem reasonable.>>

Yeah, and that's the basis on which I made my vote on the poll.
Without trying to sway anyones opinion, I really don't think we should consider anything less than $25/year, especially just starting out.

Aredubjay 04-28-2001 11:13 PM


Originally posted by svxxx26
<<I certainly did not intend it as any kind of comittment on anyone's part, but just to get a sense of what might generally seem reasonable.>>

Yeah, and that's the basis on which I made my vote on the poll.
Without trying to sway anyones opinion, I really don't think we should consider anything less than $25/year, especially just starting out.

I agree, Jerry. 25.00 is a reasonable contribution to be considered a "member." I believe SCOA's dues are on the same par. Which brings up another point -- I've been considering joining SCOA for quite some time. I've just been kinda putting it off, waiting to see what happens with the SVX organization. Are there any members of SCOA on this board, and, what does one get with their membership?

Among the things that Bill has listed, I believe membership dues should also go to helping maintain this website as the "official" communication device of the "Network." Although the generous contributions of those who've put so much into it are appreciated, again, we can't expect them to carry the brunt of the expense indefinitely. I don't know if a "Network Store," "Home Page" and other elements will attached to, lead to, or become a part of these "forums" but, I suppose that will be a consideration in the future.

We had spoken about putting the cart before the horse before -- first of all, we have to have one of each before we can actually put them in correct order. Right now, we're merely shopping around the livery stable and saying "that horse is nice . . . that cart is nice . . ." Let's find us the horse and the cart we want and put them in order.

svxistentialist 04-29-2001 04:25 AM


Originally posted by nubsjr
<<<The issue was where the moulds and metal pressings for the DeLoreans had gone when the company went under - turns out a Irish fisherman had pictures of the moulds being used as weights to hold down fishing nets for a fish farm off the Irish coast - can you imagine! There are pictures of them sending these priceless moulds over the side >>>

There is a special that they run on the History Channel about the demise of John DeLorians dream car. It says that the Irish government destroyed the molds so that there could never be any more of them made.:(

Just to set the record straight here on behalf of the Irish government, hopefully in a non-jingoistic fashion.

John Delorean's cars were built in Northern Ireland, and the factory was heavily subsidised by the government there, part of the UK parliament at the time, and still is UK, but with a local parliament.
They had serious egg on their faces over the heavy loss, and they would not have wanted Delorean setting up in South Africa say, and using the moulds and assembley lines that had been paid for by British money. Must say I sympathise with them, and would have done the same thing.
Also, without wishing to offend Delorean fans, and I've met a few, those cars were seriously over-rated. Motive power was a bog standard Renault 30 drivetrain, the car was heavy, so power to weight ratio was wrong, and the styling owes more to functionality than elegance. The car the Delorean should have been is the Renault Alpine A610, an absolutely fabulous car that did not sell in the numbers it deserved to.


svxistentialist 04-29-2001 04:36 AM

SVX Network News

Originally posted by Aredubjay

I agree, Jerry. 25.00 is a reasonable contribution to be considered a "member." I believe SCOA's dues are on the same par. Which brings up another point -- I've been considering joining SCOA for quite some time. I've just been kinda putting it off, waiting to see what happens with the SVX organization. Are there any members of SCOA on this board, and, what does one get with their membership?

Among the things that Bill has listed, I believe membership dues should also go to helping maintain this website as the "official" communication device of the "Network." Although the generous contributions of those who've put so much into it are appreciated, again, we can't expect them to carry the brunt of the expense indefinitely. I don't know if a "Network Store," "Home Page" and other elements will attached to, lead to, or become a part of these "forums" but, I suppose that will be a consideration in the future.

We had spoken about putting the cart before the horse before -- first of all, we have to have one of each before we can actually put them in correct order. Right now, we're merely shopping around the livery stable and saying "that horse is nice . . . that cart is nice . . ." Let's find us the horse and the cart we want and put them in order.

A couple of good points. Most clubs host meetings, events, do shows, publish magazines and so on. All of these contribute to the life of the club, and most have a cost. My original comment re cart and horse was just to make the point that there is a relationship between the cost of what is supplied, and the amount and resource the club is providing for the members.

It is perfectly feasable to start the club at the level of fees most consider reasonable, and then dispense resource at the level that suits for current membership numbers. In this respect, I think it is very important that some percentage or set amount of the fees be diverted to support the work that has already been done by the people who have devised this website. I am in awe of what they have achieved.


Aredubjay 04-29-2001 10:45 AM

Re: SVX Network News

Originally posted by svxistentialist

A couple of good points. Most clubs host meetings, events, do shows, publish magazines and so on. All of these contribute to the life of the club, and most have a cost. My original comment re cart and horse was just to make the point that there is a relationship between the cost of what is supplied, and the amount and resource the club is providing for the members.

It is perfectly feasable to start the club at the level of fees most consider reasonable, and then dispense resource at the level that suits for current membership numbers. In this respect, I think it is very important that some percentage or set amount of the fees be diverted to support the work that has already been done by the people who have devised this website. I am in awe of what they have achieved.


Just to clarify, since the printed word does not allow the luxury of seeing expression on faces nor tones of voice, the "cart before horse" comment did not offend. It was valid.

Unfortunately, as I look through the posts that show interest in this thread, we number somewhere around six or eight -- hardly a "respectable" showing among our current board membership of 152.

Since I started this thread in hopes of guaging, once and for all, an interest in "formally organizing," I'll have to say that I'm sorely disappointed at this point. I can see the possible recurrance of the pattern of the origination of this board, which was: when asked to supply input, people, for the most part, remained silent, but were willing to offer input "after the fact" to which, the administrators have reacted admirably while the reaction could've been, "sorry, where were you when we asked."

My point, in all this drivel, is this: it is imperative that we receive maximum input from the people who will benefit from the formal organization. We cannot (a miniscule percentage of us) create this organization and risk it's falling on its face because "after the fact" suggestions cannot (for whatever reason) be met. That's not good for our "customer satisfaction index." When we go into this, we want a strong, cohesive unit that is unified in its purpose and pathway -- only then, can we reap the benefits (ie Aftermarket parts, discounts, SOA support, etc.) that we seek and, may I add, deserve. Just my two cents (okay, maybe 25.00) worth.

svxistentialist 04-29-2001 11:26 AM

Club logic
Beg to differ on the use of the word "drivel" This is reasoned debate.

I made a point to Bill we ought to consider a different name than SVX Owner's *, simply because a lot of people [still] fall in love first, marry later.

Another point in favour of a more expansive approach; thanks to the web, this is a global community. Target support organisation here should be Fuji Japan, not SOA. On Yahoo and this site, there are 4 main markets represented:
1) USA
2) Japan
3) Antipodeans
4) UK/Ireland

A club representing all these groups could reasonably expect by volume to command the attention of the home corporation. Also, we are possibly able to demand better technical support for the cars in all markets. The primary communication organ here is the web. Let's use it for member's benefit. About time some of this technological boom we are promised ended up in our back pockets.


Aredubjay 04-29-2001 11:34 AM

And, may I use my 501st post merely to say, amen.

nvrmore100 04-29-2001 01:46 PM

Why not just start with the basics....
This is just a thought. For now...why not wait on the dues. I agree with the whole idea, and I think its a great one. The only thing is like you had said "What will I be getting from my money?". Why not, just for a start, make a easy to fill out form with where you are from, type of SVX etc. Something that is browseable via the net, even off this site. This will get the ball rolling, and won't keep the idea from dying down. Later on we can worry about club events, keychains, etc...etc...etc... Maybe just a featured SVX for the week to show off each owners ride. I also own a Sunfire which I joined up to the J-Body club with. They are here:

I can't say they have the best site, or the best events. However, by not really making things too involved right off the bat, they managed to get to over 40 or 50 times the members in it when I first joined. Also this made it much easier for me (being in where near where they are located), to keep up with club events and such. This would greatly help out people half way across the world trying to keep current.

One possible idea, would be start small and just make up a bunch of svx-net logos or something like that, that members could put on. These can be made for pennies when enough are done.

Just my two cents.


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